Handbook Of Clinical Anesthesia (Barash, Handbook Of Clinical Anesthesia)
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This pocket-sized handbook provides quick, easy access to the essential bedside information from Clinical Anesthesia, Sixth Edition. The most practical clinical pearls on what to do and how and when to do it are presented in concise outline format, with hundreds of tables, graphs, and algorithms that summarize and prioritize crucial points. Appendices include formulas, an electrocardiography atlas, a drug list, American Heart Association resuscitation protocols, difficult airway algorithms, and a malignant hyperthermia protocol. This edition has a new full-color design and colorized illustrations.

Series: Barash, Handbook of Clinical Anesthesia

Paperback: 1146 pages

Publisher: LWW; Sixth edition (April 7, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0781789486

ISBN-13: 978-0781789486

Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 4.3 x 1.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (16 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,086,669 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #64 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Nursing > Clinical > Anesthesia #97 in Books > Medical Books > Nursing > Anesthesia #176 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Pain Medicine

A very nice companion to Barash's 2nd Edition "Big Book". A nice OR quick reference/primer. Also very helpful as a quick summary/review after reading a chapter in the big book.

I bought baby Barash and I loved it. It is the best first book you can have, and you can always bring it with you and have it ready. It is easy to find what you need. The information is compacted but enough that you can have a pretty good idea of a particular topic. It is a lovely book!

Anybody familiar with the Barash's Clinical Anesthesia knows that it is probably the single book with the most information on all aspects of anesthesia in your library. You know that oftentimes there is just too much information to quickly obtain the need-to-know big-picture information. That is where this handbook comes in.It succinctly offers a summary of the most important information in Barash. The Handbook makes heavy use of tables and charts (many, but not all, of them directly from Barash). I am using the Handbook as a study guide and quick reference, and if any questions remain, I go to Barash. This is very convenient to do as the chapter numbers between the two resources correlate perfectly.In my opinion, if your school (or your practice) involves the use of Barash's Clinical Anesthesia, purchasing this handbook should be a no-brainer.

Overall this is a very helpful book for quick study and review. Be aware though, I am about 1/3 of the way through it and have already found a few errors. They have been on relatively minor details but it worries me what else they may have gotten wrong that I have missed. I am not suggesting that I know better than the authors (I am a relatively new student). These were things that seemed wrong to me as I read them so I went to the big Barash and confirmed that I was correct and the Handbook has it wrong. A couple examples: on page 223 the Handbook mixes up the definitions of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. On page 326 the table mixes up the drugs that induce or inhibit P450. These things are correct in the big book. I am concerned that someone might make a clinical decision based on false information.

Great Clinical pocket reference, except it may be a little bigger than your pocket. Also, can be used if you just don't have time to read the big Barash because it leaves out all the studies and puts somethings (essentials) in simpler terms. I love this reference. If you really want to minimize it can be bought as an app for your smart phone, but I still like this better.

Great price.... get this version rather than the newest one... alot cheaper. Not much difference than newer....I like how it is written in outline Roman numeral form.... easy to read. Perfect in your pocket

I have kept this book,, with evolved Editions over the time since my practice 25 years in my library.Excellent and comprehensive, though small in size, my recommendation is that all who areaffiliated to anesthesiology, should have it.

This is a great little guidebook that summarizes major points from the big Barash textbook. It covers the essentials for clinical practice.

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