Review For Therapeutic Massage And Bodywork Exams (LWW Massage Therapy And Bodywork Educational Series)
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Review for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Exams, Third Edition is the most comprehensive study guide for any massage student or practitioner preparing for the NCETM or MBLEx exams. Each topic is presented in a concise outline format, and review questions are included after each part. Practice tests are offered that enable the user to simulate taking the actual exam. A companion website includes a pretest with chapter numbers alongside the answers, two additional quizzes, 500 electronic flash cards, a template for creating flash cards, crossword puzzles, a Jeopardy-style game, a Hangman-style game ("Don't Tip the Scale"), and labeling exercises.

Series: LWW Massage Therapy and Bodywork Educational Series

Spiral-bound: 336 pages

Publisher: LWW; Third edition (January 21, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1605477125

ISBN-13: 978-1605477121

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 8.8 x 10.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (37 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #331,999 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #274 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Massage #331 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine #601 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Test Preparation & Review

I studied this book and loved the online study guide, I think that helped the most. I had not been to school in 6 years but I was grandfathered in so I wanted to take my test. I had forgotten most of this and I studied for 3 weeks using this study guide and I passed with flying colors. I suggest it to everyone. I took the NCBTMB.

I bought this book as a start for my preparation for National Exams in Massage Therapy and Bodywork. Its well organized, obviously well written, but the big problem is.....the answers to the preparatory quizzes have to be looked up online. Any other time this wouldn't be a problem, but I study on the train and places where I don't have immediate internet access to check my scores on the quizzes. If I would have wanted an online resource, I would have just signed up for one. Hopefully in future reprints, this will be clarified in the review and I won't make the mistake of buying a book of quizzes that I can only grade when Im online.

I just took my boards yesterday. I can not give this book a good review for taking your boards. There is too much basic anatomy and biology in this book and on line. I literaly had one A&P question on my boards. And I will say that this book is filled with 90% A&P. That is too much. I thought since the authors claim that they help with questions that are on the board they would be experts at helping me prepare.There is not enough questions on the origin, insertion and action of the muscles or real life application for common client complaints. There are not enough questions on the different modalities of massage.I will say this...if you are JUST beginning massage school this book is great for the basics for studying for all the tests you will have. If you are looking for help to pass your boards DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK! I used and paid $15 for a 7 day trial at Had I not gone to these websites and taken their test...I WOULD HAVE FAILED MY BOARDS!I saw great reviews on here and that is why I got the book. Maybe they took the boards prior to 2012 and it was easy. The boards I took was hard and tricky. And this book is elementary to what was on the boards. I hope this helped everyone. Good Luck!

MT Exam Study Guide - first half of book is quite okay; but, keep your anatomy & muscle/bone books as well as class notes. 2nd half of book has a lot of pathologies/diseases & relates to indications or contra indications (to massage or not or skip area in question). This was okay but there are a lot of repeats when all could have been condensed into less pages or better organized. I took the MBLEX exam and passed BUT test was difficult. Study and practice situational questions. I am keeping the book to use as a quick reference.

All I studied was this book and my favorite muscle book and I passed first time. My testament to this book is that my massage qualifications are from another country, so I had not studied a USA massage curriculum before or taken an exam here. To take an exam in another country is daunting enough and this book (with dedicated study) got me through.What I liked about this book is that it focuses on what you really need to know in fairly short sections. Easy to organize and easy to read. For me this book was a 'reminder' of what I already knew, but needed to really freshen up on without having to do any searching and searching through old books! The book has a code that you can access (for two years) an online book, games, flash cards, etc. These made the studying fun and it felt so effortless, I really enjoyed it!Yes the results of the tests after each section are online and not in the book, but you can just print them out and leave them in the book, no big deal.I felt I needed another muscle book to accompany it, because I like & need visuals and more in-depth info for origins and insertions which this book didn't have. The Chinese med section is short, although it does have a good chart of the meridians and the element table. All I can say is memorize, memorize, memorize them!!!Thoroughly enjoyed studying with this book!Btw; If you buy a used edition you will not be able to use the code for the online info :(

The information in this book is helpful to study with.However, I was really frustrated that the answers for the tests aren't more easily accessible. Even using the code provided in my book, I couldn't access the correct answers and never had a response when help was requested.I think the answers should be included at the back of the book.

I liked this book because it gave an excellent review and summarized all of the information I previously learned very well. The only con I had was the pictures of the muscle groups didn't provide as detailed of a view that I would've liked. Otherwise, it is a great review book and definitely refreshed my memory well. This book helped me a lot. Thank you!

I purchased this book to help me pass my National Boards for Massage Therapy here in Colorado. And pass I did do. I kept taking the tests offered in the back of the text to refresh my learning. I have not recieved my final grade from my test, but I passed and that's all that matters to me.

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