The Self-Esteem Workbook
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This classic is still the most comprehensive guide on the subject and the only book that offers proven cognitive techniques for talking back to your self-critical voice. Learn step-by-step techniques to help you: Handle your mistakes and respond well to criticism Foster compassion for yourself and others Set up and achieve goals that will enrich your life Use visualization for self-acceptance

Paperback: 183 pages

Publisher: New Harbinger Publications; 1st edition (September 9, 2001)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1572242523

ISBN-13: 978-1572242524

Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 8.8 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (178 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #8,954 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #73 in Books > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Guides #81 in Books > Self-Help > Self-Esteem #121 in Books > Textbooks > Business & Finance

Everyone talks about the importance of self-esteem, but how exactly do you go about increasing it? The Self-Esteem Workbook is a sequence of 27 short chapters that address various aspects of self-esteem along with exercises that promote awareness and change. Schiraldi argues that unconditional worth, love, and growing are the three factors that help self-esteem to flourish, and each gets its own section. For example, in the unconditional worth section, readers are asked to rate themselves on certain personality characteristics and then to reflect on which attributes they feel best about. The concept of self-esteem that is used throughout is the psychological construct, not the kind of "self-esteem" where everyone on the team gets prizes.This book is a tremendous resource for therapists and those who want to increase their self-esteem. I have used various chapters with clients and have encouraged some to just buy the whole book. The chapters are short and don't take that long to get through. The writing is clear and appropriate for people who are not necessarily in the mental health field. The approach is a combination of Rogerian and cognitive-behavioral and would be applicable to a broad client base, although many of the exercises are probably too cognitive for children. Some clients may have difficulty with chapter 14, where readers come up with a list of 10 positive statements about themselves, and so it may be a good idea to discuss this particular exercise in therapy. Overall, a great resource.

I have dealt with anxiety from time to time in my life. Lately, I decided to go to a therapist who recommended this book. This book has helped me understand that some beliefs from my childhood are distorted such as "boys don't cry,"and it is wrong to get angry, so I am learning how to use techniques in order to replace negative thoughts into more positive ones. I am learning a lot about myself because of this book. More importantly, I am learning to deal with my anxiety effectively. I wished I had applied these techniques in my childhood, but you know the saying, "it is never too late."

A wonderful workbook for someone who is in distress. Dr. Schiraldi has the comforting gift of communicating his ideas as if he is in your presence speaking to you. The many different quotes he uses helped me in my introspection, and helped me to clarify my own thoughts and feelings. Through creative exercises The Self Esteem Workbook helped me to learn how to appreciate myself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The book is a collection of materials and exercises which the author developed for a college-level course on self-esteem. Like the other customer who gave it two stars, I also feel it is very much geared towards a student audience, or generally towards young adults. A lot of the examples are taken from performing on tests, studying hard, and generally from the hard work of building up competence and a sense of self-efficacy. There is very little on building up self-esteem in interpersonal relationships (though arguably, young adults would benefit from that as much as anybody else - anyone remember their teenage lovesickness?). Also, the exercises seem a mish-mash between a cognitive approach similar to McKay's self-esteem workbook, and one that helps you re-frame your narrative about yourself.Finally, apart from a single, not very helpful, nod towards readers with disabilities, there is no discussion or even awareness of how stigma and discrimination can affect self-esteem, never mind any exercises which could help in such a case.My recommendation for better self-esteem for people from a wide variety of backgrounds would be Better Boundaries: Owning and Treasuring Your Life, which, despite the title, is actually in large part about building self-esteem, since the authors state: "You protect what you care about". Since they see personal boundaries as a result of self-esteem, they set out to help people build it. As a middle-aged, disabled man who is already competent and successful in his work, but whose self-esteem issues mostly center around romantic rejection, I found this work vastly superior.

I highly recommend this. I am someone who knew I needed a little help with my self-confidence/esteem, but it wasn't something that was debilitating. I just knew I wasn't reaching my potential, and it was because I seemed to be sabotaging myself and holding myself back. I can't afford therapy, so I thought I would get a book to work through and see if that helped.All people considering buying this book should use the "look inside" feature to see if it clicks with them. It clicked instantly with me.The section on Automatic Thoughts (ATs) that starts on page 40 is more than worth its weight in gold. Reading that, I couldn't help but be struck by how silly such thoughts are, yet how pervasive. I have used the activities in the beginning section of the book for the past 10 months at pretty irregular intervals, but even so, it is amazing how different my outlook is already. I had scribbled a bunch of notes in the book back when I first read it, and looking at at those now is like night and day.I am usually skeptical of people who make such bold claims (diets that promise to lose 10 pounds a week, get rich quick schemes, etc). But using this workbook a little per week, or irregularly as I did, and paying conscious attention to thought patterns and recognizing where they stray into the unhealthy, has made a difference.Thanks!

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