Automated Real Estate Investing: How To Get A Constant Stream Of No Down, Seller Financed Deals To Contact You
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How To Automate 90% Of The Work Finding And Flipping Real Estate DealsThese methods will allow you to buy and sell property without using money for down payments or having to show your credit report.This system is not a get-rich-quick scheme and it won't make you a dime if you don't do the work. But if you follow the instructions, you can build a fully automated real estate investing business that provides you a great living.Here's how the system works:The software gathers powerful, motivated seller leads from several websites online. It typically finds anywhere from 100 to 1000 new leads per city, per WEEK, depending on where you are in the free world - yes, it works in other nations. It's a never ending new source of sellers that refreshes every hour and they are free to gather and free to email. After the software sends out the email, the Seller responses start coming in. You don't need to read the email responses, instead, the software's artificial intelligence reads the email for you, puts them into categories and adds the lead to the appropriate autoresponder campaign. It sends the lead a sequence of emails that drive them to a sales website. A small percentage of the leads will read the site and fill out the online form, accepting our offer and giving you control of their property. And sometimes, they do this WITHOUT talking to you! It happens to EVERYONE who uses this system.Some of them will get your email and do nothing - but the autoresponder will continue to follow up and send them email FOREVER. It's amazing how many deals come in with this system months after first contacting them.The book will also show you how to do deals like this WITHOUT the software. The software costs money, but the book will show you how to do the work the software does without spending a dime and still flip multiple deals every month.Once you have the deal and control the property, you can bring on a virtual assistant in the city where the house is located. You don't need someone with a high level of skill and they won't be doing the work of a real estate agent, so they don't need a license. The local virtual assistant is going to put a sign in the yard, take some digital pictures and put a lockbox on the door. They are also going to contact the Seller by phone and pick up the key.They are going to post your property "for sale" using the online sites we tell you to use. Again, the book shows you the complete process so there is no guesswork. You pay them about $8 per hour and they will typically put in 4 or 5 hours on each deal.There are two web sites in the system just for Buyers and the book will show you how to get them set up cheaply. By the way, you always want to keep control of your Buyer and Seller leads - this system makes that possible and easy without you having to mess with them yourself. The buyer is going to wire you the funds to close and they will sign the documents online.A typical "quick flip deal" like this will make you between $3,000 and $10,000 depending on the value of the neighborhood you are working. It typically takes 14 to 30 days to close these deals after you get them.That's it - once it's set up and working, it will start making you money. It has worked in every market we've ever tested it. You can also use it in multiple areas. Yes - it's scalable! You can do this Nationwide - even worldwide if you like. You can sit on the beach and manage this entire system with nothing but your laptop and an internet connection and do it in 8 to 10 hours a week... often less.In addition to this information, you will also get an extensive Q&A section that answers the most common questions AND you will get all the forms and contracts you need to do these deals in a downloadable format.The Author, Joe Crump, has been investing in real estate for over 25 years with thousands of deals under his belt. He has also trained and personally mentored

File Size: 2291 KB

Print Length: 262 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: (July 15, 2013)

Publication Date: July 15, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Word Wise: Enabled

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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #68,589 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #30 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Real Estate > Buying & Selling Homes #34 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Real Estate > Investments #77 in Books > Business & Money > Real Estate > Buying & Selling Homes

REVIEW:I've been investing in real estate for 20 years and I love it. It has made me a very nice living and has made it possible for me to build something of value that I can leave to my children and grandchildren.I'm not easily impressed by real estate 'gurus' anymore because I've seen just about everything under the sun when it comes to putting deals together.But this system IS different. Here is what I like about it:1. He breaks down no money down deal structures in a way that I've never seen before in my entire 20 years of seminar going. I've used every one of these structures, but I never really thought about how they work together and which one is better than the other for different types of deals. I also never thought about why one structure is safer than another depending on the type of deal you are doing and your intended exit strategy.2. I like simple deals. I like to close them quickly and without fuss. He shows you how to make that happen regularly, consistently and profitably. He also shows you how to have a constant pipeline of deals waiting in the wings. I've been doing deals that take just a few minutes to put together - just like he teaches and anyone who asks me gets the same advice - don't use banks, don't use hard money - they take too long and have too much risk - use no money down structures and learn how to make offers that sellers will accept.3. I like automation like this - especially automation and marketing that is so original - I've never heard this stuff at a seminar before. I'm an old dog and when I see my 6 year old grandson clicking through his homework on his computer like it was an extension of his arm, I feel pretty stupid.

One of the problems I keep seeing with books on real estate investing is that they never give you enough information to actually do a deal and make money. They always want you to buy something else or join a program or give them a thousand dollars for this or ten thousand dollars for that.I hate to admit it, but I'm one of those people who have spent many times that at real estate investing seminars and training websites. None of that training ever paid off.But this book, for just $2.99, offers a complete system for building a real estate investing business. It has EVERYTHING I needed to get started doing deals and I did my first deal in 2 weeks. I didn't make a lot that first time out, just $2500, but I sure was excited when I got those funds.His method is a variation on flipping Lease Option deals using assignable contracts. But I've seen other guys who taught something like this and never got the clarity or a real understanding of how to do it until I read this book.First he explains something he calls the "Zero Down Deal Structure Hierarchy." This was a revelation. I knew what "Subject To" and "Land Contract" and "Lease Option" and "Assignable Cash Deals" are - although I had never heard of a "Multi-Mortgage." But this author explains what kind of offer to make in ANY situation so that you have the most control in the deal and so that you can protect yourself and the other people in the transaction.Also, having these tools makes it possible to make an offer to any seller that can make you money . All you need is some basic information and you can structure the deal if you understand this Hierarchy.Next, he shows you how to find deals from leads that you can find easily on the internet.

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