500 Poses For Photographing Brides: A Visual Sourcebook For Professional Digital Wedding Photographers
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Containing numerous contemporary images by leading photographers, this indispensable manual concerning wedding portraits explains posing fundamentals as well as how to create a flattering, feature-specific photograph--one that focuses on the head, shoulders, arms, legs, or torso--in different levels of close-ups, from head-shots to full-lengths.

Paperback: 126 pages

Publisher: Amherst Media (February 1, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 158428272X

ISBN-13: 978-1584282723

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.4 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (47 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #631,182 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #34 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video > Lifestyle & Events > Weddings #64 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video > Children #351 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Weddings

This is a very handy book for any portrait photographer. The book is very visual, comprised mostly of photographs of poses that you can study, copy, practice with, experiment with, whatever. I think it can be easy to get stuck in a rut with posing (especially in wedding portraiture, where you're always tempted to just stick with what's worked before rather than take unnecessary risks), and this book can help guide you to new ground. There is very little text (some brief overviews of the basics of bodily posing are included) which to me is as it should be--I'd much rather see actual poses that work than read about them.

Don't buy this book expecting to learn how to pose brides. Use it as a reference book of basic poses, each accompanied by several variations, which you can use to keep out of the same old rut that it's easy to fall into when shooting weddings every weekend. You'll still need to have a basic understanding of lighting, exposure, and other techniques, but you'll find this book an excellent refresher or idea sparker when you're looking for traditional (non-adventurous) poses to use. Picasso had to learn how to paint like everybody else before he could get creative, and wedding photographers should learn all these poses, too, if they want a foundation on which to build a style of their own.

Although I photographed several hundred weddings when I was much younger I now only do a wedding if it is for a relative or someone affiliated with an important client. Given how infrequently I do wedding work I really want to make sure that I am giving the couple what they expect. I gift this book, and a few others, to the bride and ask ask her to look through it and let me know if she sees any poses that she really wants. So far it has been helpful to uncover what style of wedding photography she is attracted to. That however should not be confused with losing control of the job, it's just that I like to know their expectations and to make sure that we are on the same page.One thing thing that I should point out is that, in my opinion, there are not really 500 different poses in this book. Just having the bride shift her eyes from one pose to another does not constitute a different pose, just a variation of the previous one. Also, the photographs are taken by several different photographers so there is inherently going to be even more duplication than if it was shot by one person. My gut feeling is that there are less than 200 original, unique poses. Still, I find this book to be helpful when used in conjunction with several others.

This certainly is nothing like an organized plan of bridal poses. It is more like a smattering of random shots taken from a half dozen or so photographers. Some of these photos should have stayed in their waste basket - totally unflattering shots that break rules like having the nose break the plane of the lips; many shots of the brides standing with face and body flat flush to the camera, etc.

Some photos are clearly of models at a meetup group type shoot, unless the bride, groom, or relatives were able to afford multiple professional photogs which is highly unlikely. Or, perhaps the editor of this placed the wrong photog names on some shots. Clearly, the same bride appears to have had different shots by different photogs. The brides appear, in some cases, to be models anyway.The photos contacts Ned herein do not appear, on my device anyway, to be HD, so they don't look very good. That's the whole point of getting such a resource - to review the image. Either that or the photography quality was poor. That's the case in some photos anyway, which appear to be:Poor overall quality in composition, resolution, etc.Too editorial for the typical brideAnd, some photos are clearly photoshopped with various effects, which goes against the point of view f this resource. This seemed to be a resource for posing, not PS techniques of dispersion or blurring effects of brides dress trains, etc.Text lesson offered is minimal and anecdotal.I would skip this and just internet image search for posing ideas.

If you're new to photographing weddings buy this, then sell itLearn what you like, then sell it on not for pro photogspros:posing guide is basiccons:old school - traditional posesif you want a better high fashion look for todays bride - type in "award winning wedding photographers" into google and you can find better online free sources.

I got this book as a gift and it makes a good reference book to have on hand when needing some inspiration. Overall it was good but if I hand't gotten it as a gift I probably wouldn't have bought it myself.

Just so I can pose for some of the shots I've seen in this book. Like the other titles in this series, it's chalked full of brides in all sorts of dresses in all sorts of environments, in all sorts of poses. I can't wait to shoot my next bride actually and wish the wedding I've already done were more traditional so I could have shot my bride/daughter in a variety of poses picked and pieced from images in this book. I may actually employ some of the concepts in a few of the engagement sessions I have coming up.

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