Blood Chemistry And CBC Analysis: Clinical Laboratory Testing From A Functional Perspective
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Are You Getting The Most From Your Blood Tests? Sick and tired of telling your patients that their blood tests look normal when you know they are far from it? This manual presents a diagnostic system of blood chemistry and CBC analysis that focuses on physiological function as a marker of health. By looking for optimum function we increase our ability to detect dysfunctions long before disease manifests. Conventional lab testing becomes a truly preventative and prognostic tool. Whether you are well-seasoned doctor, or fresh from medical school, you will refer to this manual again and again. You will discover how easy it is to: Increase your competency with blood chemistry analysis and speak to your patients with authority when doing reports of findings. Determine nutritional deficiencies in your patients and reduce your reliance on expensive outsourced labs. Implement new tools and techniques to dramatically improve your clinical outcomes. Cut the amount of time you spend analyzing your patients' blood tests. Make your blood chemistry testing an indispensable screening tool. Your blood chemistry analysis will finally mean something to you and your patients. This book includes: In-depth coverage of 52 blood tests with optimal and functional values. 62 patterns of functional disorders that most physicians do not get from normal reference ranges. 11 nutrient deficiencies that can be seen in blood chemistry and CBC tests. 36 special topics and in-office tests. Full section of patterns that exist between multiple tests. Blood chemistry and CBC tracking forms for both US reference units and Standard International Units available as a download. This best selling manual on Blood Chemistry Analysis has shown hundreds of doctors how to do a functionally oriented blood chemistry analysis. What are you waiting for?

Paperback: 308 pages

Publisher: Emperors Group LLC (September 20, 2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0976136716

ISBN-13: 978-0976136712

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.7 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (32 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #26,051 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Diagnostics & Labs > Laboratory Medicine #6 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Pathology > Laboratory Medicine #16 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Cardiology

I'm a patient and not a health care professional. I find this book extremely useful and very readable. As an older person I find that doctors have less and less time, patience, or willingness to explain basic lab work. You never really know what the numbers mean and what is optimal in the reference range. I needed to understand what a significant change up or down in various results might mean.Weatherby's book covers the common CBC (complete blood test) also known as a Blood Chemistry Screen test. Item by item it shows the conventional lab range, the optimal range, and discusses the clinical implication of being high or low. Consequently, you can take your copy of your test and go over each item and track your own changes, up, down or optimal. Knowing your own numbers will enable you as a patient to ask better questions of your health care provider, possibly spotting areas of trouble much earlier, or make needed lifestyle changes.If you are concerned about the cost, you can preview portions of the book though Google books. While the text is not for the person who has no understanding of medical terms, I think anyone who is familiar with basic medical terminology could utilize the information in the book.I consider this a 'patient empowering' book and it's an important addition to my family health library. And it would be a darned good idea to gift a copy to your favorite health care provider so you are both on the same page.

Over my career as a fitness professional, I've come to realize that fat loss and muscle gain are about more than just calories and willpower. Biochemistry makes a HUGE difference. Since I specialize in people who have a hard time losing fat despite doing everything right, this book was a tremendous resource for me.While other personal trainers are still focusing on making the workouts more and more challenging, and the nutrition more and more restrictive, it gives me and my trainers an incomparable advantage, since very often the answer to fat loss isn't in more exercise and less food, but in optimizing people's biochemistry.Of my extensive book collection, if my house was burning to the ground, this would be one of the 3 books I would save.

This book enables a more sophisticated interpretation of the more common medical tests. It is easy to use, listing "optimal" ranges, for each test. Tables list possible diagnoses. Diagnoses are given for "high" and "low" test results. The tables also relate the test under investigation to other tests, so establishing possible patterns, which make a narrower diagnosis possible. The book also looks at a number of "special topics" within each test, such as "thiamine deficiency" under "anion gap" and "dehydration" under "albumin". A table at the back of the book lists all the tests and their respective ranges. Duplicate this page, and each time you have blood tests to investigate you can write them in the column provided. You can the more easily see which are outside optimal, requiring further investigation. Also at the back of the book, is a conversion chart "converting standard US units into standard international units". The amount of information you can get from this book is quite extraordinary. When I have used it for myself, I have found it picks up extra symptoms that I have not mentioned to the practitioner. I think, if you are a practitioner, it will provide you with some of those extra details that your client does not mention. These can be validated with additional questioning, and a more appropriate remedy package suggested.

This is a "must have" for any health care practitioner interpreting diagnostic tests. The print is large and there is a lot of white space so there is perhaps less information than you might assume if you judged solely on number of pages. However the information that is included is excellent and goes far beyond most other sources.My own "optimum ranges" are slightly different from Dr. Weatherby but you'd be hard pressed to find a single source that is more valuable.This book is an excellent value.

Functional analysis of blood tests goes far beyond looking at reference ranges (which are commonly mistaken for optimal ranges.) However aspects of blood chemistry which are normal, compared with abnormalities in other aspects may lead to an understanding of impaired immunological or endocrine function. Weatherby clearly describes how to analyze blood chemistry and CBC tests in this book. If you deal with blood test analysis, read this book.

If you a serious about Functional Medicine you would have got this book what are you waiting for ? Its agreat book that will massively improve your understanding about reading blood chemistry and CBC analysis. Easy to read, understand and digest. This is the kind of information that MD's do NOT get routinely taught at med school.....this information can transform practices and lives !!!

I use this book everyday in my clinic. My patients love getting to know the truth of why their diagnosis is a mystery. The patients are fascinated that when one uses optimal ranges alot more dis-ease is exposed.I have recommended this book to so many other physicians. Dicken and Scott did a great job with this book. It's a masterpiece.

I use this book when evaluating all of my patients' labs. This gives me a lot of insight into their health conditions that I can't get anywhere else. Clinically it helps me figure out where to prioritize and where additional lab work might be helpful. I think this ought to be taught in medical school, in addition to or instead of the normal lab classes offered. I just wish I had started using this system while I was still in school.

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