Psychopharmacology: Drugs, The Brain And Behavior
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Recent advances in molecular pharmacology and brain imaging have revolutionized our understanding of how psychoactive drugs work. Now, from the authors of Principles of Neuropsychopharmacology, comes a new undergraduate textbook integrating these developments. The first section of the book provides extensive foundation materials, including the basic principles of pharmacology, neurophysiology and neuroanatomy, synaptic transmission, and methods in psychopharmacology. The second section describes key features of major neurotransmitter systems, including the catecholamines, serotonin, acetylcholine, glutamate and GABA. The third and fourth sections discuss theories and mechanisms of drug addiction and psychopathology. All major substances of abuse as well as drugs used to treat mental illness are covered. Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the Brain and Behavior is unique in its breadth of coverage, ranging from historical accounts of drug use to clinical and preclinical behavioral studies to the latest research on drug effects in transgenic mouse models. Student engagement with the material is fostered by opening each chapter with a relevant vignette and by providing breakout boxes presenting novel or cutting-edge topics for special discussion. The book is extensively illustrated with full-color photographs and line art depicting important concepts and experimental data. Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the Brain and Behavior is appropriate for undergraduate psychopharmacology or drugs and behavior courses that emphasize relationships between the behavioral effects of psychoactive drugs and their mechanisms of action.

Hardcover: 555 pages

Publisher: Sinauer Associates; 1 edition (October 1, 2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0878935347

ISBN-13: 978-0878935345

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 8.5 x 10.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 3 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (22 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #209,609 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #42 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Pain Medicine #66 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > Psychopharmacology #70 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Psychopharmacology

I used the more advanced version of this text (Principles of Neuropsychopharmacology) for a course in neuropharmacology in graduate school. This an excellent version of that text aimed at the undergraduate level--like the longer version, this text is extremely well written, clear, concise, and filled with illustrations that really "illustrate" the points made in the text. I can't recommend this text more highly for advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in psychopharmacology.

I agree with the three previous reviews that the book is easy to read, comprehensive, and has excellent illustrations and summary tables. But, at times there is too much complex information presented. The major problem is that with a cover date of 2004, it is sadly out of date, and thus fails to cover important new information, especially the significance of neuroregeneration (which as well known by 2004) and serotonin's role in the brain. My major specific criticism is that the chapter on affective disorders reviews very nicely the various therapeutic approaches especially to depression (with the above caveat about new findings), but the student reader comes away very confused, because there is no synthesis of the complex data and approaches. I understand very well how difficult that is to do, but at the end of this very long chapter, the student is left hanging. Let's hope a new edition will help.

Fantastic; Clear and precise with plenty of diagrams. The best introduction to psychopharmacology I could have received.

We used this in a Graduate psychopharmacology course. Although it was a bit elementary and geared more towards an undergraduate level, I found it to be a helpful resource because I did not have much of the background knowledge for the course.

Very well written with a good balance of core content and examples. Most of the subheadings are very short summaries of the material about to be covered which is extremely helpful since they give you a sense of where the section is going. The section and chapter summaries are also very helpful. Between the explanatory subheadings, the actual text, and the summaries all key points are covered three times, making it much easier handle the rather difficult subject matter. More textbook authors should use this format.

I am very pleased with the basic explanation presented by the authors of this textbook. It is broken down that it is so simple, yet builds it up so you are able to understand, or reference back to previous topics of discussion when you approach complex topics.

very interesting and informative for those who have been formally educated on the subject (my girlfriend) and those who have not (me). Lots of cool, colored diagrams and whatnot--very nice.peace,joe

Great introduction to the exciting world of psychopharmacology. Good for people with an interest in how the brain works but with a limited background in biochemistry/pharmacy (eg mathematicians, psychologists).

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