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The independent film community is a buzz with the collapse of the traditional independent film distribution model. No longer can filmmakers expect their films to be acquired and released nationally. But just as the digital revolution created a democratization of the means of production, a new hybrid model of distribution has created a way for independent filmmakers to take control of the means of distribution. This hybrid approach is not just DIY or Web based it combines the best techniques from each distribution arena, old and new. Jon Reiss spoke with countless filmmakers, distributors, publicists, web programmers, festival programmers and marketing experts to create this ultimate guide to film distribution and marketing for the digital era. Unlike any other book on the subject, Think Outside the Box Office is the first to address the new distribution and marketing landscape facing filmmakers today. Throughout the book, Reiss redefines the process from a filmmaker s point of view empowering the reader to create unique strategies for their individual films. Filmmakers are hungry for information on how to distribute and market their films. No single resource exists that combines all of the knowledge and tools now available to them. Think Outside the Box Office fills that void. The book is a break through step-by-step nuts and bolts guide to distributing and marketing a film. Each chapter addresses an essential aspect of a film s release and offers specific techniques so filmmakers can take control of their distribution and marketing destiny. Instead of buying multiple out of date books and searching the web for hints and tips now all of this information is available in one place for the first time. Topics include: o Audience identification and targeting o Negotiating split rights agreements for your film. o A reclassification of film rights from a filmmaker s perspective. o Your distribution and marketing team. o Integrating marketing into your production and post o Social networking crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. o Budgeting for distribution and marketing. o Redefining the theatrical release. o Booking a conventional and unconventional theatrical release. o The new role of film festivals. o Conventional and web marketing. o How to sell DVDs with a distributor and on your own. o How to negotiate with digital distributors and aggregators. o How to DIY your digital rights. o Using transmedia for marketing and expanded creativity.

Paperback: 354 pages

Publisher: HYBRID CINEMA (February 25, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 098257620X

ISBN-13: 978-0982576205

Product Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (40 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #311,970 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #127 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Performing Arts #230 in Books > Business & Money > Marketing & Sales > Marketing > Direct #380 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Movies > Video > Direction & Production

I ordered Reiss' book as soon as I heard about it, as I had just finished shooting my first feature film this summer. I wish we had this book last year! But we are still in post-production so we'll get at least a metric ton of valuable information even at this point in the process to put into use before we finish the final edit and release our film. Now, the question is: how will we release it?Many people would tell you the film business is somewhat broken and you cannot rely on a huge win at a festival and having your film bought and vaulted to hundreds of screens. This being the case, you have to work a little harder, you have to know how to manage your rights (digital and otherwise), how to market and reach your audience yourself and more than you ever thought as a filmmaker. Jon's book is very timely, full of current information (but he should sell it with a PDF update for future revisions!) and has answers to all types of questions. Theatrical? Festival? DVD? VOD? Streaming? BitTorrent? And how much time and money does this all take to do this DIY (do it yourself) anyway? How do I use social media to reach my audience? There are a million questions and Jon covers them all, and ably, too. I cannot recommend this book enough, especially for the price. Get yours now before Reiss figures out what a goldmine he's got here and starts charging $2,995 for a seminar that covers the same! Seriously, you could spend a lot of money on seminars and such and not get as much value as you get in "Think Outside the Box Office."

Everyone knows that no one knows exactly where the independent film world is heading - but the people who help it find its way will no doubt be greatly influenced by this book.For the past year I have been reading all the great blogs and information that is out there. Among the best: Ted Hope's Truly Free Film, Power to the Pixel, The Workbook Project/ DIY Days. This book along with Scott Kirsner's "Fans, Friends, and Followers" are, in my opinion, the two most important books to have if you're committed to creating and building an audience for you and your film.John's book contains the best current information and tools from all over the web in one place. This combined with his own personal experiences in DIY make it a bible for a new generation of filmmakers. But as he recognizes, this is a work that will continue to grow as filmmakers experiment with new tools and strategies.Yes, it is dense. Good. We don't need more endless circle jerk conversations where everyone leaves more confused than when they entered. Lets start getting stuff done.I've recently finished my first feature script and am in the process of putting together a strategy for my film using many of the ideas contained in this book. I keep it next to me 24/7.The most exciting part of the book for me is that John recognizes that this industry is in flux - and therefore the conversation doesn't end with the book. He'll be launching a website soon where all of us can come and add to the conversation the book starts. What works, what doesn't, what are new tools we can use to make sure we're laying the foundation for long careers and not financial ruin.I highly recommend ordering this book.Jesse Shapirops. I recognize I'm the first review and that always looks fishy. Full disclosure: I've never met John or spoken to him. I saw him from afar at the filmmaker forum this year. He looked like a nice enough guy.

Great book. I heard Jon speak at a seminar and this book is the next best thing AND goes into tons more you'll want to read and reread. Really a good book about marketing in the modern world regardless of what you're selling or what your brand is.

(Context: Having been around around the block with my no-budget 1st feature distributor-free even after Sundance/Berlin, I saw the light and abandoned film for a webseries in '07. )I'd never even heard of Jon Reiss or his doc BOMB IT when I bought my copy of THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX OFFICE at the IFP 09. (The extent of my relationship with Reiss is that I bought the book, he signed it, I said 'thank you' and months later I twittered about it once.) Wish it had been written two years ago as it would have saved me months of hours of trying to figure out the 'outreach'/distribution angle so critical to making web video production a paying (instead of a volunteer) job.The book has no fat, no fluff. It's hard core, detailed, factual information covering everything from how to set up an effective website which search engines will be able to find, to the privacy settings you should use on the different types of fb GROUP accounts to maximize the splash of one fb post. Digital rights, merchandise, publicity, crowd sourcing are just some of the areas Reiss covers. There are a lot of actions he recommends taking which could take months of work even with an army of interns helping. Think of it like the course work for an MBA in monetizing media. As another commenter said, this book and Scott Kirsner's FANS, FRIENDS & FOLLOWERS are indispensable for anyone making media today. I'm grateful that Reiss 'rushed it out' with a few typos. It's gold.

If you are an indie filmmaker or producer, don't get this book. It's so full of amazing information that I don't want you to have it, too. It contains everything you should know about film distribution RIGHT NOW. Everything. It's an easy and quick read, but very dense with valuable facts and statistics that will give you the advantage over the sea of other struggling filmmakers.Marketing has always been hand in hand with filmmaking, but this book proves that marketing is potentially more important than the film itself, if you want to see success. The best thing about the book is that it defines different kinds of success. Success doesn't just mean money. There are more significant measurements of success for the indie filmmaker depending on what level you are at and what your goals are.Okay, I've said enough. Please don't buy this book. It will unlock too many secrets of film distribution and put you ahead of the game.

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