Living Theatre: A History
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"Living Theatre: A History" conveys the excitement and variety of theatre throughout time, as well as the dynamic way in which our interpretation of theatre history is informed by contemporary scholarship. Rather than presenting readers with a mere catalog of historical facts and figures, it sets each period in context through an exploration of the social, political and economic conditions of the day, creating a vivid study of the developments in theatre during that time.

Hardcover: 672 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 4 edition (August 5, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0072562579

ISBN-13: 978-0072562576

Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 1.2 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (39 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #528,199 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #346 in Books > Arts & Photography > Performing Arts > Theater > History & Criticism #687 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Performing Arts > Theater #45701 in Books > Humor & Entertainment

This book addresses quite well all the different historical views without losing content. I used this for two semesters of theatre history and am very glad to have had this book. I am much more informed and was able to really take a lot of information without feeling bored out of my mind, or angry at the lack of attention to contributions by anyone other than old, white guys. I would use this over other theatre history books. As with all textbooks, it's unfortunately high priced, but as I'll be keeping this, and used it for more than one semester, I am pleased overall with this purchase.

I was required to get this book for my theatre history class. It is very well balanced and they divide the different parts of theatre history very well. It was a good companion. That being said, it is the exact same information as the previous edition (my professor even admitted it in class, then skirted around our questions of why he required the newest edition). If you buy the older edition for class, be aware the chapter numbers are one off of the new edition. Hope this helps!

Very poorly edited; Clearly the sections are written by different individuals and consequently you read the same information three or four times in one chapter. I'm a little resentful that I was required to purchase such an expensive book for class and that the editors did not spend more time streamlining the information.

This is an excellent book that is interesting, very well organized and extremely well written.Then World War II ends and the book fails to remain interesting or well organized. Basically it falls apart. I believe that what happened is that without historical concensus to determine what is important and less important, the book bogs down as it delivers raw facts about present day theater without a framework or context to organize the message.Never the less, I am keeping the book at 5 stars because if you are looking to read a book on Theater History, this is the one to get. It's a first class read through WWII.

I got this book for my history of design class and it is a very good read and its well organized and the book arrived in great conditions. But it took the sells about a week to deliver it to me. They did give me a heads up and apologized for the delayed delivery but still took way too long. But the book is great so just order a bit in advance or be patient :)

I bought this book for a History of Theater class. It served its purpose. I don't have a problem with the authors or anything, and hte shipment was good. Can't say as I recommend buying this for anything onther than a class, though, unless you're a totally history buff, then it gives a pretty decent overview.

Another book perfect shape

"Living Theatre: A History" provides a comprehensive and well-written history of world theatre with the majority of the chapters devoted to individuals and their accomplishments. I ordered this text for a university level History of Theatre class, and I am very satisfied. Although this is an older edition, there are only slight variations from the new ones, so if you are on interested in saving a few dollars, with this, you should be quite all right.

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