The Art Of Hypnotic Regression Therapy: A Clinical Guide
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Hypnotic Regression Therapy, or HRT, is a type of hypnotherapy in which, following the induction of a good trance state, specialized suggestions are given to guide the client in reviewing and emotionally reframing earlier experiences that have either caused or contributed to the client's current symptoms. HRT is considered one of the most valuable hypnotherapy techniques available today, yet it remains controversial, partly due to inadequate training of psychotherapists and hypnotherapists which has contributed to numerous cases of false memory syndrome. In spite of the controversies, hypnotherapists successfully use regression therapy to discover the core causes of a number of problems and help clients release their emotional attachments to those causes. Such successful release empowers clients to overcome certain problems rather than simply coping with them. For example, people with a former fear of flying can now fly comfortably. This volume removes the fear of the dangers of mishandled hypnotic regression by presenting an organized , client-centered approach. You will learn when and how to use HRT effectively to help clients discover and release the causes of their problems and symptoms. The authors emphasize the importance of avoiding inappropriate leading, and also how to explain the risk of false memories to clients. Five phases of HRT are explored: preparation abreactions and release, regression techniques to discover the cause(s) subconscious relearning and concluding the session. There is also a chapter discussing the controversial topic of past life regressions, with potential explanations and ethical considerations. The authors also include case histories to illustrate the value of their client-centered approach to HRT. Additional background information is included that forms a foundation for client-centered hypnotherapy, with specific objectives to accomplish that increase and the likelihood of lasting results. The book also discusses how HRT fits in with other appropriate forms of psychological therapy and why regression is a valuable tool for helping clients realize lasting results in overcoming psychological and psychosomatic symptoms after other techniques have failed.

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Crown House Publishing (August 15, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1845908511

ISBN-13: 978-1845908515

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #684,780 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #21 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Hypnotherapy #58 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Hypnotherapy #6034 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > General

Two of hypnotherapy's stellar practitioners, Roy Hunter and Bruce Eimer, have pooled their expertise to produce a book on regression hypnotherapy so comprehensive, it is the only guide to regression hypnosis a hypnotherapist will ever need. The authors have drawn from their mentors, David Cheek, Charles Tebbetts, and Dabney Ewin, as well as other hypnotherapists whose work established major milestones in hypnotherapy practice.The authors address the philosophical foundations of regression hypnotherapy, as well as the current controversies over the uses of abreaction, the ethics of past life regression, and false memories. They give practical advice, guidelines, and examples for achieving the five phases of regression hypnosis: client preparation, regression techniques, abreaction and release, subconscious learning, and concluding the session. The objectives for the practitioner are to skillfully employ suggestion and imagery, discover the root cause of the client's difficulties, assist the client to release emotional attachments to the causal event, and assist subconscious learning.Hunter and Eimer make the case that while regression hypnotherapy is not useful with every client, it is indicated for clients who are well motivated but not responsive to other hypnotic methods. The authors discuss procedural issues such as the initial interview, various inductions, depth of trance, and the differences between initial sensitizing events and activating events that give rise to symptoms.The authors provide a particularly good discussion of the seven psychodynamics of a symptom (i.e.

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