The Detox Book: How To Detoxify Your Body To Improve Your Health, Stop Disease And Reverse Aging
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We live in a toxic world. Environmental pollution and disease-causing germs assault us continually day after day. Our food is nutrient deficient and our water supply dangerously contaminated. People today are exposed to chemicals in far greater concentrations then were previous generations. Thousands of tons of man-made chemicals and industrial pollutants are poured into our environment and our food supply daily. With such a massive attack on our health we should all be sick from toxic overload. And we are! In no other time in the history of the world has degenerative disease been as prominent as it is today. Diseases that were rare or unheard of a century ago are now raging upon us like a plague. Millions are dying from diseases that were virtually unknown in the past. Experts tell us that by the time we reach middle age, each one of us will have already been affected by either cancer, cardiovascular disease, or some other serious degenerative condition. Conventional medicine has no sure cure. Drugs, surgery, and radiation treatments can be as dangerous and debilitating as the diseases they attempt to cure. Nature, however, has provided us with the solution. Our bodies are amazingly resilient. If the disease-causing toxins are removed, the body will heal itself. This book outlines the steps you need to take to thoroughly detoxify and cleanse your body from these disease-causing agents. You will also learn how to reduce your toxic exposure and how to strengthen your immune system. Through detoxification you will free yourself from the chains of pain, reverse degenerative conditions, gain more energy, feel and look younger, improve your memory, and be happier. Virtually all the diseases of modern society, including many infectious illnesses, can be avoided or even cured by sensible systematic detoxification. Although we live in a toxic world we can take control of our health. This book will show you how.

Perfect Paperback: 208 pages

Publisher: Piccadilly Books, Ltd.; Third Edition edition (September 1, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0941599892

ISBN-13: 978-0941599894

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.5 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (71 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #143,489 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #10 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Holistic Medicine #12 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Toxicology #134 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Naturopathy

I purchased this book a while ago and while reading did find parts a bit repetitive (hence the one less 'star'). Other than that it was in simple language and easy to follow - not to mention making perfect sense: in a very small nutshell - eat what is not processed, and if it's not organic, peel it first before eating. There is lots of other enlightening information about shellfish and what types of fish to eat/avoid, problems with certain meats, types of oils to avoid and use, water and air purifiers, things you can do for your body to help with cleansing, etc. If I followed the detox programme the author mentioned that I'd become sick, and boy did I ever. My body was getting rid of so much built-up toxins that I was flat out in bed in a sweat for two days solid. I knew it was coming and why, so I didn't bother with doctor visits or pills to stop the fever, which would stop the detoxification process. When the fever broke I sat up in my bed and could only blink my eyes as I was so shocked how great I felt, even sitting there in a sweat-soaked t-shirt, I never felt better. Although I have waned from eating properly again and I feel tired and drained most of the time through poor choices with my diet, my New Year's resolution is to follow Fife's detox programme again and this time, make a lifestyle change with it, rather than a temporary fix. I highly recommend it!

The book is the best health book I've ever read. The tiny exception is, I showed it to my friend who's got a ph.D. in biochemistry. He read it and said "the book is right on, with the exception of the idea of the "single organ" cleanse (liver detox, etc.). His feeling is that(for the most part) you can't target organs with a detox, the entire system is affected (much the same way you can't "spot" remove fat!)Highly recommended, regardless!

This is my favorite natural health book. I have gone through Dr. Fife's detox program and feel healthier than I ever have. This isn't a simple 10 day detox program but an intense cleaning out of the entire body. Dr. Fife's descriptions of the detox process are right on. Besides having great information for eating right and detox, this book has amazing stories all throughout. If you've ever been bored before by all the facts, this is the book for you-the facts can be entertaining-what an easy way to remember them. I wish I could get everyone to read The Detox Book.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I've actually implemented much of the advice given, such as the All Natural Diet. This book has a lot of really good, useful information, and I was very enlightened on the chapters about fasting. I plan to try my first fast in the next week or so. I found some of the suggestions a little unrealistic, such as the suggestion not to drink water from plastic bottles. I understand the reasoning behind this, and do try as much as possible not to drink water from plastic, but it just isn't possible 100% of the time. Also, I'm not a vegetarian, as I believe that meat is an important part of a human diet, but the author disagrees. Otherwise, I found this book to be helpful in my overall health and diet regimen.

I chose this book because I bought Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures and What They Don't Want You To Know" first and was curious to take a peek and see some of his...."Natural Cures". He kept telling me in the first two chapters not to go forward into chapter 6 where he has the natural cures listed so my curiosity got the better of me and I went anyhow (remind you of the Garden of Eden?). In chapter 6 he instructs you to go to his website to get all the "Natural Cures" so I went and he asked for more money. Something like $50.00 I think, I really don't remember. Well, I wasn't paying up. I then came here to and looked at some customer reviews of Kevin's book and critics said to just buy "The Detox Book" because it was straightforward AND the natural cures were listed IN the book, you didn't have to go to an outside source, jump through flaming hoops like a French poodle, or climb Mount Everest to get the cures.Love the book. it has shed light on the REASONS for an unhealthy, toxic body and the ways to flush your system of those toxins. I avoid some of the more horrendous dealers of death in our food supply and have never felt better in my life. I recommend the book to all my friends and family because the information contained therein can save your LIFE!!!Buy it! It's only 20 bucks.

I love this book. I have read it a couple of times. I couldn't believe what I learned. It really made me look at the way I live my life, was raised, and the way I want to raise my children. The fasting program was right on. I was so glad that he mentioned the healing effects that happen to the body and not to give up. I especially liked the chapter on juicing, which I have made my new hobby. I'm so glad that the book I happened to buy on accident, turned out to be my favorite natural health book. I think anyone who is interested in healing their body naturally, or just wants to feel better than ever, this is your book.

This book was very helpful during my first body cleanse.I especially liked the chapter on the healing crisisyou go through while cleansing. It reassured me thatmy skin breaking out, ect...were all a normal partof your body releasing toxins. I found this book tobe an easy read with alot of interesting information.It is a great guide on how to get healthy and delaythe ageing process.

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