Wordweaving: The Science Of Suggestion - A Comprehensive Guide To Creating Hypnotic Language
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Wordweaving presents a radical new approach to the use of hypnotic suggestion. For years Hypnotherapists have used scripts which are aimed at a particular problem, like smoking or weight loss, rather than focusing on the client who smokes or has weight issues. A specific smoking script may stop one person from ever lighting another cigarette, but may have no effect on another person. Therapy is about transforming the nature of a client s experience into something that enhances the quality of his or her life. The three steps of Wordweaving are: 1. Identify what aspect of the client's experience your suggestion is aimed at changing. 2. Choose which mental processes, usually termed trance phenomena, should be used to achieve that shift in perception in your client. 3. Linguistically frame the suggestion to achieve that aim. Each person's reality is subjective as it is created in that person s mind, and the purpose of any hypnotic suggestion is to change that person s perception of that reality. Mastering this book will free you from the constraints of scripts and enable you to use your creative skill to weave suggestive words that empower your clients by changing their model of reality. It presents the science behind suggestion, and the means of using that science to create magical ways of influencing others.

Paperback: 194 pages

Publisher: Quest Institute; Reprint edition (June 1, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0954366409

ISBN-13: 978-0954366407

Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 0.6 x 8.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (3 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #897,321 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #26 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Hypnotherapy #75 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Hypnotherapy #542 in Books > Self-Help > Hypnosis

This book is a part of the trilogy of books the author has named Cognitive Hypnotherapy, and you will get the most of them if you go through all three - Wordweaving, The Question is the Answer, and Cognitive Hypnotherapy: What's That About.In this first book, Wordweaving, Trevor gives an overview of the process consisting of asking questions to find out what is the problem state and what would client like to experience instead, and then guiding the client from the problem to the solution using hypnotic language.If you've taken NLP Master Practitioner course, you are already familiar with hypnotic language patterns, working with submodalities and Robert Dilt's (or Gregory Bateson's) neurological levels.Trevor suggests asking questions related to the (1) context of the problem (in what context does the problem manifest), (2) structure of the problem (using submodalities), (3) process through which the problem manifests, and the (4) consequence of he problem state.He uses, what he calls a Matrix model to delineate the stages of the process through which the problem manifests, beginning with the (1) stimulus that starts the problem state, (2) memory matrix (in NLP usually referred to as transderivational search where the mind looks for any related past experiences), (3) emotion that arises out of that information and results in a (4) response which manifests through some kind of behavior, (5) termination, where the person has stopped as it has fulfilled its usefulness, and finally (6) evaluation, which occurs on conscious and unconscious levels and where individuals evaluates the usefulness of the information.

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