Essential Interviewing: A Programmed Approach To Effective Communication
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With an emphasis on the three major stages of interviewing: exploration, clarification, and action, ESSENTIAL INTERVIEWING offers students the same programmed-learning model of interviewing that has successfully trained countless members of the helping professions for nearly 30 years. Based on Ivey's systematic method of interviewer, counselor, and therapist training, as well as Hearn's programmed-learning model, the text makes interview skills clear and specific and exposes students to a variety of client situations and cultures. The authors give students the tools they need to conduct successful interviews with diverse clients in a variety of professional settings, including social work, counseling, nursing, personnel work, and human services. Each chapter highlights an ethical situation students may confront in their future professional lives.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

File Size: 16298 KB

Print Length: 345 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning; 009 edition (January 1, 2016)

Publication Date: January 1, 2016

Language: English


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Best Sellers Rank: #371,238 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #32 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Mechanical > Machinery #32 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Industrial, Manufacturing & Operational Systems > Machinery #68 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Interviewing

My one-star rating does not so much have to do with the content of the book so much as the character of it. This book is, in many respects, the industry standard, and there is good reason for that. It combines a very practical learning style with useful theoretical information essential for the skills of interviewing (no pun intended). However, it seems as though the publishers are well aware this book has become the standard and are exploiting it to the detriment of all of us hopeful students. At an over-hundred dollar price point, I don't expect perfection, but I do expect some degree of excellence. Instead, in this 8th edition I get pictures that have clearly not been updated since the 80's... we're talking mullets, double-pleated pants, and hair mousse... lots of hair mousse. In addition, it's soft cover (which I typically prefer, but not for over $100) and the entire book is in black and white. All the pictures, lines, numbers... everything is black and white. As a student who, all too often, frequents my texts at strange hours of the night and morning, all I'm asking for is that my over-priced text books show a little pizazz. Give me something (please, anything!) to help me from waking up in a pool of my own drool. (Side note: I carry a 3x5 super computer in my pocket at all times that communicates with outer space, thus, I'm fairly certain we have the technology for relatively inexpensive color-printed textbooks.) My point is, that it is quite apparent the publisher (like most of them) are cutting corners to save a few bucks and creating profit margins that would make the executives at Enron blush. This single review is probably not going to change anything, but hopefully cautions those thinking about buying this text new.

I was required to order this book for a course that I completed for my Masters in Counseling. The skills that are taught in this book are essential for therapists. However, they are also applicable, and beneficial, for many diverse situations and occupations. This book is excellent for engaging another individual in conversation. Additionally, this text is not a tough read as it guides the reader through various types of conversation scenarios and encourages the reader to select the most appropriate response. Information is provided to tell the reader why certain answer choices wouldn't be correct. Great book, highly recommend!

I am taking my first counseling courses, and this book was recommended by the professor. Its really easy to follow, and gives you the essentials in conducting an interview. I think the professor made a good choice for his first year, and first semester students.

This text accompanied Social Work 3501 at The Ohio State University Autumn 2015.Even at around 350 pages, the textbook is filled with interactive interviewing scenarios for social work practice. It's essentially a choose your own adventure book for future social workers. I wish I had purchased instead of rented on my kindle because the format and material has been invaluable.Structure of the Text:Each chapter will spend 2-3 pages introducing a new skill and when/why it's appropriate to use or not to use with a client. The bulk of each chapter is an actual interview scenario in which you choose responses as the social worker and move to the next section of conversation based on your response. Each option first lets you know why it's a good or bad choice in the situation. If it's not a good choice, it sends you back. If it's considered an appropriate option, it sends you forward--pretty strait forward.After the interaction scenarios are activities for in and out of class. Most require additional people and are not intended for individual work.Initial Concerns + Resolutions:I was worried I would have too much on my plate after receiving my course syllabus and all the reading required each week. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that you really only end up going through about half of each chapter if you understand the concepts presented in the beginning of each. Since so much is in the choose-your-own-adventure style, if you continue to choose correctly, you never have to go through your poor choices and start over which saves a LOT of time (although this helps to know what not to do and why not to do it later on).I wish more textbooks could be presented in a way similar to how this one was structured. It was actually enjoyable and not boring in any capacity.

I had to get this book for my master's of social work program. It's very engaging, especially for a first time interviewer. The way the book allows the student to explore their own interviewing style is awesome. I'd recommend this book for anybody interested in any type of counseling or even patient intake. The online resources connected to the book are very helpful as well

Once again a publisher has decided that I should not be able to read this book on all of my devices. I have a smartphone with me at all times, so any down time could be devoted to my reading. But no, I can't have this title on my smartphone, only my tablet or laptop, which I do not lug with me everywhere I go (but now I will). If I rent or buy a title, the publisher should not be able to restrict which device I read it on. How many devices, yes. Which ones, no.

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