School Psychology For The 21st Century, Second Edition: Foundations And Practices
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A leading introductory text, this authoritative volume comprehensively describes the school psychologist's role in promoting positive academic, behavioral, and emotional outcomes for all students. The book emphasizes a problem-solving-based, data-driven  approach to practice in today's diverse schools. It grounds the reader in the concepts and tools needed to become a competent, ethical practitioner; implement and evaluate multi-tiered interventions; and facilitate systems-level change. Useful pedagogical features include illustrative vignettes and end-of-chapter discussion questions and activities. New to This Edition*Incorporates up-to-date research findings and professional standards.*Expanded coverage of response to intervention, cultural and linguistic diversity issues, and evidence-based practice in mental health.*Chapter on legal issues includes expanded coverage of IDEIA and other recent federal mandates.

Hardcover: 380 pages

Publisher: The Guilford Press; 2 edition (November 11, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1609187520

ISBN-13: 978-1609187521

Product Dimensions: 7 x 1 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (11 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #86,343 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #43 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Psychiatry > Child #129 in Books > Textbooks > Education > Administration #180 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Psychiatry

While this is the most popular book for introductory school psychology courses, I found there wasn't much information offered that wasn't obvious to people who are even slightly knowledgeable about the job.I'm a research psychologist who was interested in looking into school psychology and so picked up this book hoping to learn about what it takes to become a school psychologist and what working in the field would be like. I read the book cover-to-cover and found pretty much all of it to be completely obvious. I found more helpful information looking up the "school psychology" into Wikipedia. The book does a decent job outlining what it takes to become a school psychologist, but doesn't offer much in-depth information on what the job entails. Perhaps this is because the field is so large with so many varied occupations and this book is for as broad an audience as possible.If you're interested in becoming a school psychologist, I suggest getting a book specifically on the exact job you're interested in, whether it's assessment, research, administration, etc. A book this broad is not helpful unless you have no idea about the field and, in that case, just do a bit a researching online for free.

I'm surprised that this textbook had generally negative reviews because I thought it was quite good. It covered all of the NASP core domains of school psychology (obviously at a relatively superficial level - since it is an introductory text), including assessment, prevention, intervention, consultation, and research. Although the book was a bit too idealistic at times, I feel like that I learned a good amount concerning the field (having had little prior knowledge).The information in the textbook is pretty up-to-date, including concepts like RtI and EBP that have only gained popularity in the 21st century, for the most part. It was also interesting to read about the changing demographics of the field of school psychology, concerning the age, gender, race of school psychology practitioners and professors.Obviously, this book would only really suit an introductory class because it is quite basic. I do agree with the previous reviewers that there were some areas that weren't addressed at all that are quite common in the field (e.g., bullying) and that you could learn a lot about the field simply by consulting online resources. But as an introductory text, I think that it serves its purpose, and it has made me excited about entering this changing field!

Condition of a new book.Helps future psychologists to understand the past role of school psychologists into the present and probabilities of the future of school psychologists.

Easy to follow. Great to have on the bookshelf as a quick reference. I used it for class, for my practicum portfolio, and to study for the Praxis II. Thanks Dr. Merrell!

Many parts feel like they could be significantly shorter without sacrificing content, but otherwise this a very good and well-researched intro to the field.

As a first year graduate student, this book has been great. It has a good layout and is full of good information.

Good and very cleanThank you


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