Essentials Of Statistics For The Behavioral Sciences
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A proven bestseller, ESSENTIALS OF STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 8e gives you straightforward instruction, unrivaled accuracy, built-in learning aids, and plenty of real-world examples to help you understand statistical concepts. The authors take time to fully explain statistical procedures so that you can go beyond memorizing formulas and begin gaining a conceptual understanding of statistics. They also take care to show you how having an understanding of statistical procedures will help you comprehend published findings--ultimately leading you to become a savvy consumer of information. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections

Paperback: 648 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning; 8 edition (January 1, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 128556359X

ISBN-13: 978-1133956570

ASIN: 1133956572

Product Dimensions: 1 x 7.8 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (151 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #7,729 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #20 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Applied > Statistics #24 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Statistics #34 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Applied > Probability & Statistics

This is the first statistics textbook that I have actually understood and enjoyed, and I have read many of them. The authors take students through the material step by step and do not make assumptions about prior knowledge. The charts and examples are very helpful and clearly presented. As textbooks go, this is the best!

I got this text for an online class and so it has basically been my sole "teacher" for statistics. Even though it has been a while since I have taken any math at all, Gravetter has made learning straightforward and relatively easy.Each concept is explained logically and clearly with examples, and to reinforce comprehension there are very good analogies in the text boxes on the side. After explaining each concept there is a step-by-step example, and then practice problems are given in sections throughout the chapter to be sure you are understanding the material. The few times I have not gotten something correct, a quick review has shown me it was my own oversight and not a problem with the way the book explained the material.There are a couple of editing errors, but nothing too confusing.I also got a copy of the workbook that goes with the text and for me it has really helped reinforce the material before exams.I totally recommend this text, and believe if someone wants to learn statistics on their own, it can absolutely be done with this text and not much more (maybe the study guide). There is even a quiz of relevant "prerequisite" math knowledge in one of the appendices. If you get a few problems wrong, the concept is explained in a short review section. Awesome!It is the only text I plan to keep. It will be a great backup as I learn research.

Having seriously struggled for the last two years with the statistics side of my Psychology studies, this book has really made things so much clearer. An excellent book for anyone struggling to grasp the basic statistical concepts required in behavioral sciences.

some typos and errors in the chapters and answers in the back, but overall this was a very good book to study from. the author has done a good job explaining concepts, and is good for someone to start statistics with, as I started this book with absolutely no idea what statistics even started with.

This book is absolutely excellent. I have looked through other stats books and lost interest immediately, but this book is written in such a way that it actually makes you want to learn the material. Rather than just telling you how to solve the problem, the authors inform you as to why learning it is necessary, and frequently give you real-life, interesting scenarios regarding how specific formulas are used by psychologists.Statistics, of course, becomes progressively more difficult over time, and you may need to seek outside help once you reach the last few chapters in particular. However, I believe that this book is the best of its kind, and it might be worth purchasing even if it is not your primary source for class, etc.

This is a perfectly fine textbook for learning concepts. However, when they switched versions, they made a lot of mistakes when they copied over sample problems; some of the answers in the book are wrong. Always ask a teacher or tutor for clarification if you're using this for a course.

This textbook is pretty good. I am the type of person who, to put it bluntly, sucks at math however this book really does help me understand statistics better. The learning check problems are good for practice and the answers for these problems are found at the bottom which helps when one needs to check their answers. The book is also good at explaining the process on how to solve the problems given. I am really glad my professor chose to assign my class this textbook.

This was a required course for my degree - not a subject I'm interested in but this book made the learning process much easier. The book is well written and provides very clear/concise step-by-step procedures to understand the subject matter. If you take the time to read page by page, in order, and complete all the practice questions, there is no reason not to do well and understand the subject. If it wasn't for a book as well written as this, I don't think my interest would have remained peaked throughout the semester (and my grade to be as good). Each chapter builds on the knowledge you attained - this gradual understanding of the subject made learning much easier and interesting.

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