Leave The Grind Behind: Rocket Fuel To Live Life On Your Terms. Make More Money, Build Your Legacy, And Quit Your Job.
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NOW A #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER"Move over Tim Ferriss, there's a refreshed approach to unshackling yourself from the grueling busy-work of the grind." - Matthew Hart - Author and CTO Arise Virtual SolutionsLeave The Gring Behind is for anyone who has built a good career, is probably comfortable, yet has an itch—a realization—that there is more to life.This book is dedicated to all those ready to forge their own path, get more out of life, and burn their imprint on the world. You want more money, more freedom, and to build your own legacy. Perhaps you want to carve a future by leveraging your talents to freelance, consult, or become an entrepreneur.Leave The Gring Behind is packed with actions, habits, and tools that will enable your success and explode your results. It will help you build the legacy you envisioned yourself leaving. You will develop a plan for leaving the grind behind, execute on that plan, and do so with minimal risk.Time is your most valuable asset. Spending the majority of your waking time working for someone else’s dream won’t let you achieve the life you want. You’ll end up as just another cog in the daily grind, working for an upper-middle class salary with no real end in sight. Your own dreams are fading… but you’re not ready to go down without a fight.If this sounds like you, you’re ready for more in life than just a job. You’re ready to venture into a realm that will be more rewarding, more exciting, and more personal. You’re ready for something that will make you a fortune.Leave The Gring Behind is for you if you want to...Quit your day job and follow your passions to become a consultant, a freelancer, or an entrepreneur.Be a rock star at the job you already have, opening your career wide.Identify your personal and professional goals, then design your life around them.Reduce the risk of doing something big.Create new revenue streams while working your current job… or not.Purchase investment properties.Complete that passion project on the side.Write a book.Provide for yourself and your family without compromise.Live a superior life directed by you rather than someone else.Enjoy freedom and the best things life has to offer.Leave a legacy.Leave The Gring Behind will inspire you to leave the daily grind and start a life in which you drive the results. A life in which you:Earn money via multiple channels.Are in control of your time.Do things you enjoy.Leave a legacy that makes you proud.It can be a daunting proposition to completely kick your job and spend as much time as you want on projects that excite you. If you’re not quite ready to go all in, this book will give you plenty of guidance and inspiration to get you started.To start an excellent, scalable business, you’re probably looking at a couple of years of tremendously hard work with little return and no guarantee. If you already have a solid job, a mortgage, and a family to support, you know that immediately jumping into the deep end is just too risky. But, that doesn’t need to stop you.There is no shortage of self-help, personal development, and get-rich books on the market. And that’s great. Life is a journey, and we all need fresh sources of inspiration and ideas to keep ourselves motivated and challenged. This book provides that for you. But it can do something more.Many books come from authors who’ve had one particularly large success. Leave the Grind Behind provides a more generally accessible path. You won’t necessarily learn how to be a one time success, but rather to consistently find one success after the next. You’ll get the tools to achieve repeated excellence.

File Size: 2377 KB

Print Length: 376 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: July 25, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Best Sellers Rank: #14,287 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Vocational Guidance #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Consulting #6 in Books > Business & Money > Small Business & Entrepreneurship > Consulting

So many books in this space are written by people who "hit it big" off one brilliant idea or concept or product, which is great! However, I find many of those books to be inaccessible. The concepts behind the mindset are great, but often the mindset follows the success instead of vice versa.This book turns the concept of hitting it big on its head. Instead of writing from the standpoint of one who quickly achieved incredible success and then rode that wave to write a successful book, the author shows how he employed daily and weekly habits, attitudes, and goals to hit it big the everyman's way: through sheer hard work, determination, and positive approaches. His story is truly inspirational, and I find his book to be much more accessible than those written from the standpoint of those who achieved tremendous success through one big thing.I have recently applied some of the principles in this book, and I can attest firsthand to their effectiveness. I have seen my net worth steadily grow, I have enjoyed happier and more positive relationships with my friends and family, and I have hit some big goals this year. And while I may still work a traditional job, I've learned how to approach my work in new and more positive ways.If you've grown weary of the traditional "get-rich-quick" books and their inaccessible promises, I assure you that this is the book for you. The book doesn't just tell you to come up with a big idea or product and then sell it to massive amounts of people. Instead, it gives you realistic actions that you can apply hourly and daily that will help you safely build streams of income that will help you work less while enjoying a more meaningful life. And the methods in this book will help you be ready for when that big success comes, as it so often does for those who employ the mindsets outlined within.

A gem among the sea of ordinary books. I was enticed by the good cover but was not expecting much since I have read a lot about leaving the grind/9-5 job. To my surprise, I learned a lot from this book. One star for that.There's a lot of good and practical points to ponder like:...rather than being happy because you have a successful life, you are successful because you have a happy life.Life happens to negative people. Positive people happens to life.I could not express my appreciation any less on the way the author wrote the book. It's literally optimistic and easy to apply. Another star for the writing.For starters, there's a quiz on the initial chapter of the book to know if you a cog or a grinder. That earned another star for this book.The book is well-developed. The first few chapters introduces the cog and the grinders; and also touch a few points on how to have a positive thinking.I like the chapter summary. Which makes it easier to digest for fast readers like me. A star for the book structure.There's just a few grammar issues that makes me double read in order to understand the sentence.

Are you working that 9-5 job, sweating it out for someone else to get rich, but have that voice inside you telling you there is more to life out there? And not just more money, but more time to spend with your family and pursue your passions? In this book, Justin Gesso will show you what it means to invest in yourself and, in doing so, how you will, in turn, become more fulfilled than you ever dreamed. This book will change your life, both personally and professionally. Buy it, you will not regret it!

As a career Financial Advisor and Securities Principal for many years, I have had the opportunity to see a huge variety of presentations of self help works, be it a book, speaker or seminar. This author hits the mark by asking the reader to first take inventory of themselves by analyzing the true motivating factors in their lives. He then lays out specific measurable steps to accomplish self identified goals. I strongly recommend this book to anyone wanting to improve their lives at any stage in their career path. Well written, easy to read, and most importantly, this book will leave you with a clearer sense of who you are and where you are going.

An easy to read, well-outlined book for those who have just had enough of wasting their life away for the sake of someone else's benefit. If you want clear and actionable tips for how to leave the 9-5 behind and build the lifestyle of your dreams while achieving all of your goals, then this is definitely the book for you. It is written in such a personal way that you almost feel the author is speaking directly to you. These aren't just abstract concepts, but rather a road map to how to accomplish all of these things. You'll get through this book in no time at all and immediately want to take action. What more can you ask for??!!

Nothing less than pure wisdom...Justin has been able to nail down what really matters in life and without compromise. The book offers the inspiration and the tools to help you switch gears and gain control of your destiny in the manner that makes it truly yours.

Here's the thing, whenever I read a business boom, I'm less interested in the how-to's and mechanics of what they're teaching. I'm AMAZED by people's personal stories. Learning g about their situation in life, their challenges and obstacles, and their eyes eventual results.This book is awesome because it not only shows you how to leave the grind behind, but the mindset that you need and the personal achievements of the author. And that is what's most important to me, because if he was able to leave the rat race, then I know I can too.Great book. Justin is very accomplished and will help you do the same.

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