To Be Or Wanna Be: The Top Ten Differences Between A Successful Actor And A Starving Artist
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Created as a primer for the beginning actor, To Be or Wanna Be, takes you on a journey that reveals the path to becoming a successful actor, as well as how to avoid the pitfalls of the starving artist. Beginning with the simple, yet important distinctions of how to take control of your career, and through personal anecdotes of how he discovered them, Sean guides you toward the more complex and powerful concepts that will make all the difference in your future success as an actor. Covering topics such as finding the right day job, networking, becoming the CEO of “Your Career Inc.” and marketing to the right niche, each idea is accompanied with a "How To" section and additional resources that will propel you forward on the road to success in your acting career.

Paperback: 130 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (July 18, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1477597883

ISBN-13: 978-1477597880

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (29 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,387,807 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #496 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Performing Arts #23839 in Books > Arts & Photography > Performing Arts #113757 in Books > Humor & Entertainment

Sean Pratt’s TO BE OR WANNA BE is destined to become a classic. With it’s polite debunking of the ‘starving artist’ syndrome, he takes the reader on the journey of Responsibility. The methods for a focused plan leading to success are as applicable to a career as a sculptor or any other creative endeavor. Disclaimer: I ‘ear read’ the audio book before reading it. Sean’s narration voice is as clear and easy to digest as his message. I bought copies for the youngsters in my life who are embarking on show business careers. An absolute must-have for anyone making a living where art meets commerce. I will be re-reading this one. A lot.

Sean Pratt who wrote TO BE OR WANNA BE may be a guru. At the very least you will feel like you have a personal mentor reading this business-of-the-business book. He deals in a no-holds-barred way with very real, very human, and in my experience as a teacher, widespread career-deflating shortcomings in actors. He helps us confront some basic truths about ourselves, our attitudes, and our approaches to our careers. Sean organizes his ideas into "10 Crucial Differences" between "the successful actor and the starving artist." His writing is vivid. He illustrates with examples from his own experiences as a working actor. Taking advantage of what seems to be some very recent discoveries about how people really make adjustments in their behavior, he crafts specific exercises to help actors move themselves out of the "starving artist" rut. This is a concise and practical book I wish I could have given my students when I taught "the business of the business" to actors on the university level. Mr. Pratt's approach to this material is simply unique.It's an advanced and beginning book in one: "beginning" because I would have wasted a lot less time if I had this as a young actor. And "advanced" because I'm pretty sure it could jumpstart a pro's career in short order. This is a book to buy.

This is a wonderful primer that gives you full and complete information on how to succeed as an actor. It is laid out with simple instructions to assure your success, plus Sean offers help from other sources.I've read many books on acting. This one kept my attention because it was concise. There were no tangents and no self-glorification by the author. Sean's stories simply illuminated his points.I recommend this book to anyone who wants an easy-to-comprehend outline for how to become a professional actor. It will get you there.

There are lots of how-to books out there for actors. This one cuts to the chase. No more muddling about with why or how your career isn't going in the right direction, or moving as quickly as you'd like it to. It's all outlined here. Sean's always been a doer - and having this book by your side is like having a helpful friend in the business, someone you trust to tell it to you like it is. It's up-to-date and insightful. So many times in reading this I thought "Hey, that's me..." or "Yes, this is exactly what happens." - and I've been working as an actor for 20+ years. (I actually took some notes for myself!) Having discipline in all aspects of your acting career is key -- this book helps to lay the groundwork. Invaluable.

When I heard about Sean Pratt's new book To Be Or Wanna Be, I couldn't wait to to get my hands on it. I have watched and learned from several of Sean's tutorials online, and knew from watching those, that he is the real deal, and understands the business of acting inside and out.I have to say that when the book arrived, my reaction before opening it was "this is really slim, I wonder how much information this could possibly contain?"Well, as someone who has from day one run their acting business as a business, I was bowled over at what this book has to offer the novice and experienced actor alike.Sean has managed to encapsulate the main actions that separate the successful actor from the starving artist, and has given the actor a practical plan of the essential things to do to make a successful career possible.I particularly loved the idea of including specific books at the end of each chapter to expand upon the themes presented in each chapter, many of which I have not come across, and I thought I had read them all! However that is the icing on the cake, the nuts and bolts of how to have a successful career in acting are contained in Sean's words. This book is all about practical actions, and discusses not so common sense. There is no fluff to be found therein.This book is in a class of it's own in my opinion,and it's slim size proved to be one it's strengths!The advice is doable, and will help the reader formulate a concrete success plan that can deliver real and life changing results.I wish I had had, the benefit of this expert advice when I started in the business of acting!

This is a book that any performing artist should read, put away, and read again every couple of years.Polonius says:"Brevity is the soul of wit" and Sean seems to have embraced that in his book. He gets to the point - though listed as 130 pages, the actual text is somewhat less. So you won't spend days wading through it - Sean is direct and concise.The book really should be subtitled "Ten habits of highly employable actors" - Sean gets straight to the point of things of which every actor (actually any performing artist - the advice would also apply to singers, dancers, etc.) should be aware. My experience in reading the book was there were a few subjects where I thought "Yeah, think I've got that covered" but more that created the thought "Damn, that is something I need to go to work on" and a few that made me want to curl into fetal position and say "I don't really have to do THAT to be an actor, do I?". But the logic is unassailable - these are ten thing you MUST do to give yourself the best possible chance of finding success. Once you're able to step away from the quivering emotional mass that is your ego, the soundness of Sean's advice is apparent.This is a no-brainer. After spending how many thousands of dollars developing your performing skills why would you not make the $15 investment to learn how to market what you've got.

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