How To Overcome Fear Of Flying: The Cure For Fear Of Airplane Flights: Conquer Your Fear Flying!
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Paralyzed By The Thought Of Getting On An Airplane? Missing Out On Life Because You're Afraid To Fly? Learn How To Conquer Your Fear of Flying Today! Fear of flying is exceedingly common. The last time on you flew on a plane, undoubtedly more than a handful of passengers on that flight were scared! At the worst, fear of flying can leave you like John Madden: taking a bus everywhere, and never leaving the United States. Even mild cases of aerophobia (fear of flying) can make vacations and travel miserable. This book will solve your fears so that you can live your life again! It doesn't have to be that way! Fear of flying can be overcome! This eBook will help you overcome your fears by teaching you: 1. The facts that air travel is exceedingly safe--knowledge is power 2. Distraction techniques to focus on things other than your fear 3. Learning to trust the professionals that are caring for you in flight 4. Techniques to ensure that your have the best flight scenario (the best seats, the largest planes to reduce turbulence, etc) including the best seat selection tool online today! 5. How to directly face your fear to conquer it Need another reason to buy this book? Here's a fantastic one: I feel that children's literacy is extremely important, and as such, I donate 5% of the proceeds from the sale of my books to Reading Is Fundamental, the largest and most respected children's literacy non-profit in America. EVERY DAY that goes by, you're missing out on your life because of your fear of flying. Don't let your fear conquer you, instead learn flying without fear by using the methods in this book starting NOW.

Paperback: 26 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (July 14, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1500523100

ISBN-13: 978-1500523107

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (6 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #3,113,051 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #64 in Books > Travel > Specialty Travel > Special Needs #1879 in Books > Self-Help > Anxieties & Phobias #3911 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Pathologies

My grandmother had an obsessive fear of thunderstorms, no amount of counseling helped her, I still remember her wanting to hide under the bed whenever it rained. I wish James Christiansen had written a book for her!This thought struck me as I was reading "How to overcome fear of flying-The cure for fearing airplane flights". The word cure stood out; I felt the author sounded particularly confident! And when I read it I understood why - it's because the book really gets into your head, understands how it works and then gives a customized plan for you. Like James lists the reasons for fear which can be many; he also lists an equal number of cures.The whole fear of flying and its cure has been logically explained over 5 chapters with each chapter dealing with the problem in detail. Christiansen has approached the subject from different angles and it shows a good amount of research. He does not treat the people suffering from this fear as being abnormal, but accepts that it is very normal to feel this way. His tone is assuring yet assertive and tends to take the reader to a comfort zone. He also gives a `to do list' with easy to follow points for all my fellow sufferers of aviophobia!Yes I hate flying too, but I'll make sure to carry this ebook with me whenever I'm travelling.

There's literally nothing to this book. It's so short and barely touches on any tips or techniques to stay calm. It doesn't delve into any topics. It's like a bullet point list of all the things you want to know, but aren't in this book.

This author has compiled great tips on how to not be afraid of flying. My fears were reduced within reading the first chapter. I didn't realize it, but according to the author of "How To Overcome Fear of Flying...", traveling by airplane is one of the safest modes of transportation, much safer than traveling in a car. This is a very well written Kindle book about overcoming the anxiety that accompanies traveling on airplanes. You won't be disappointed in this book, it's a great read.

Aviophobia is a very common fear. I didn't experience my first bout of fear of flying until last year (I'm 33), and it was terrifying to say the least. As a child, I missed a trip to Disney World because my mother had such a fear of flying that she refused to take the trip! I wish she could've read this before making that decision!This eBook was very helpful, and offers some excellent tips on managing the fear and stress associated with flying, as well as overcoming the fear altogether. There are things we can do to overcome the fear, or at least lessen it to some degree. My mom knocked us out of a trip to Disney World, but some people can't advance in their careers due to their aviophobia. Some want to travel and can't, and feel as though they're living an unfulfilled life all because they're too afraid to fly.I've always heard that flying is the safest means of transportation. This eBook provides some information that actually backs that up!I'd definitely recommend this to those suffering from aviophobia, but also to anyone suffering from any kind of fear. We can all overcome these fears if given the right tools, and this eBook is a great starting place.

This eBook will surely help anyone who has aviophobia or fear of flying. Although I do not have such phobia, there are still times when flying seems so dangerous, especially after a particular bumpy ride. Such times will make one think of all the bad things he has done and confess it all to the person seating next to him, Almost Famous style. It will certainly make flying seem like a very bad idea from that moment on. But flying has become such an integral part of people's lives. Domestic and international vacations, business trips, holiday trips, and so forth, flying an airplane is a necessity! Not only will it bring you to your desired vacation faster, it is also more convenient. And as what the eBook reported, it is also apparently safer than the other modes of traveling. So buckle up, girl! Read this eBook and overcome your fear. :)

Fear of flying, known as aviophobia or aviatophobia, is one of the worldwide-prevailing psychological problems. This upsetting problem imposes its consequent adverse effects on many people's lives, including myself; personal vacation planning becomes a hard mission, career progress is largely hampered, and for people who dream of travelling everywhere and exploring the world, they are definitely kept away from fulfilling their dreams. From my personal experience, circumventing this issue is ineffective at all, and it has to be radically cured.In this book, I could figure out the different reasons why aviophobic people become what they are, and then I learned in detail how to address the fear by means of several proven methods that have helped many, formerly, aviophobic people overcome and eliminate anxiety, that some of them completed a sky dive afterwards!I strongly recommend this awesome book for everyone who suffers from this common problem; it will help you cure aviophobia altogether.

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