Grunch Of Giants
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With the appearance of Grunch of Giants, R. Buckminster Fuller consummates his literary canon, his panoramic lifetime survey of all aspects of the responsibility of human beings for their own destiny. This book is a modern allegory - his long-gestated myth-of the villainy of capitalism and the fecklessness of classic economics. For Fuller, the academic discipline of economics is irrelevant since it derives from an invalid assumption of scarcity. In fact, he has long argued that future historians of our era may subsume our business practices as a branch of mythology; thus it is not surprising that the word economic appears nowhere in his text.Fuller’s myth is no idle fairy tale, since he faces his question - the question of a technological imperative which only he could raise with the deadly seriousness of satire. THat question is: Can our system of national political sovereignties and corporate profits survive the inevitable technology revolution require to obviate wars by effecting a worldwide rise in the standard of living.One of the functions of myth is to resolve contradictions in our culture. Grunch of Giants portrays the rising of multinational corporations in the paradoxical role of function both as the epitome of capitalistic selfishness and as the inadvertent vehicle for the dissolution of national political boundaries - the last deterrent to a one-world economy.The result is more subversive of the property and profit values of the capitalist system than anything dreamed of since Karl Marx.—E.J. Applewhite, collaborator with RBF on Synergetics and Synergetics 2, author of Cosmic Fishing: A Memoir of Working With R. Buckminster Fuller

File Size: 1538 KB

Print Length: 116 pages

Publisher: The Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller (June 22, 2016)

Publication Date: June 22, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B01HH77632

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

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Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #194,343 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #88 in Books > Arts & Photography > Architecture > Sustainability & Green Design #184614 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks

People got impatient with Fuller because he kept throwing out a timeline which went something like this: if we work like crazy for the next 10 years, we might solve some of the major problems we've always put up with, e.g. death by starvation to take a big one.Then another decade goes by, and a lot more people starve, and people shake their heads thinking "Bucky, Bucky... he just didn't have a clue, did he?" Well, I say he most certainly did. Not his problem or fault that we never staged his "design science decade" with such concerted effort and focus. And the potential to improve our collective lot aboard Spaceship Earth is still real.What's fun about 'Grunch of Giants' is it marks the end of a long trajectory, where the 'real Bucky' finally hits the water, after the decades-long arc of a canon ball. He makes a big splash, and sets up a lot of ripple effects, many of which we're feeling to this day.The main thing is he reawakens threads around the issue of corporate personhood, questioning how LLCs got to be "persons" in the eyes of the law. Decades later, Thom Hartmann starts to uncover some answers in 'Unequal Protection' which deserves to show up as a kind of sequel to 'GofG' on many levels.Countering a soulless march to oblivion, an automatic pilot response to a desperate situation, were heroics, integrity, and the more agile networks. Readers may spontaneously think of the Internet (still in its infancy when this book came out -- no web to speak of), but I also think of networks like CBS, a corporation to be sure, but with a lot of life in it (not soulless).Bucky was aware of his image through the years, how people saw him.

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