Dialysis Without Fear: A Guide To Living Well On Dialysis For Patients And Their Families
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More than 400,000 people in the United States undergo kidney dialysis. If you or a member of your family are one of them, then the prospect of a regular appointment with a dialysis machine may seem like the end of life itself. But that reaction couldn't be more wrong. In Dialysis Without Fear, psychiatrist and dialysis patient Dr. Daniel Offer joins with his wife, Marjorie Kaiz Offer, and daughter, Susan Offer Szafir, to reveal how life can be lived--and lived well--on dialysis. Drawing on his long medical career and more than seven years of personal experience with dialysis, Dr. Offer dispels many misconceptions surrounding this treatment, explaining how you can adapt to the new diet, travel, work and continue to partake in life's joys and celebrations. But the fears and hardships can be quite real, and Dr. Offer brings his years as a psychiatrist to bear as he provides practical advice on how patients can overcome them. Walking through each step of dialysis, he explains different types of treatment, examines the pros and cons of a transplant, and discusses side effects. Since dialysis affects the entire family, Dr. Offer and his coauthors also provide realistic insights into how relatives can cope and thrive together, sharing the humor, courage, and triumphs of real families who have successfully faced the challenges of dialysis. The result is an inspiring, practical guide that will help you and your family learn to overcome the difficulties of dialysis, live without fear, and enjoy every day.

Paperback: 304 pages

Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (June 28, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0195309952

ISBN-13: 978-0195309959

Product Dimensions: 8.1 x 0.8 x 5.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (19 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #278,075 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #23 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Nephrology #607 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Psychiatry #3145 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diseases & Physical Ailments

I wish that this book was available when I started dialysis. I recommend this book for anyone wanting to know more about dialysis and/or transplants,(patients, family. friends, etc).I gave a copy to the social worker at my dialysis clinic and she is getting more copies for the clinic to educate future clients.

This book was most helpful for me. It covered a lot of critical information and helps with decision making. It provides experiences from several different patients and input from drs.and nurses who regularly deal with patients in kidney failure.

This book was so helpful. It takes you through all the steps up to and including dialysis. It relieves so many fears about dialysis. I would give this book to anyone who thinks they might have to go into dialysis. It is clearly written and soooo helpful. Thanks so much.

Recieving this book I really did not think I would learn much more than I already new as a nurse. I was surprised and reminded of how much we do Not tell the Patient or family that could help them understand the processes. Especially at the beginning. This book was very easy to read and served as excellent info for all who practise in dialysis or recieve it or know someone who does.

I purchased this book based on a review I read on the internet. It was more assuring because it is written by a doctor who is on dialysis and his wife. It helped put me at ease about the whole process. It gives info on the various types of dialysis & tells why he chose the type he uses without making one feel that is the only way to go.

this book, which is essentially a family project, is based on, and speaks to, the experiences of the patient [a fairly prominent psychiatrist], his wife, and his daughter. it provides input from parties interviewed by the daughter - patients and professionals involved with patients - and moves right into the guts of the issue. without in any way whitewashing the traumatic effects of learning that your kidneys have failed, and what is required for you to stay alive, it feeds the reader hope that with proper education and control life does not have to come to a stop. it explains clearly and fully what the condition and the treatment are all about, what choices and resources are available, and what reactions - physical and psychological - a patient can expect to experience. language is everyday english, but content is comprehensive and in-depth. readers at the professional level gain a deeper understanding of what their patients and the patients' families are experiencing. patients and families can be helped to feel less frightened by the changes that occur from time to time after dialysis sessions. the book stresses the importance of asking questions and states repeatedly that the patient him/herself must become part of the treatment team.

Written by a doctor who is also a dialysis patient and his wife and grown daughter, this book has a conversational tone and contains a wealth of information. Sometimes it's a bit wordy (I don't really care where the interview of a particular contributor occurred, for example) but the authors have spoken to actual patients and their care-givers about the reality of living with dialysis. They talk about the differences in the types of dialysis, and the special dietary needs for each. They provide an insider's look at a dialysis clinic, and offer advice on advocating for yourself and your needs as a patient. The authors don't pull any punches or sugar-coat the truth about the difficulties and adjustments to lifestyle that a new dialysis patient will have to make. At the same time, however, it is obvious that you can live--and live well--with dialysis. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is facing dialysis or who cares for someone on dialysis.

This book gives you an overview of everything you need to know from a non patients perspective. Answers a lot of questions as to how to react with person on dialysis. I am just getting used to this so I think it's working good... I have been a person who has had a sibling with diabetes, and all you have to go thru with diet, life,daily routine. dialysis is different in that you do it 3 times a week, this book addresses all the aspects of living with kidney failure,and waiting for a transplant.

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