The Power Of The Actor
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In The Power of the Actor, a Los Angeles Times bestseller, premier acting teacher and coach Ivana Chubbuck reveals her cutting-edge technique, which has launched some of the most successful acting careers in Hollywood.The first book from the instructor who has taught Charlize Theron, Brad Pitt, Elisabeth Shue, Djimon Hounsou, and Halle Berry, The Power of the Actor guides you to dynamic and effective results. For many of today’s major talents, the Chubbuck Technique is the leading edge of acting for the twenty-first century. Ivana Chubbuck has developed a curriculum that takes the theories of the acting masters, such as Stanislavski, Meisner, and Hagen, to the next step by utilizing inner pain and emotions, not as an end in itself, but rather as a way to drive and win a goal.In addition to the powerful twelve-step process, the book takes well-known scripts, both classic and contemporary, and demonstrates how to precisely apply Chubbuck’s script-analysis process. The Power of the Actor is filled with fascinating and inspiring behind-the-scenes accounts of how noted actors have mastered their craft and have accomplished success in such a difficult and competitive field.

File Size: 10938 KB

Print Length: 400 pages

Publisher: Avery; Reprint edition (August 18, 2005)

Publication Date: August 18, 2005

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #150,595 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #36 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Arts & Photography > Theater > Acting & Auditioning #71 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Reference > Encyclopedias #173 in Books > Arts & Photography > Performing Arts > Theater > Acting & Auditioning

As someone who has studied acting for the better part of his life, Mrs. Chubbuck's book comes as a breath of fresh air. Anyone who studies acting finds himself surrounded by teachers who preach techniques that sound great in the classroom or the lecture hall, but fail miserably onstage or in front of the camera. The actor always blames himself; if he fails, he tells himself it's because he hasn't worked hard's never that what he has learned simply doesn't work.Thankfully, Mrs. Chubbuck's book suffers from none of these problems. Yes, it's an excellent, entertaining read, and yes, the anecdotes about major stars whom she has coached are insightful and relevant, but the true strength of this book is in it's relentless pragmatism. There is nothing in this book that does not WORK; every word has been thoroughly tested against thousands of scripts from every imagnable genre of stage and screen. Mrs. Chubbuck's technique can take you from line readings and pre-conceived ideas into real human behavior; neurotic, fascinating and other words, the way people really are.This is, in my opinion, the most important book about the craft of acting written in the last 20 years. It doesn't discount the work of those teachers who have come before, but respectfully pulls it all into the 21st century in a way that has never been done before, and is desperately, desperately needed. Regardless of what you've studied, your work cannot help but be enriched by this technique. Five stars.

I can't go anywhere without this book....If you're really serious about being an actor you should get familiar with the Chubbuck has changed me as an actor and a as empowers you! It gives you all you need to live a role.

As someone who has studied acting for the better part of his life, Mrs. Chubbuck's book comes as a breath of fresh air. Anyone who studies acting finds himself surrounded by teachers who preach techniques that sound great in the classroom or the lecture hall, but fail miserably onstage or in front of the camera. The actor always blames himself; if he fails, he tells himself it's because he hasn't worked hard's never that what he has learned simply doesn't work.Thankfully, Mrs. Chubbuck's book suffers from none of these problems. Yes, it's an excellent, entertaining read, and yes, the anecdotes about major stars whom she has coached are insightful and relevant, but the true strength of this book is in it's relentless pragmatism. There is nothing in this book that does not WORK; every word has been thoroughly tested against thousands of scripts from every imaginable genre of stage and screen. Mrs. Chubbuck's technique can take you from line readings and pre-conceived ideas into real human behavior; neurotic, fascinating and other words, the way people really are.This is, in my opinion, the most important book about the craft of acting written in the last 20 years. It doesn't discount the work of those teachers who have come before, but respectfully pulls it all into the 21st century in a way that has never been done before, and is desperately, desperately needed. Regardless of what you've studied, your work cannot help but be enriched by this technique. Five stars.

Her premise is spot on. If you are going to expend the effort to bring up emotions, use them for courage: the courage to do incredible things that will inspire the audience.I really liked the sound of that, so I checked out this book. Her 12 step technique is pretty much a rehash of method techniques. There may be some twists lent to them from her empowerment philosophy, but I didnt see many real, applicable differences. I wasn't drawn in by her writing style either. I have read some acting books that got me burning to get back on stage, and this wasn't one of them.I will admit, I enjoyed chapters 9 (which talks about making the most out of business) and 10 (inner monologue). I think it's because these are ways to get your impressions OUT THERE for people to look at. Even though she says she is trying to get away from it, most of her technique is too internal and too analytical.Ivana Chubbuck, like many others, preys upon the insecurities of actors, and their need to be "the best." Don't fall into the trap of buying into yet another self-righteous acting coach/guru.A technique like this is far too rigid, and will do more harm than good. You will end up wasting your time and/or money and hurting your acting. Trust me when I tell you, you DO NOT need this book to act with courage or act to win. If you are looking for a modern, fresh approach, buy "How to Stop Acting" by Harold Guskin instead.

I have searched for years to find a technique that I could connect with and really dig into and I have finally found it. Her concepts are explained in understandable ways and the real life examples in the book are relatable and inspiring to see what well-known actors have gone through to get their great performances. I can't wait to apply this technique to future work and see where it brings me as an actress. I recommend this book to any actor or performer who wants to take their work to the next level.

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