Pathophysiology For The Health Professions, 4e
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A concise, easy-to-understand introduction to the fundamentals, Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 4th Edition helps you learn to identify disease processes and disorders. Authors Barbara Gould and Ruthanna Dyer continue the tradition of a text known for its readability and vivid, full-color illustrations, updated with the latest research and clinical advances. Unique Challenge, Think About, and Emergency Treatment features help in applying the material to real-life situations. No matter which area in the healthcare field you may enter, this book provides essential preparation for conditions encountered in clinical practice.Concise and readable approach includes the information students need without overwhelming them, even if they have a limited scientific background.Unique Challenge feature asks "What can go wrong with this structure or system?" as a way to help students facilitate progress by using previously learned knowledge.Unique Think About boxes help with self-evaluation, test preparation, and review.Unique Emergency Treatment boxes list basic emergency measures; these can be modified to fit specific professions, established protocols, or practice settings.Research boxes discuss new developments, problem areas of pathophysiology, and complications associated with research.Warning Signs boxes summarize conditions that may develop in patients.Diagnostic tests and treatments are included for each of the major disorders.Case studies in each chapter provide a basis for discussion or can be used as an assignment.Study questions offer a self-assessment on the material in each chapter.Ready References in the appendix provide a quick lookup for anatomic terms, conversion tables, abbreviations and acronyms, diagnostic studies and tests, and more.A companion Evolve website includes web links, learning activities, content updates, and more. New content on the causes and trends related to disease, new drugs, technology, and treatment.Coverage of obesity and its complications, including an in-depth discussion of metabolic syndrome.Multiple disorder syndromes in the aged client.DNA, genetics and the Human Genome Project with current research on protein pathways in health (proteomics) and the implications for drug treatment and disease causation.Coverage of autism.Updated content on the H1N1 virus and communicable diseases; HIV, cancer causation, and immunology; and substance abuse to reflect common practices in the use of illicit (street) drugs as well as abuse of prescription medications.Case studies revised to emphasize chronic diseases, prevention, and acute care, and to apply to a wider range of health professions. Appendices reorganized for improved reference and lookup.

Series: Pathophysiology for the Health Professions

Paperback: 736 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 4th edition (May 5, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1437709656

ISBN-13: 978-1437709650

Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.5 x 1.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.7 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (84 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #51,570 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #33 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Pathophysiology #38 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Pathophysiology #75 in Office Products > Educational Supplies > Teaching Materials > Professional Development Resources

I had to use this textbook for my pathophysiology class in nursing school. It is by far one of the most useful textbooks I have, and I will not be selling it back. Even through paramedic school, my paramedic textbook was lacking some basic explanations on the patho of diseases and injuries and this book really filled in the gaps. I only wish I had it 3 years ago in paramedic classes. It uses simple explanations, pictures, and has a great website to accompany it. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a background in pathophysiology, regardless of their field.

For me, the Gould textbook is unnecessarily difficult to use. I am surprised that so many people like it. It is on the whole too simplified, so you are usually stymied when you want the real physiological account of a pathology. The Glossary is incomplete (it is only 8 pages of large type) and the explanatrions are dumbed down so much they confuse me even more. When I look up a difficult term, half the time there's no entry at all. The illustrations often contain far more detail than is explained in the text, and are sometimes very confusing and misleading. For example, the discussion of changes in blood gas with respiratory acidosis sounds as though there is always more H2CO3 produced in acidosis -- this is just wrong, and the illustration contradicts itself, too. (It says "Kidneys increase serum bicarbonate" but the sample numbers show a decrease!) The text is also often unclear. For example, the distinction between Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is very poorly explained, in my opinion. The online materials are also very dumbed down. I happen to have bought Huether's Understanding Pathophysiology for the same class at a different college, and I think the Huether text is far, far better. It has much more detailed physiological explanations. The online materials for the Huether text are also mch more detailed and thorough. For what it's worth, I am a straight-A science student with a Ph.D. in another field.

This book is very thorough. I use it for my clinical paperwork for nursing school and it's quite easy to use. Recommended for nursing students.

If you are told to get the 5th edition, you can actually get by with the fourth. I sat next to a classmate that had the 5th edition and the information was basically the same. The only difference I could really find were sometimes the word "will" wascl changed to "may". The chapters have the same names, which made it easy for me to find.

One of the WORST textbooks that I have ever used. The information on the infectious diseases will only confuse students instead of clarifying the concepts. They need to rewrite that whole chapter. Too many self-contradictions. The information and the answer keys in the study guide contradict each other. Editors need to be ashamed of themselves.

Good physiology book. Too bad my teacher was a criminal who faked her MD and then ran with her tail between her legs once she was found out. Otherwise I love physiology and I am very proud of my Masters Degree in the field. I am just glad I took this class that required the text at a different University than the one in which I received my degrees.Paperback book, done quite well as you would expect from an expensive textbook that will immediately loose the majority of its value after you purchase it, use it and subsequently realize you didn't need it. Enjoy.4 Stars!

I thought the text was very helpful in explaining difficult concepts. Sometimes the study guide is not required but the study guide was very helpful to reinforce the material and helped me to prepare the exams.

Great book that helped me with my pathophysiology class. It gives a thorough explanation of the various systems in the human body. Some material may seem like review if you have taken microbiology or anatomy and physiology but other than that, I would recommend anyone to read it.

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