Do What You Are: Discover The Perfect Career For You Through The Secrets Of Personality Type
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The bestselling guide to finding career success and satisfaction through Personality Type is now thoroughly revised, expanded, and updated.DO WHAT YOU ARE--the time-honored classic that has already helped more than a million people find truly satisfying work--is now updated to include jobs in today's hottest markets, including health services, education, and communications technology.With the global economy's ups and downs, the advent of astonishing new technology, the migration to online work and study, and the ascendancy of mobile communication, so much has changed in the American workplace since this book's fourth edition was published in 2007. What hasn't changed is the power of Personality Type to help people achieve job satisfaction.This fifth edition is especially useful for millennials and for baby boomers experiencing midlife career switches. The book leads readers step-by-step through the process of determining and verifying Personality Type. Then it identifies occupations that are popular with each Type, provides helpful case studies, and offers a rundown of each Type's work-related strengths and weaknesses. Focusing on each Type's strengths, DO WHAT YOU ARE uses workbook exercises to help readers customize their job search, ensuring the best results in the shortest period of time.

Series: Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type

Paperback: 432 pages

Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 5 edition (April 15, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 031623673X

ISBN-13: 978-0316236737

Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 1.2 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (83 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #5,799 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #14 in Books > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Job Hunting #52 in Books > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Guides #216 in Books > Self-Help > Success

OK so I maybe too old for doing this personality test but I've always known I'm in the wrong career field. In fact, I can't even call it a career- It's a job (grateful to have a job but still). Anyway, taking the test I now understand that my personality is polar opposite to my job. This doesn't mean I'm not capable of doing my job just that it takes more out of me than what I get back. I'm a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. Whether, I can change jobs this late in the game remains to be seen but I don't feel guilty about feeling this way anymore. I think anyone who is about to go off to college, feels unfulfilled at work, or just doesn't know what direction to go in would benefit from this book. I think I would have taken the advice and changed my major in college.

I had purchased this book years ago, but did not really read all the chapters. I just skipped to my type. I recently began working with a career counselor who recommended it so I bought the Kindle version. Now that I am really reading it I find it so helpful. I am older now and I am not so set in picking one type of career. This focuses on how I make decisions and where my strengths lie. It also has a section on how we change with age.

I am certified in the MBTI and other personality inventories. I use this book as a starting off point with many clients who want a guided approach to figuring out what they want to do when they grow up. But this is only a tool to help you get started. Following through is what is most difficult and no book will be able to give you that. I really enjoy the examples and tips and would recommend it to people who are just unsure. But remember it's a catch all book and not designed for any one particular personality style.

Very helpful book! Understanding your personality type is very insightful for many things. And with career, invaluable. This book helped me understand the kind of environment and conditions that best suit me. Also, I was able to use much of the info for job seeking and interviewing (such as better knowing my strengths and weaknesses). I've looked at many "figure out your right career track" books, tests, etc. and they've mostly been crap and gained me nothing. This book is the exception. No book or test can tell you your perfect job. But this one will help you gain a lot of self-knowledge that will help you navigate the territory and increase your odds at satisfaction and finding a good work "home".

I've had a lot of different jobs in many different fields. Each one made me more miserable than the last. Do I just hate working? No. I just haven't found a job that fits me.While this book hasn't helped me find my dream job yet, it did an amazing job of accurately mapping out my life so far. For example, I used to be a city mouse and all I wanted to do was live in New York City and have all the experiences that living in a large city would bring. Now that I'm in my thirties, I've started appreciating a quiet life. I go hiking, I do photography, I tend to my garden and I dread going to NYC. According to the Myers-Briggs test, I'm an INFP and Tieger explains that INFP's go through a change in their thirties where they find themselves doing things they didn't enjoy before like gardening and hiking... Well damn, if that didn't pinpoint me exactly.Now, knowing this hasn't led to the epiphany I was hoping for (I'm still in a job that I hate because the pay is great), but I no longer kid myself into thinking that I'd be some great police detective because I know that it really isn't who I am.

I've read many career books over the years and surprisingly found this one quite informative and useful. Some folks do not put much faith in the Meyers Briggs (MB) personality tests. To each their own. I, for one, have found them useful and mostly accurate and that comes from a born skeptic. The usefulness of the book lies in the structure and detail the author delves into matching personality type to types of work. I have read no other book that goes in the same level of detail. It helps narrow down your options.Personality type is only one factor however. What the books lacks is an big picture approach. This is why I gave it 4/5. A better book for the high level review would be What Color is Your Parachute.I am looking forward to combining the two in my career search effort.

If you are interested in Myers-Briggs types and how they relate to career choice, this book is one of the best, if not the best, resource out there. I like to use it after individuals I work with have taken the pen and paper assessment in David Keirsey's book PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME II or online versions of Myers-Briggs assessments.Features to like about this book:* succinct background on the history and origins of Myers-Briggs* comprehensive descriptions of the 16 types* lists of careers which might suit the different types* strengths and weaknesses of each type as it relates to careers* explanation of the four functions and their hierarchy* ten steps worksheets to create a personal career planThis is a very helpful book for those already familiar with Myers-Briggs and want to know its link to careers. It's great for career counselors or individuals who want comprehensive understanding of Myers-Briggs. If you just want a quick overview, suggest you take the online Myers-Briggs assessments and read the information there. Then read this if you are wanting further background and more comprehensive information.

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