Inquiry Into Life
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Basic biological concepts and processes with a human emphasis. From the unique delivery of biology content, to the time tested art program, to the complete integration of the text with technology, Dr. Sylvia Mader has formed a teaching system that will both motivate and enable your students to understand and appreciate the wonders of all areas of biology. Inquiry into Life, 14/e emphasizes the application of all areas of biology to knowledge of human concerns, what the students are able to relate to. This distinctive text was developed to stand apart from all other non-majors texts with a unique approach, unparalleled art, and a straightforward, succinct writing style that has been acclaimed by both users and reviewers. In the 14th edition, the authors have focused on the concept of inquiry and a student’s inherent desire to learn. To do this, they integrated a tested, traditional learning system with modern digital and pedagogical approaches designed to stimulate and engage today’s student.

Hardcover: 864 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 14 edition (January 10, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0073525529

ISBN-13: 978-0073525525

Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 9 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (43 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #16,697 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #76 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Biology & Life Sciences > Biology #152 in Books > Science & Math > Biological Sciences > Biology #5079 in Books > Reference

I was charged for a ConnectPlus access card which I had intended to use as a home supplement. However, McGrawHill representatives have told me that I cannot use the access code and cannot access the textbook supplements because our school does not use ConnectPlus. This amounts to false advertising and McGrawHill has no remedy and no program for home use. Do not buy the access card with the textbook unless you have an instructor who uses the Connect program. Otherwise, it is money wasted.

Inquiry into Life by Sylvia Mader is a great textbook that I bought from . Of course it can seem a little intimidating when it first arrives, a huge bulky book with a high price – but it is well worth it in the end. The textbook begins with the basics and fundaments of Biology and how it is used to in our everyday lives. The text does require some knowledge beforehand of what words and process’ mean, but it does have a “dummy proof” which will help the reader understand the in-text.Another wonderful thing about this book is the fact that even after you have taken your biology courses it can still be used to help in other classes – for instance, I often refer to this book when I am studying organics or certain body functions in chemistry or anatomy. So for the price the book is definitely worth it in the long run.Of course there are some things I did not like about the book, such as the way it seems to jump too quickly or, talk about something in one chapter and not finish the text until a later chapter. I guess it can be a good thing though because it’ll help lead you to read and understand more of the book than just the one area.In most bundles, this book also comes with a mastering code to have study groups and homework done online. I find this very helpful because it offers even more resources on the side to help understand the text, giving you a sure way to understanding and figuring out the studies.Overall, I definitely recommend buying this book for your biology courses if it is required. The text may be scattered a bit, but it gives a lot of depth and examples to understand. The textbook can also be referred for later courses such as chemistry and anatomy. With the mastering code at hand, there is a whole new way to study and get help understanding the text. The price may seem a little high but it will be used for multiple courses and help you along your college career.

We paid $288 for a book which supposedly had an online component. The online component never worked, despite the best efforts of our student and the professor who couldn't be bothered to write her own tests.

Has highlighter marks on it from previous reader, but I appreciate the heads up. No torn pages. Some wearing around the corners and pages, and a large rental sticker on the front, but otherwise, it gets the job done.

Easy to understand and study from. There's even a free link for the online interactive tools so you can better study the chapters.

I order this item by mistake thinking it was an actual book it was however an access card that is an accessory to the book I was initially upset with this ,but I was extremely impressed with s customer service second to none.

Yes, met my expectation, little worn but satisfied need for class thank you for having this for people that may not be able to afford the amount to buy this book

The book Didn't even come with the card...? I am very disappointed. I'm going to have to rebuy the card got 85$.

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