Policy And Politics In Nursing And Healthcare - Revised Reprint, 6e (Mason, Policy And Politics In Nursing And Health Care)
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Featuring analysis of healthcare issues and first-person stories, Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care helps you develop skills in influencing policy in today’s changing health care environment. 145 expert contributors present a wide range of topics in policies and politics, providing a more complete background than can be found in any other policy textbook on the market. Discussions include the latest updates on conflict management, health economics, lobbying, the use of media, and working with communities for change. The revised reprint includes a new appendix with coverage of the new Affordable Care Act. With these insights and strategies, you’ll be prepared to play a leadership role in the four spheres in which nurses are politically active: the workplace, government, professional organizations, and the community.Up-to-date coverage on the Affordable Care Act in an Appendix new to the revised reprint.Comprehensive coverage of healthcare policies and politics provides a broader understanding of nursing leadership and political activism, as well as complex business and financial issues.Expert authors make up a virtual Nursing Who's Who in healthcare policy, sharing information and personal perspectives gained in the crafting of healthcare policy.Taking Action essays include personal accounts of how nurses have participated in politics and what they have accomplished.Winner of several American Journal of Nursing "Book of the Year" awards! A new Appendix on the Affordable Care Act, its implementation as of mid-2013, and the implications for nursing, is included in the revised reprint.18 new chapters ensure that you have the most up-to-date information on policy and politics.The latest information and perspectives are provided by nursing leaders who influenced health care reform with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.

Series: Mason, Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care

Paperback: 832 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 6 edition (October 7, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0323242413

ISBN-13: 978-0323242417

Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 7.5 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (42 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #24,322 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #15 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Nursing > Issues #15 in Books > Medical Books > Nursing > Issues, Trends & Roles #20 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Administration & Policy > Health Care Delivery

Like the previous (other) reviewer, I am annoyed that this ebook has so little portability. I bought the Kindle text so I could read it on the go, using my Kindle, or MacAir. Turns out, this book doesn't even load on to my Kindle or my lap top. It ONLY loads onto my desktop, making the ebook not more but LESS portable than the hard copy would have been. The buyer alert needs to more prominent.Update: if you highlight or take notes liberally, don't expect to revisit your highlighted material except by laboriously clicking back (or ahead), page-by-page. This is true on the lap top (which finally loads the text) and the desk top for me. I've read through chapter 14, highlighting along the way. I've opened the sidebar along the left side and chosen "All My Notes and Marks" The function does NOT track highlights as I make them though. It shows the notes and marks beginning from pg. 1, regardless of where you actually are in the text. You have to scroll down to find newer ones. Problem is, the sidebar only seems capable of loading a limited number of notes. It is impossible (as far as I can tell) to re-access highlights on this bar after reaching (for me) about pg. 40. Try to scroll much farther that and everything gets wonky and then goes blank. The side menu never populates with the rest of the notes/highlights. I don't know if it the side bar is just loading very, very slowly or what. Regardless, I cannot use this text to study from. I don't have 10 minutes to wait for the stupid thing to find my highlights on pg 129 or 204 or whatever, when I could just flip to them in a second with a paper text. Very irritating. I will not buy another large electronic textbook.

The authors were clearly politically skewed. When reading a textbook, sometimes you can determine the author's political party, but I've never read a textbook that was so blatantly open about it. If you want to read a book that makes liberals seem saint-like an unable to do any wrong and only points out the negative aspects of conservatives this is the book for you. Honestly, the blatant liberal leaning was so distracting that I could barely focus on the policy, which is a shame - because I think that might have been fairly good.

This book is the assigned text for my Current Nursing Issues and Trends class in a BSN program. It covers material such as unionization, affordable health insurance, and legislation issues that affect nurses. I imagine much of the material would become dated very quickly, so I'm glad to see this one was update in 2014. I plan to keep this book when my class is finished because there is so much to learn but will need to check if any information becomes outdated.

This is a thorough book, it is up to date for the most part. I had to buy for my Health policy class and it doesn't repeat things like most school books do. I do like that I have learned some things on the behind the scenes and how legislation gets passed, denied, etc. I like the fact that the book highly encourages patient advocacy. However, I do feel like the chapters tend to be biased and leading towards one political party than others. I won't get into the politics of our society, but this does make it hard to read through the chapters, I skim sometimes because I can't stand the way its being portrayed. Just my opinion.

This book was required for a course in my MSN program, and it has been a fantastic resource! Great coverage of a range of topics relating to policy and political processes in legislation, government, communities, organizations, research, nursing, and healthcare in general. The authors consistently communicate in a relatable, relevant way--and provide current examples to connect concepts to context. I'm glad I purchased instead of renting, and I would highly recommend for anyone interested in getting involved with nursing leadership or political advocacy!

The authors write clearly and eloquently. Excellent for any level of nurse looking to become more familiar with the politics of nursing... I think this book will become even more valuable in the years to come as we have even more say in healthcare.

The book arrived quickly in excellent condition. The authors are clear considering the amount of information provided. Great source for someone needing an introduction into nursing policy.

Textbook was needed for a class, but topics are clearly written and thoroughly covered.

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