Twenty-Four Henri Rousseau's Paintings (Collection) For Kids
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Have you ever wanted to enrich your child with the arts and humanities? or Have you ever wanted to decorate your child's room with great paintings from one of your favorite painters? Well, you can start with Henri Rousseau's Paintings. Twenty-Four Henri Rousseau's Paintings (Collection) for Kids There are colorful, youthful, and inspirational.

File Size: 3679 KB

Print Length: 26 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: April 6, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #2,041,782 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #37 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Insurance > Casualty #50 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Insurance > Property #80 in Books > Business & Money > Insurance > Property

When I see those self-portraits of Henry Rousseau, I think it would inspire some youngsters to do the same for themselves. They’ll see “impressionism” – and they can be instructed to paint impressions rather than try to draw and paint exactly what they see. That’s a great step forward for young artists – older ones too. .This book, like others in the series, is best gazed upon and talked about with those who know a bit about the artist and his/her style. That’s why I wish the compiler of these books would’ve told us a bit more about the artists, their childhood, how they got into art, and how they painted. Thus, these books could be more entertaining and inspirational.Take that “Boy on the Rocks.” Why is this painting more artistic than what a 10-year-old would paint? A question like that would free up a kid’s imagination and perhaps make him less critical of himself as an artist. “The Sleepy Gypsy” could be used for a story – why, where, who, when, what. See details even in what looks like a simple painting. “The Mill” is also good for that, and for showing simplicity of lines and colors. “The Football Players” may make the kids laugh – and see.Rousseau said he had “no teacher other than nature.” There’s a fact from his life that would free us to see how that iinfluenced his art, and how we can learn without formal teachers. We as teachers of young children can make these little collections WORK with a little help from the internet or other books that tell us more about the artists and their lives.

I'm liking these brief collections of paintings for seeing the work of the masters without the crowds. With regards to Rousseau, I favor his landscapes like "A Carnival Evening" and "The Eiffel Tower" more so than his portraits for not appearing quite so cartoonish, but what's nice is that anyone can enjoy them and judge for themselves. Good book

Edit: Okay so after a month, I found out to HOLD the photo, and it will expand. I stand corrected. Whew! Rating amended.I snagged all of these in the series today, but guess what? I'd thought the paintings would render beautifully on my 8.9" Fire. Yeah, no. There's about 8 words of text for each painting, which are literally about 1.5 inches square, and a bunch of blank page.I wanted to use these as a teaching aid, but the images are far too tiny. So sad; neat books.

I love having the art available at my fingertip as we study the artists. This is so convenient. We would be much less likely to complete our fine arts study without such a ready resource.

Pics coming too small in Kindle. Not visible clearly.

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