Mapping The Social Landscape: Readings In Sociology
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This best-selling anthology provides excellent coverage of key concepts in sociology including culture, socialization, deviance, social structure, social institutions, and social inequality. Drawing from a wide selection of classic and contemporary works, the 58 selections represent a plurality of voices and views within sociology. Students will be introduced to cutting edge scholarship and perspectives through classical readings from great thinkers like C. Wright Mills, Karl Marx, Howard Becker, and Max Weber and contemporary articles on current issues like gender socialization, healthcare reform, and minorities in the power elite. By integrating issues of diversity throughout the book, Ferguson helps students see the interrelationships between race-ethnicity, social class, and gender, as well as how these relationships have shaped the experiences of all people in society. Each selection is preceded by a brief introduction that highlights the key sociological concepts for students consider as they read.

Series: Readings in Sociology

Paperback: 672 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (November 21, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0078026792

ISBN-13: 978-0078026799

Product Dimensions: 1 x 6.2 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (26 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #19,098 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #82 in Books > Textbooks > Social Sciences > Sociology #434 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Sociology

If the textbook wasn't so darned expensive I would have bought it once my class term was over. It had a variety of articles on sociology throughout the years that painted the history of sociology as we know it today. Wonderful read for those interested on learning the workings of our's, and other's, society.

Rented this book for my Sociology course. This book didn't really explain sociological concepts and theories well and was more used as a supplement than as a way to teach Sociology. You will probably need to look up sociological concepts and theories and apply them to the stories in the book yourself. A lot of analyzing also needs to be done on your part for this book.

This book was very interesting and gave me great knowledge about sociology. The book was deleivered in time for my classes at the beginning of the semester and in good condition. The prepaid labels was good so there was no extra cost.

I needed this book for my college class. It's a good book, but I would suggest buying a used copy. The price is not worth the time I actually spent reading the book, and all he chapters are randomly set without any order. Came in the mail with minor damages.

This is a really good classroom textbook and it's reasonably priced. I initially bought this book for a classroom Sociology class. I chose as my source for textbook purchases because I can get the best prices.

This book was for my Sociology class and it was actually really good! They had some great great stories and reads! Overall good book for the price and rental is always the way to go for college

The chapters are broken down very nicely into studies or stories utilizing research and data. I expected a text-book, but what you get is so much more interesting.

Book is in perfect condition brand new, nothing more to say book has good content for sociology class which helps and has good stories.

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