Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition
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Contemporary Nutrition is a complete and balanced resource for nutrition information written at a level non-science majors can understand. Current research is at the core of the tenth edition, with revised statistics, incorporation of new results of clinical trials, and updated recommendations. The text provides students who lack a strong science background the ideal balance of reliable nutrition information and practical consumer-oriented knowledge. Always looking to make the content relevant to learners, the authors highlight health conditions, medications, food products, and supplements students or members of their families may be using. With their friendly writing style, the authors act as the student’s personal guide to dispelling common misconceptions and to gaining a solid foundation for making informed nutrition choices.

Paperback: 768 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 10 edition (January 5, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0078021375

ISBN-13: 978-0078021374

Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 9 x 1 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (17 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #17,654 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #12 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Nutrition #44 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Physiology #68 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Physiology

I rented this for my health class and it is packed full of information. Somethings I had no clue, somethings I still don't care to know after reading it. The information for the class was not all in the text but in side pictures, graphs and stories so you have to be sure to read everything to get the information you need to answer the questions at the end of each chapter. The chapter summaries are well written though. Like any other college book it is not something I would use again and because a lot of the information is based on what we know about diet now, it is likely to change. The information in it now is different from what they taught when I was in school. We are always learning better and healthier ways to eat, and how what we eat effects our health, science and technology is constantly changing, you can tell by how many edition of this boo there are. They've had to update and change information as it has become relevant to today's diet. if you can rent this for the class you need I would recommend doing so, but it isn't a book I would buy to keep based solely on college needs.

I am fascinated by and only by the organization of the context of this great work material.However, some of the information on carbohydrates, minerals, and the essentials of stress management and so forth are not thoroughly and truly taught here.Fat seem to be the antagonist within this material. Fat (healthy fats: avocado, coconut oil, etc) are essential for SUGAR, INSULIN, AND CORTISOL FAT!Yogurts are horrible with hidden ingredients and those SUGARS! OMGAnyways, it barely talks about the stomach acid how important it is to maintain your PH DOWN! and the acid of your stomach UP for better nutrient absorption. I agree upon the sociological statistics, american diets have fallen since decades and the biggest DRUG CARTEL in our society today is the mass production of SYNTHETIC SUGAR and GENETIC MODIFIED ORGANISMS in the food supply.Moreover, the book should have focused very well on CORTISOL & INSULIN, while explaining the essentials of careful exercise, recovery, sleep clocks, and the need of Nascent Iodine, Colloidal Silver, and the essential of the electrolytes such as Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium in particular.I do not agree that we need a lot of water or gallons a day. The more excessive you drink water, the more toxic it becomes to your body. Depleting your electrolytes flushing them away and then you remain with nothing. The symptom of being more thirsty when drinking water shows that your body lacks these essential minerals. Not to mention, the water retention in your body, Like it occurs to me when drinking the gallons of water recommended by the health industry.BTW, I do not agree either on fruits able to help you lose weight. The body in reality does not like losing WEIGHT. Now, tapping on your body's FAT as durable energy is essential to do. TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR BODY TO TAP ON FAT, DETOX YOUR LIVER, COLON, AND THE WHOLE BODY FROM SUGAR!!!!!!DO THIS BY DRINKING ACIDIC BEVERAGE LIKE RAW UNFILTERED APPLE CIDER VINEGAR WITH TWO ORGANIC LEMONS SQUEEZED IN A 8OZ OF WATER PREFER WITH MAGNESIUM, CALCIUM, AND POTASSIUM MINERALS IN IT, 3X DAILY.Fruits contain FRUCTOSE, A SUGAR TYPE. Some fruits are very beneficial, but overdoing fruits are a harm in reality.Always go green. Enough salads, spinach preferred or kelp, as long as it does not cause BLOATING!!!!Another essential topic to discuss. Bloating causes acid re-flux and depletes your stomach acid from being functional. This ideology of TOO ACID or LESS ACID is just non sense.Im going all over the place. Anyways!!these are examples of how the Nutrition could have driven students abroad linking situations that occur to us in our daily lives.The myth of taking Protein grams per body pound is just insane!!! Other is the carbohydrate over-consumptionThe liver only handles 30 grams of protein per day. And by the way, the type of protein is also essential to know because whey protein spikes INSULIN!!! A STRESS HORMONE!!That's right. Whey protein causes the liver to leak fluids, and that explains the stomach pouch that some of us carry.NOW, going back to FATS!Fat is essential. Fat is a durable energy source that the body prefers to tap on. We are so use to tapping on sugar that each time we eat, we get sleepy, yawning, brain fog (protein starches attached to your brain cells btw), and crashes (do to combining SUGAR WITH CARBS!! THATS A NO NO).You burn bad fat with good fat. Simple.Carbs...drop that.Protein, about 20 percent of your diet it should be.FAT, about 60 percent of your diet it should be.Anyways anyways, I LOVE THE BOOK. BUT, IT IS A TYPICAL BOOK OF BASIC NUTRITION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO BE CONCERN ABOUT YOUR HEALTH. NOT BAD.

I'm upset this didn't come with an Access code, if I were aware of that, i would have just bought it off the original site.

Very well written and informative. Use as a textbook for a college course.

I rented this through and it was a very good book. I highly recommend using it for your nutrition class!

Purchased this book for school and loved reading it!

does NOT come with access code

Did its job and came on time

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