Physics: Principles With Applications (7th Edition)
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Elegant, engaging, exacting, and concise, Giancoli’s Physics: Principles with Applications , Seventh Edition, helps you view the world through eyes that know physics.   Giancoli’s text is a trusted classic, known for its elegant writing, clear presentation, and quality of content. Using concrete observations and experiences you can relate to, the text features an approach that reflects how science is actually practiced: it starts with the specifics, then moves to the great generalizations and the more formal aspects of a topic to show you why we believe what we believe.   Written with the goal of giving you a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of physics in all its aspects, the text uses interesting applications to biology, medicine, architecture, and digital technology to show you how useful physics is to your everyday life and in your future profession.

Hardcover: 1088 pages

Publisher: Pearson; 7 edition (June 16, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0321625927

ISBN-13: 978-0321625922

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.6 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (286 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #7,939 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #1 in Books > Science & Math > Physics > Applied #16 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Physics #2451 in Books > Reference

I know physics is hard for all of us, but this book is very clear in explaining physics. It does not involve in calculus, so usually it is better for most students who never took physics. So if you did not take physics class before, I highly recommend this book because it does not use pompous or intricate words that most science textbook writers do. Not only is it an easy reading, but also it has awesome questions and problems that make you think and that check whether you know really physics.Most my friends who were in engineering or math majors had easy physics teachers in high school. Some of them did not even take physics at all. Surprisingly, they dived into calculus based physics book and they found the subject to be incredibly hard. I understand their pain because I think this book can be a bridge that can connect high school physics(so easy ones) and calculus based physics.I also read Serway's College Physics, and in my opinion, I think Giancoli wrote better job in explaining physics with more clear diagrams. The sentences that he uses grabs my attention. Serway confused me and I was stuck a lot from his book. Problems in examples are so much better in Giancoli as well and diagrams were better as well.So before you read calculus based physics, read this one thoroughly and you will be able to breathe in higher physics class.

Overall, this is a decent textbook. The authors cover everything that's needed to know for any general Physics course.However, a major flaw and advantage is the amount of information compressed within 1000 pages. Providing dozens of explanations and examples in each chapter does help students to better relate to the meaning behind the formulas. But by doing this constantly, the book must be slowly read with a strong attention span.The problem with this book is focus. There is too much design, text, and colors going on at any given page.I recommend reading "Cracking the AP Physics" or "Basic Physics" before diving into this book. Mainly because those two books offer simple and clear design, text and color; reducing the stress that comes from learning Physics.So, what is Torque?"The angular acceleration, then, is proportional to the product of the force times the lever arm. This product is called the moment of the force about the axis, or more commonly, it is called the torque, and is represented by (Greek tau)..."- Torque (page 204 - Physics 6th - Giancoli ):"Intuitively, torque describes the effectiveness of a force in producing rotational acceleration."- Torque (page 97 - Cracking the AP Physics B & C Exams 06-07 edition):

This book is maddening. Hundreds of physics problems, and no manual to show you how their solutions are derived. You can't learn physics unless you go over the solutions to problems -- so you can't learn physics with this book alone. You need 1.)a professor with the solutions manual 2.) the solutions manual (which a lowly student is not allowed to have) -- or 3.) a different book (my recommendation). I'm preparing on my own for the MCAT, and this book is driving me crazy. I'm able to get my hands on College Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Biology texts, all with detailed answers to their problems. Trying to answer a problem, failing, reviewing the answer, coming back to it later and trying again -- that's how you learn. Reading five pages of text, one or two worked-out examples, and then tackling 30 problems of varying degrees of difficulty with no assistance from the text (or the absolutely useless student manual, what a waste of money) -- is no way to learn physics. If the authors published a student solutions manual with worked-out problems, this would be a good text. I wish the authors could read some of the comments on this site and realize WORKED-OUT PROBLEMS FOR STUDENTS OF PHYSICS ARE ESSENTIAL TO LEARNING PHYSICS. Perhaps in a classroom setting, with a good teacher, this is a helpful text. Trying to use it on your own as a resource for MCAT preparation, or any other solitary learning, however, is a complete waste of time. DON'T BUY IT.

I used this book in my AP Physics B course in grade 12. The book, if you read JUST the text and examples, is not difficult at all. The examples are very straightforward, and the text is coherent. There are a few errors I have found, but in mathematics/physics books, this is a frequent thing. But the weakness in this book is the Problems--WAY WAY WAY too hard for an intro Physics class. Now I have a strong algebra and calculus/trig basis, and even for me this book is very diffucult. Too much time is spent rambling on about useless topics, and more time should be devoted to crafting a stronger exposition--explain the solutions to more of the problems. The only thing that saved us is the fact that we had the INSTRUCTOR'S SOLUTIONS MANUAL, by Irvin A Miller to guide us through these gruesome questions. Mr Giancoli, if you are reading this--you wrote a very good textbook. But in order to do problems, one must SEE visually how it is done out and be able to clearly follow the exposition. We are grateful to Mr Miller, the author of the solutions manual, for enabling us to get through the book. With the answer book to guide us, we all got 4's and a few 5's on the AP exam. The kids the year before who used just the Giancoli text got all 3's or less (most got 2's). A word of advise--get the answer book if you are studying this text. Without it the book is useless in understanding how to do the problems. ...

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