Series: For Dummies
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: For Dummies; 7 edition (June 7, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1119293340
ISBN-13: 978-1119293347
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.8 x 9.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (95 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #6,227 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #28 in Books > Business & Money > Investing > Introduction
I'm confounded by claims of other reviewers that they don't understand the book. 'Investing' within itself is a very broad topic with a plethora of subfields. Each of which can have an entire "for dummies" book written for within itself. Author Eric Tyson has to write within sustainable limits (in this case, 380 pages), which I believe he did very well. Many subfields of investing may be eccentric and complicated, but its very hard to elucidate it thoroughly within the limits of what the author had to cover. The author went over things such as investing in capital market securities (stocks, bonds), real estate, and small businesses. On top of that the author gave many well-researched opinions and recommendations. The recommendations were extremely solid and the following is a luminous example of that: His keen recommendation to veer away Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) corporations, or "pyramid schemes" in alternate parlance. These dead-end business propositions have gone rampant (I've been approached multiple times this summer), and to abominable levels. It reminds me of my response to a woman who tried to recruit me and acted nasty when I called her 'business' a pyramid scheme. I retorted:"The fact you take that personally illuminates the ominous nature of pyramid schemes. One that entrances victims into a dark realm that paints deceptive vignettes of success but in nature is just a superficial pestilence, vacuuming in the most credulous of people.".I apologize for my detraction, but I'm just very happy the author covered it in the text albeit briefly.As a second year Accounting and Finance student, I thought the author did very well at helping me understand many things about investing despite my obvious lack of experience and exposure.
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