International Politics On The World Stage, Brief 8th Edition
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This concise text provides students and instructors with a comprehensive overview of world politics, inviting them in a straightforward and accessible way to explore international relations and its new challenges. A hallmark of the text is the authors' position that politics affect the lives of all of us, and that the individual can have an impact, whether small or large, by being politically aware and by taking action. The eighth edition includes an enhanced art program with 7 more charts and analyses and updates of currents including economic trends, possibilities of a new direction in U.S. foreign policy under the Obama administration, global environment issues and much more.

Paperback: 464 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 8th edition (June 15, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0073378992

ISBN-13: 978-0073378992

Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 0.6 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (28 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #71,982 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #54 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > International & World Politics > Diplomacy #68 in Books > Textbooks > Social Sciences > Political Science > International Relations

Rourke covers topics using horizontal and vertical methods. He explaisn the nature of power relationships, non governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, and other political structural forms horizontally while explaining political happenings and characters vertically. His section on the nature and conduct of diplomacy is quite well done for a survey textbook. The level of articulation and the engagement of the reader makes this a good choice for a survey or introductory World Politics classroom. AP World History course instructors may also want to examine this book as it may fit well with high school students as well as undergraduates.

I bought this for my Polisci class and enjoyed it. It was everything you could expect a textbook to be, plus it had some historical snippets that I would read in my spare time. You could do worse for class.

This book was assigned for a class, and I am hard-pressed to figure out why. The most obvious flaw is its idealist bias. The author obviously has a favorite ideology and in other types of work that would be fine. If this were an opinion article, I'd see no problem with the positions he takes. The issue arises when he's supposed to be writing a broad survey of the international politics field and instead writes an advocacy article. New readers to the topic will be grossly misled by the positions he takes. They are by no means universal, they are often controversial, and, most damningly, they crowd out the myriad of opinions in the field that he should be talking about.Adding insult to injury, the organization of this book is just shoddy. Often times he'll bold words without defining them or he embeds the definition much later in the book. He tends to prefer examples over actually explaining the concept. It is also not uncommon for him to include arguments that are unsupported or seemingly contradictory. At one point, he mentions that the UN is at the forefront of international human rights and that the most influential UN body dealing with human rights is completely ineffective. His next paragraph mentions several organizations more effective than the UN body he mentions undermining his original argument. In a type of book that should be user-friendly, he succeeds only in confusing the reader.I was tempted to give this book two stars but decided on one for the simple reason that it just doesn't do what a textbook should. Yes, it hits the basic points, but that's all that can be said. Everything beyond the standard definitions (and sometimes even those) are confusing, biased, and completely unrepresentative. If you're looking for an introduction into international politics, this isn't it.

Was an easy dealing, I loved the book, it was in a very good condition as I expected it to be. THANK YOUThis book has few print mistakes in the very begining, Ihave not finish reading it yet but I am keeping this book.

This book was a waste of trees. It should be called how the United States sucks and anyone else's international politics are better. Rourke hates the United States and has been lucky enough to have some American University professors agree with his ridiculous way of thinking. A book on international politics should at least attempt to give examples of politics going on throughout the world instead of concentrating on Rourke's obvious problems with the United States and it's foreign policy etc. I am glad I will have graduated and not have to look at the 13th edition's love fest with the Obama administrations attempt at foreign policy. I don't know where this guy is from but if he's not from Europe he should move there...the U.S. is much too good for you.

This is a great book to read if you're taking an international politics class. I would suggest having it if it's your required text. ;)

In many instances, cannot be beat for purchasing college books. I do not buy from the campus bookstore unless I absolutely have no choice. Just be sure that the ISBN matches what the college says you need, and you will end up saving $$$$$

I liked this book as it was required for my international relations class at my college. I would definitely recommend this to others taking the same class or books available by the seller.

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