Allergy And Asthma: Practical Diagnosis And Management (LANGE Clinical Medicine)
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Clear, authoritative guidance for your day-to-day allergy and asthma practice Allergy and Asthma: Practical Diagnosis and Management is a concise guide that puts the most salient insights in allergy medicine right at your fingertips. Written by a leading allergy clinician, along with more than 40 nationally recognized expert contributors, this resource is perfect for front-line general practitioners, especially primary care physicians and allied health care providers. Inside, you'll find the most clinically relevant information on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of all major allergic disorders. Features Need-to-know coverage that spans the entire scope of adult allergy and asthma--geared for real world medical practice A timely look at occupational allergies and allergies linked to unhealthy environments Organization by specific organ, which guides you to diagnostic and therapeutic solutions quickly and easily Essential chapters on the principles of diagnosis and on medications used in the management of simple and complex allergy Coverage of new complementary and alternative medicine techniques Over 100 outstanding illustrations Key concepts, management protocols, and recent references that deliver a highly accessible overview of today's allergy practice

Series: LANGE Clinical Medicine

Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 1 edition (October 9, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071471731

ISBN-13: 978-0071471732

Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 0.6 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #988,898 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #25 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diseases & Physical Ailments > Asthma #142 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Otorhinolaryngology #180 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Immunology

I am a medical student and I wanted to write a review about this book because it was a life saver during my allergy and immunology clinical rotation. This book is very well organized and each chapter has a portion at the end that is focused on evidence based medicine and a focus on the future of allergy and asthma research. I am hoping to go into family medicine, and I believe that this book is a great resource for that as well, covering high yield family practice subjects such as allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, and food allergy diagnosis and treatment. The chapters are short and not overwhelming, therefore the book can be read at a comfortable pace. The language was easy to read, and the information was very relevant for both the classroom based and clinical years of medical school. I believe this book is a good resource for other health professionals as well, or simply individuals who are interested in the medical field and, particularly in the study of allergy and asthma. I highly recommend this book, especially to all medical students hoping to go into allergy and immunology, internal or family medicine. It is a great resource for some of the most common patient presentations that you will see.

Concise yet comprehensive review of allergic, immunologic conditions and various types of asthma. Different chapters are written by authors expert in the specific topics. Excellent resource for clinical year (3rd and 4th) medical students and above, especially those interested to learn more about A&I and/or practice.

This book is well organized and covers all topics of interest for one who wishes to Dx and Tx allergy and asthma. Great for my fourth year A&I rotation!

So this book was part of a course I took. To be honest, I was not thrilled by its 400 pages but that quickly changed. The book consists of short chapters written by many big names in Immunology. It covers various types of allergies and asthma, concise yet informative. This book has certainly piqued my interest in the field of Allergies.

As a sufferer myself, I have ended up taking a very deep look at asthma management myself as, even though I'm not from a medical background - I like to find out all that I can about something that has affected my life to such a great degree.This handbook/textbook is great if you are deeply involved with the treatment of asthma professionally, or if, like me, you want to discover everything you possibly can about this debilitating illness. However, because of the price, and also because of the more medical slant this book takes - I would certainly recommend my favorite asthma book - Asthma Management: 92 Tips For Dealing With The Symptoms And Treatment Of Asthma - which is short, to the point, and written in language that even child sufferers can understand.

Thank you to Dr. Massoud;It is the unique features of the book include exposition with the perspective of evidence-based medicine. Exposition is grounded with clinical examples, and questions and discussions follow chapters to encourage thinking about problematic situations and areas of controversy. It also incorporates a wealth of information from the allergy practical to diagnosis assement to managment Clinical Research network. Again, Thank you for your enlightened explanation If you have any that you would like to share, it would be appreciated. The formats I am looking for are online, pdf, and doc.

handly, short and up to date reviews of all topics from primary immunodeficiency diseases to occupational asthma.

Finally, this is exactly what I was seeking. I'm an allergy immunology fellow and I was seeking a quick read to benefit me in fellowship. None of the Allergy Immunology books on aside from the text books like Middleton (obviously) are of much use to a fellow in training. This one is the rare exception. It is written by allergists so the information is very practical yet detailed enough to be useful for allergy boards. For example, it quotes the CAMP studies when discussing inhaled corticosteroids. It provides wheal and flare diameter size when discussing skin prick testing. The authors should be commended on their work. They surprisingly managed to pack a lot of information into concise chapters. It's almost like they removed the b.s. and took what was important and put into chapters. Obviously, you will need a more comprehensive text for boards but this book isn't claiming to be a comprehensive board review book. It does exactly what it says.

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