The Social Work Experience: An Introduction To Social Work And Social Welfare (6th Edition) (Connecting Core Competencies)
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Learn how social workers use their professional expertise to assist people.   This text is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series.   The Social Work Experience: An Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare introduces students to the profession of social work including eight major fields of practice, and provides in-depth discussion of social welfare policy, its history, contemporary issues, and probable future trends. The book helps students understand how social workers use their professional expertise to assist people in solving a wide variety of problems to improve their lives. There are three major parts:   The first part, Social Work and its Context, comprises four chapters which introduce the profession of social work, provide theoretical perspectives underlying generalist practice, investigate the concept of social justice, and explore social welfare policy and its history.   The second part, Professional Practice Settings, offers an in-depth discussion of eight fields of practice: family and children’s services, mental health, health care, schools, older adult services, criminal justice, and developmental disabilities.   The third and final part, A Look to the Future, views the profession through the eyes of futurists and explores the challenges and opportunities that await new social workers.   A better teaching and learning experience  This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. Here’s how: Improve Critical Thinking — Discussions on values, ethics, human diversity, and generalist social work practice throughout stimulate students to think critically about varying issues. Engage Students — Case studies introduce each chapter and are carefully developed to illustrate the myriad of problems that social workers deal with in daily practice. Explore Current Issues — Includes new content on a variety of issues, including policy diversity, the environment, and much more. Apply CSWE Core Competencies — The text integrates the 2008 CSWE EPAS, with critical thinking questions and practice tests to assess student understanding and development of competency. Support Instructors — An Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, Computerized Test Bank (MyTest), BlackBoard Test Item File, and PowerPoint presentations are included in the outstanding supplements package.  

Series: Connecting Core Competencies

Paperback: 528 pages

Publisher: Pearson; 6 edition (January 23, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0205819966

ISBN-13: 978-0205819966

Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 1 x 9.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (21 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #59,941 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #119 in Books > Textbooks > Social Sciences > Political Science > Public Policy #124 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Public Affairs & Policy > Social Services & Welfare #225 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Social Sciences > Social Work

So I was forced to buy this book for a class that I'm taking. Most of us feel the same about textbooks...*yawns*. I have to say this textbook does give you a lot of information but it also has a lot of stories from case studies and anecdotal. It makes the textbook a more interesting read and really personalizes the study material and gives it a face.Pleasantly surprised that I can enjoy reading this textbook as compared to most textbooks that serve as a sleep aid for me.

The author needs to tone back her personal opinions on politics. Not every person going into Social work agrees on the same politics. While reading this (for class) I felt as though I were being lead what to believe and vote a certain way simply because the author was COMPLETELY one-sided. Phrases like "unfortunately Bush was elected into presidency..." and "Thank goodness for president Obama..." Phrases like this are scattered throughout the entire book with no holding back on how the author feels. If this is suppose to be an educational book- take out the bias and just present the facts. Terrible book-most everybody in my class agreed with me as well- way too political and not educational. Also-there is NO glossary for words that are bolded. Sometimes there aren't even definitions for words that are in bold. The layout of the book and the Titles are also very misleading and confusing. I cant believe this book is being used at a university. I learned nothing.

This was purchased for my Social Work class. The book itself looks a little boring. Its black and white all throughout, no pictures inside and certainly not as colorful as the outside is, but is packed with lots and lots of understandable useful information. The case studies are awesome and an interesting introduction to every chapter which encourages you to want to read further. Not a bad book to study especially if its required. Hope this helps!

Did Barack Obama force the schools to use this textbook? Because wow. So disappointing that the authors feel they need to make social work a political issue. I was required to have this book as an intro to Social Work class but there are other books that could have been used instead. All I can say is that I'm glad that I didn't purchase it. It has an apparent agenda that anyone can see. I will be writing a letter to the university to suggest they change the textbook for this class.

This text has been so helpful. I read it every week. I really wish I could figure out how to blow up the font without zooming in

This book was assigned by my professor. It is extremely bias and just hates on anyone who is not extremely liberal.

Very practical. I WILL NOT SAY IT IS A GOOD BOOK AS THERE ARE 9 DEFINITIONS OF GOOD. You will understand if you read the book.

I just rented the wrong book, I bought and rented the same book. So, I returned the one I rented.

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