Assistive Technologies: Principles And Practice, 4e
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It’s here: the latest edition of the one text you need to master assistive strategies, make confident clinical decisions, and help improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Based on the Human Activity Assistive Technology (HAAT) model, Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition provides detailed coverage of the broad range of devices, services, and practices that comprise assistive technology, and focuses on the relationship between the human user and the assisted activity within specific contexts. Updated and expanded, this new edition features coverage of new ethical issues, more explicit applications of the HAAT model, and a variety of global issues highlighting technology applications and service delivery in developing countries.Human Activity Assistive Technology (HAAT) framework demonstrates assistive technology within common, everyday contexts for more relevant application.Focus on clinical application guides you in applying concepts to real-world situations.Review questions and chapter summaries in each chapter help you assess your understanding and identify areas where more study is needed.Content on the impact of AT on children and the role of AT in play and education for children with disabilities demonstrates how AT can be used for early intervention and to enhance development. Coverage of changing AT needs throughout the lifespan emphasizes how AT fits into people’s lives and contributes to their full participation in society.Principles and practice of assistive technology provides the foundation for effective decision-making.NEW! Global issues content broadens the focus of application beyond North America to include technology applications and service delivery in developing countries.NEW! Ethical issues and occupational justice content exposes you to vital information as you start interacting with clients.NEW! More case studies added throughout the text foster an understanding of how assistive technologies are used and how they function.NEW! Updated content reflects current technology and helps keep you current.NEW! Explicit applications of the HAAT model in each of the chapters on specific technologies and more emphasis on the interactions among the elements make content even easier to understand.

Hardcover: 496 pages

Publisher: Mosby; 4 edition (January 1, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 032309631X

ISBN-13: 978-0323096317

Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 0.9 x 11.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (6 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #62,195 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #6 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Bioengineering > Biomedical Engineering #15 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation #48 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Allied Health Services > Occupational Therapy

I know it's a textbook, but it is painfully dry. Author explains devices and techniques poorly and should rely more on images. I found myself looking devices/concepts up online, only to find that what she is describing (10x wiring for example) is no longer used. There are images in the book, but they are extremely outdated (pictures of students using what appears to be the very first Mac computer). The author spends (wastes) a great deal of the reader's time saying that topics were covered in a previous chapter, or topic will be covered in a later chapter, or topic will be covered later/earlier in this chapter. The author also writes in a spiraling fashion. She briefly introduces a device/concept, then later in the chapter explains it a bit more, then later again in the chapter she revisits it. This makes finding the information you're looking for tedious and (from a student's point of view) makes taking notes annoying and drawn out. I bet if all of those wasted sentences were removed from the text and the information was presented sufficiently, the book would be much smaller, cheaper and read much quicker. Finally, the book is littered with grammatical and other errors. In one section, the author is explaining a device and refers the reading to a graphic - which is the wrong graphic.If you have to get this book for a class, I am sorry. Rent it or borrow it. If you want some information on AT, save your money and look elsewhere.

This book is informative in the sense that a lot of this information is not contained all together in another textbook. It is recommended by RESNA as a useful tool for studying for the Assistive Technology Practitioner (ATP) Exam, so I bought it thinking that there was no way a professional society would recommend this text without having read it first. However, I found it to be poorly written, repetitive, and generally hard to understand. There are countless grammatical and spelling mistakes that are distracting from the topics. The author seemingly takes paragraphs that have already been written in another chapter and drops them in a later chapter, and then states that it was discussed in that previous chapter. Then why rewrite it? There are so many brief descriptions of products that are unclear and outdated. I know this book recently came out with its fourth edition, but it definitely needs a fifth soon.

I mean, unless you're an enthusiastic OT (or other health professional) getting this for kicks and giggles, if you're like me you had to get this for a class which changes how you view things. It's not the best text ever, but not the worst.. enjoy?

Comprehensive -- very useful information and lots of it. It is a bit repetitive, however.

First time renting. Very easy to return. Gave reminders when time was close to up.

One Bible that all special education teachers should have.

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