Fundamentals Of Microbiology
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Every new copy of the print book includes access code to Student Companion Website! The Tenth Edition of Jeffrey Pommerville's best-selling, award-winning classic text Fundamentals of Microbiology provides nursing and allied health students with a firm foundation in microbiology. Updated to reflect the Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology as recommended by the American Society for Microbiology, the fully revised tenth edition includes all-new pedagogical features and the most current research data. This edition incorporates updates on infectious disease and the human microbiome, a revised discussion of the immune system, and an expanded Learning Design Concept feature that challenges students to develop critical-thinking skills. Accessible enough for introductory students and comprehensive enough for more advanced learners, Fundamentals of Microbiology encourages students to synthesize information, think deeply, and develop a broad tool set for analysis and research. Real-life examples, actual published experiments, and engaging figures and tables ensure student success. The text's design allows students to self-evaluate and build a solid platform of investigative skills. Enjoyable, lively, and challenging, Fundamentals of Microbiology is an essential text for students in the health sciences. New to the fully revised and updated Tenth Edition: -New Investigating the Microbial World feature in each chapter encourages students to participate in the scientific investigation process and challenges them to apply the process of science and quantitative reasoning through related actual experiments. -All-new or updated discussions of the human microbiome, infectious diseases, the immune system, and evolution -Redesigned and updated figures and tables increase clarity and student understanding -Includes new and revised critical thinking exercises included in the end-of-chapter material -Incorporates updated and new MicroFocus and MicroInquiry boxes, and Textbook Cases -The Companion Website includes a wealth of study aids and learning tools, including new interactive animations* *Companion Website access is not included with ebook offerings.

Hardcover: 913 pages

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 10 edition (January 23, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1449688616

ISBN-13: 978-1449688615

Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 8.5 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (24 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #34,070 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #10 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Immunology #14 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Immunology #16 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Infectious Diseases

The writing is just bad, info could be organized better, informal tone for a textbook. The general lack of clarity is the biggest problem.Ex: "Under stressful conditions, some bacterial species can produce cells that stop dividing (remain in the B period of the cell cycle) but maintain a very low rate of metabolism. These, so-called persister cells, are spontaneously and naturally produced during the log phase of growth and are not the result of unfavorable environmental change"This doesn't make sense, it states a general phenomenon and then gives an example that doesn't fit. If persister cells are produced under favorable conditions, how is that an example of cells that stop dividing under stressful conditions? It doesn't go on to clarify and there are confusing statements like this throughout the book. I googled persister cells, and asked my professor about this too, apparently there is disagreement on whether stressful conditions directly cause dormant cells to form. The textbook should state that there are opposing thoughts on this, not juxtapose the 2 opposing thoughts with no explanation.

This book is very clear and precise regarding some topics, while mildly vague in others. Either way, it has numerous pictures and real-life applications that help with the clarity and comprehension of the content. The textbook makes the tough subject of Microbiology much easier to maneuver.This is an expensive book, so I was happy that it came in good condition!

I had to purchase this book for my microbiology class. A difference in Ch. 6, the total number of ATP produced by the ETC is now 32, when previously it was believed to be 38. NADH and FADH now produce less ATP.

Those who really want to get deeper and deeper into science, particularly the microscopic world should buy this one. It gives full details with more comprehensible expressions.

Not your typical text book, very easy to read with a lot of interesting side stores that are relevant to what you are learning.

I procrastinated and ordered this two days prior to when I needed it and it arrived on time in perfect condition with the access code intact and everything, super happy. Probably wise not to procrastinate again though, haha

Difficult too maneuver, pages are not numbered

Never had to use this book once during class. But the font and pictures are ok for a text book.

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