Hedge Your Investment Portfolio: How To Hedge Your Investment Portfolio With Diversification, Options, And Futures
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Discover Specific Strategies For Hedging Your Investment PortfolioAn investment portfolio should be making regular gains and increasing in value. When the market is changing though, you may be tempted to move out of stocks, to protect your investment. This can become very expensive and will realize your capital gains. A better strategy is to use hedging to protect your investment portfolio from market fluctuations.Hedging is basically creating a position that moves with an inverse correlation to movements in your investment portfolio. Simply put, if your investments go up, your hedge goes down, and if your investments go down, your hedge goes up.In this book, you'll learn specific strategies for hedging your investments with options, futures, and diversification. Plus, you'll learn when you should and when shouldn't hedge your investments as well as common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid.Here are some of the specifics you'll learn...- An overview of what hedging is and why it's critically important to hedge your investment portfolio-- Chapter 1- 3 diversification strategies that you can use to build hedging right into your portfolio-- Chapter 2- Hedging is not for everyone-- Here's an in-depth discussion of when you should or shouldn't hedge your investments-- Chapter 3- The 2 most important things to consider before using an investment hedging strategy-- Chapter 3- A specific step-by-step strategy for hedging using options, including a detailed example-- Chapter 4- A specific step-by-step strategy for hedging using futures, including a detailed example-- Chapter 5- Numerous common mistakes (that can cost you big time!) and how to avoid them-- Chapter 6- And much much more!Download your copy today!

File Size: 335 KB

Print Length: 22 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: June 18, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #503,739 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #124 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Investing > Options #297 in Books > Business & Money > Investing > Options #351 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Investing > Stocks

This is more like a magazine article about hedging portfolios than a book. It took me ~30' to read it and has two examples, one on options and another for futures as vehicles to hedge. The material makes sense but it can hardly be called a book.Nothing wrong with that, just be aware that this another of those book to advertise a web page. At least the price is equivalent to a hard copy magazine and the concepts are useful to save you money if you apply them wisely.I guess I was expecting more, that's all.

A portfolio is a long term investment, panicking when the market fluctuates can be costly & unnecessary since the market typically rebounds and continues to grow. When there is a realistic expectation of market changes Hedging is a better approach to protecting your investment. Hedging is making an investment to reduce the risk of adverse price movements in a security. Ideally it reduces risk to nothing except the cost of the investment. Diversification is one hedging strategy that can be built into your portfolio without incurring any costs. Effective hedging can save you lots of money but consider positions carefully. If the economy is really crashing consider other options like cashing out or moving into commodities. James does a good job again with detail and examples but this time I felt like he tried to put in too much information and it made it a little difficult to read.

This how-to guide has an insightful introduction and overview. I found the information within to be useful for discovering if hedging a portfolio is a good idea (it depends on the individual). If you do decide to do this, here you can also find information on when you should do it, which includes factors like cost, market conditions and choice of brokers. There are concise details on these factors for both diversification with options and futures with explanations of each.If you are a novice to trading like me, you might want to read up on how to get started futures trading.

In this book you will learn specific strategies for Hedging Your Investments with options, future, and diversification. also, you will learn when you should and when you should not Hedge Your Investments as well as common pitfall's and mistakes to avoid.

In this book, you'll learn specific strategies for hedging your investments with options, futures, and diversification. An investment portfolio should be making regular gains and increasing in value. Hedging is creating a position that moves with correlation to movements in your investment portfolio. Mr. James did an excellent job of explaining all of this and a lot more. This book is not a long read and it is totally worth the price and time I definitely recommend this book for all novice trader and even experts.

It's good to know about hedging, but I don't see myself using it but under unique circumstances. I like the fact that it's a highly liquid way of protecting your investments. There's a lot of research involved before getting into hedge funds and it also seems like hedging will only come into play for people with huge portfolios. I liked to examples that used options and futures to run through calculations. That was helpful. Unfortunately, there were one too many grammar errors I was able to catch while reading through the material, which was kind of annoying from a book like this one.

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