Learning And Behavior
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LEARNING AND BEHAVIOR, Seventh Edition, is stimulating and filled with high-interest queries and examples. Based on the theme that learning is a biological mechanism that aids survival, this book embraces a scientific approach to behavior but is written in clear, engaging, and easy-to-understand language. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections http://gocengage.com/infotrac.

Hardcover: 464 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning; 7 edition (February 26, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1111832773

ISBN-13: 978-1111832773

Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 8.3 x 0.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (36 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #41,289 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #48 in Books > Textbooks > Social Sciences > Psychology > Cognitive Psychology #251 in Books > Science & Math > Behavioral Sciences > Cognitive Psychology #851 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Instruction Methods

I've read this book again and again and each time I pick up valuable information from it. When I assist teach applied behavior analysis to students this book has also proved to be invaluable as a teaching aid.The author is very thorough with explanations and has presented it in an easy to understand format.

The title may sound a bit daunting, be not afraid. I am just an every day gal and I loved the information in this book. I go back to it again and again. My passion is parrots, but Chance's information is relevant for any and all species. I purposely joined a study group on this book awhile back. What I mean is, this was not a college assignment, just a group of folks with the same goal in mind - delve into the book and really discuss the content, the science of behavior.. There is a wealth of pertinent information in this book that everyone can benefit from. You need to own this!

13 years ago, I was directed to the books of Paul Chance by by a professor of ABA. Since then, of all the books I have read on Applied Behavior Analysis, Paul Chance's "Learning and Behavior" is the book for ongoing reference. An easy read for the layman and an excellent tome referred to over and over again. I have literally worn out several copies of different editions of this book as it was picked up and handled so often when referencing various aspects of how applied behavior analysis might apply to the world of both humans and animals.While written as a college text, this book provides an excellent resource for the animal trainer who hopes to understand why animals behave as they do. "Learning and Behavior" provides clear examples under each of the topic heading discussed backed up by the research that has been done. With each edition, it also becomes clear that Chance keeps up with the current literature while acknowledging the history of ABA.

In recent years the science of behavior change has made significant inroads into the world of animal training, along with this progress the need for a comprehensive, accurate reference work has also grown. With this book Paul Chance fills that need and his excellent book should be required reading for anyone who keeps animals as companions or as a business. Indeed the International Avian Trainers Certification Board features this book as THE reference volume for the Learning Principles knowledge domain segment of their examinations.Place this book within arm’s reach and refer to it often!

I learned about Paul Chance by the best scientists of behavior . With all the books I have read on Applied Behavior Analysis, Paul Chance's "Learning and Behavior" is the only one I have always by my bedside for reference.This is the one book above all others that absolutely everyone should have . It is brilliant though this is written as a college text .. he being a true maestro had the gift for knowing the importance for making it easy for anyone to learn. I have handled this book so many times to reread and share about how applied behavior analysis works with all species ,it looks to put it mildly... "much loved" ."Learning and Behavior" shows examples under each of the topics that are always backed up by research....and everything is always up to date .This book is a must for the all animal trainers who wants to understand why animals behave as they do. ...as well as all teachers of all species ...that means of course especially humans :)I have to say I have read this book at least 5 times ... each time I learn more and it is like being warmly embraced by by an understanding wise old friend.

Well written book with little to no BSThis book is essentially a book detailing behaviorism and applications of it. I would suggest it for any one:-Raising children-Training animals-Working in mental health-Going to college for psychology-And much moreBehaviorism is incredibly important as well as valid and this book explains it succinctly.

This book is THE book anybody interested in the science of behavior should read. Besides a great quick reference, it goes into depth when you need it. I encourage everybody interested in learning and behavior to have this book close. As a professional animal trainer this book travels with me and helps me teach and share the science of behavior. A must have for the training professional.

I was under the impression that I since I could send this to my Kindle app on my iPhone, that I could just purchase an actually Kindle to view it better on. Much to my dismay, when I received my Kindle I realized I could not.

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