Cultural Competencies For Nurses: Impact On Health And Illness
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By compiling the history and theory behind cultural competency in nursing and health care, this text offers key information regarding health beliefs and the impact of culture on health and illness. This new edition contains an overview of the predominant cultural competency nursing theories, impact of diversity on health disparities, information on the health beliefs of several minority groups, and case studies to enhance student learning. This text is an excellent resource for courses that emphasize health promotion and disease prevention.

Paperback: 416 pages

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2 edition (February 26, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1449688071

ISBN-13: 978-1449688073

Product Dimensions: 1 x 6 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (21 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #144,463 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #34 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Nursing > Clinical > Nurse & Patient #46 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Nursing > Clinical > Home & Community Care #49 in Books > Medical Books > Nursing > Nurse-Patient Relations

I found the book "Cultural Competencies for Nurses" to be extremely informative and helpful. I was aware that culture plays an important role in an individuals outlook on health and the care they receive but I did not have a really good understanding of how and why. At my current job we have mandatory yearly training on cultural competencies but it is very brief. This book really was an eye opener and gave me a really good understanding and appreciation for the impact that culture has on patients. Reading through the chapters, I found so many topics and issues that are relevant to situations that I deal with on a regular. I can also reflect on situations that have occurred in the past that did not make sense to me before, but now they make sense and now I can appreciate and understand why certain actions occurred.I also liked how there are different chapters for the different cultures. If I had a patient that was a different culture, I can go right to the chapter and familiarize myself with their culture which would be really beneficial to meeting their needs. I do understand that just because a person is for example, Asian, it does not mean I can read the chapter on Asians and everything will fit and be appropriate. I know everyone is an individual and I also think cultures are mixing and ever changing. So maybe the individual deviates from the norm, but at least I would have an idea and starting point to gaining a better understanding. This book is a really good reference and resource.

I got this book because I was planning on taking a nursing class and it seemed a very easy read from the beginning and complete. However, I decided to skip a few chapters to the Hispanic and Latin section to see what she wrote. Being Puertorican I was curious about what were the stereotypes and man was I blown away. We are depicted as a culture that still relies on santeria and hot and cold remedies. Please, do not believe any of this. Maybe in some parts of the island they might still believe in this and/or as a sole remedy for people of poor socio-economic backgrounds but this practices are in no way common. Most of us go to the doctor/hospital like everyone else in America and we have Walgreens CVS etc. We do not rely on any of this nonsense. My mom is a retired medical technologist and I read her the passages and she was just as baffled as me. Our medical field is just as advanced as the US but not as well paid. We have Quest diagnostics labs and very reliable medical professionals. Never in my life did I meet a santero nor heard about these hot and cold remedies. I am not saying it does not exist only that is not the norm and should not be the sole thing they talk about in this book. My version is the 2011 and with only 5 years into it I cannot imagine what kind of research the author did. This definitely does not represent the vast majority of PRicans approach to illneses and should be updated.

Required text for MSN course on cultural competency in healthcare. First 4 chapters deal with overview of concepts, theories, diversity and healthcare delivery. The remainder of the text is specific to cultural/ethnic groups.

Very easy to read and understand. Gives basic needed info. I recommend this to anyone that wants to learn better communication with different cultures.

Necessary for course, but otherwise probably one of the most worst books I have read. Saving grace was end modules on different cultures and interactions with healthcare.

Mind numbingly simple and repetitive. The author could have cut the book in half. She could benefit from a thesaurus. Two stars only because the topic is important.

This item was described perfectly. I use this book everyday for my class, very useful. Make sure you read carefully when looking to purchase all products.

I received my book before the estimated time of arrival which was really nice. It was an overall smooth transition.

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