The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves
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The Outward Mindset offers a new and intuitive way to teach people how to implement mindset change in themselves and scale it across organizations, with incredible effect. One's mindset can be self-focused, which Arbinger calls an inward mindset, or it can be inclusive of others, which Arbinger calls an outward mindset. It turns out that our own actions, and others responses to those actions, end up being dramatically different depending on which mindset we are operating from. The Outward Mindset teaches listeners how to shift more fully to an outward mindset and how to help others, even whole organizations, to make that shift―a shift that sparks innovation, increases accountability, and transforms collaboration, engagement, and fulfillment.

Audio CD

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler on Dreamscape Audio; Unabridged edition (June 6, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 152001483X

ISBN-13: 978-1520014838

Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.1 x 5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (51 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #255,945 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #50 in Books > Business & Money > Insurance > Business #181 in Books > Books on CD > Business > General

This book has much to offer in these days of corporate scandals and tough business situations. The people of the Arbinger Institute offer a program aimed at bringing qualities like humility, empathy, and accountability into daily interactions with people both at work and at home. The book is slim and very readable, and the authors' methods are carefully explained and illustrated with simple diagrams and many stories of success, some very moving.All through the book, the authors contrast what they call the inward mindset (self-focused) and the outward mindset (the opposite: looking to understand others in a more objective way). One of the most useful tools is known by the acronym SAM:1. See the needs, objectives and challenges of others - (change mindset before changing behavior2. Adjust one's work to become more helpful to others3. Find a way to measure the impact of behavior, and hold oneself accountable for that impactWith an outward mindset, one is more likely to pause and consider the longterm consequences of one's actions, and to treat others in a more humane way. Given the behavior of certain organizations over the past 10 years, all of this seems almost too good to be true. Stories of success are drawn from a wide range of business and personal situations. A few examples: the Ford Foundation turnaround; the Kansas City Police Department SWAT team; Navy Seals; and various personal and family scenarios. I particularly appreciated reading about ways that a change of attitude in one person inspired the same in others. In one case, workers deemed hopelessly incompetent completely turned around and became highly valued members of their organizations.

As the book explains, “People often use the term mindset to refer to a core belief about oneself. However, in our experience over three decades helping individuals and organizations, the biggest lever for change is not in self-belief but a fundamental change in the way one sees and regards one’s connections with and obligations to others.” This is the heart of the book.The authors compare changing your mindset with changing your behavior, noting, “Countless books on personal improvement and organizational transformation recount the behaviors and actions of individuals how have achieved remarkable results with the promise that, by replicating these same behaviors, you too can achieve similar outcomes. This formulaic approach to improvement takes as its starting point the simple idea that behaviors drive results.” They then go on to show how people can usually see through your behavior to your attitude toward them, and react more to your attitude than your behavior. This matters greatly in the workplace. “When you sufficiently improve the mindset – either of an individual or of an organization – you no longer have to specify everything each team member is supposed to do (the way those who operate from a behavioral model often assume). As the mindset changes, so does the behavior, without having to prescribe the change. And where certain behaviors still need to be stipulated, the suggestions won’t be systematically resisted. For these reasons, mindset change facilitates sustainable behavior change.”The above is all covered in Part I of the book. Here’s the authors’ summary of the rest of the book:“In Part II, we explore the inward and outward mindsets in more depth.

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