Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions And Rationales
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The perfect pocket guide.This quick-reference tool has what you need to select the appropriate diagnosis to plan your patients’ care effectively. The 14th Edition features all the latest nursing diagnoses and updated interventions. A laminated “pocket minder” bookmark makes diagnosis even easier.

Series: Nurses Pocket Guide

Paperback: 1312 pages

Publisher: F.A. Davis Company; 14 edition (January 13, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0803644752

ISBN-13: 978-0803644755

Product Dimensions: 4.5 x 1.2 x 7.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (197 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #5,673 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #9 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Diagnosis #10 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Diagnosis #10 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Nursing > General

but not to be used solely for writing care plans and here's the main reason why: there are very few rationales. Too few. In the care plans I was required to write, I had to have scientific rationales for each and every intervention. This book includes some rationales but not one for each intervention. I did use this book some but it will not be enough alone for those whose teacher, like mine, requires quoted rationales for each intervention of your care plan. Furthermore, the new NANDA approved Nursing Diagnoses for 2005-2006 aren't included which I was expected to know and start using when applicable this school year. So I had to go out and buy a new care plan book. I think this guide is intended, as the title suggests, for Nurses already working as a pocket guide, and not specifically for nursing students. It is a bit too tall and heavy to keep in your pocket working in the hospital but you could leave it at your station. This book does have its merits. What I like most is that the diagnoses are alphabetized for quick reference, which is useful after client interviews to double check my potential ideas of a diagnosis before I'd go home to stay up into the wee hours of the night preparing my client's diagnoses and plans of care for next day's clinical. Also I found very helpful the laminated card in the back of the book of all the diagnoses and their catagories (which can be comfortably carried in my pocket btw) because my teacher only wanted for the first semester care plans, two physiological and one psychosocial diagnosis per client. One has to have a clear understanding of each type of diagnosis as the critical ones should be done and listed first. Remember your ABC's (A=airway, B=breathing C=circulation. )Bottom line, this book is good but not as your primary nursing care plan guide book, in my opinion. Good luck to all future nurses!Soar!

This has been a wonderful resource for writing my first care plans as a nursing student starting out in my clinical med/surg rotation. If you can only buy one book, buy this one. It's easy to use, specific, and all the diagnoses are arranged according to Gordon's functional health patterns. And there are really great "cheat sheets" in the front for SOAPIE notes and LOTS of short assessments (e.g. respiration, pain, elimination, etc.) It saves you from wanting to carry around your textbook in the hospital! Plus, it's just the right size and not heavy.

This book has been an amazing tool for nursing school. Week after week of care plans this book still helps me improve. There are even areas pointed out to include specific information about your patient. This is a must buy.

This is the pocket guide of choice for our nursing school, and it does not take long to find out why. It contains the NANDA nursing diagnoses, as well as medical diagnoses. Very nice layout; it'll take you step by step through the nursing process. One of our instructors told us it's not the best one that's out there, but I think that has more to do with personal preferences and needs.

I like this book; however, the term "Pocket Guide" is misleading. I mistakenly thought that it would be small enough to put in a pocket in my scrubs. At about 1½ inches thick… there is no way I could keep this in a pocket.

I purchased this book while completing my BSN to use on a project. I found it easy to use, and most helpful with updating my perception and thinking related to nursing diagnosis. It is a small, compact book you can carry in your book bag and whip out at the drop of a hat.Well worth the investment. I believe I will be using this book for years to come.

This book has it all. It is not over-sized and carries a lot of information. The information is easy to locate and the rationales are clear and straight forward. It provides more information than a plain Nursing Diagnosis book by prioritizing the interventions and telling you why they are prioritized in that order. I use this book on every patient that I have in my clinical rotation and have not had any difficulties making my care plans.

very helpful for writing careplans- gives you ideas for nursing interventions for each nursing diagnoses along with rationale and expected outcomes. it is a lot lighter than a lot of careplan books and just as useful. i should know- i have 3!

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