The Practice Of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: Creating Connection (Basic Principles Into Practice Series)
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Since its original publication in 1996, this volume has been a helpful guide to therapists in the practice of emotionally focused therapy. This second edition addresses the many changes in the field of couples therapy, including updated research results linked to clinical intervention and new information on using EFT to address depression and PTSD. A new section covers the growth of couples therapy as a field and its overall relevance to the mental health field, accompanied by coverage of how recent research into the nature of marital distress is consonant with EFT. Other new features are a section on EFT and feminism, as well as a section on cultural competence for the EFT therapist. Written by a leading authority on emotionally focused couples and marital therapy, this second edition is an up-to-date reference on all aspects of EFT and its uses for mental health professionals.

Series: Basic Principles Into Practice Series

Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: Routledge; 2 edition (August 30, 2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0415945682

ISBN-13: 978-0415945684

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.9 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (41 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #18,171 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #42 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > Counseling #54 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > Clinical Psychology #57 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Counseling

Bringing insecure attachment dialogues to life is the most useful aspect of this book. The step by step approach to couples therapy is helplful especially for those therapists unfamiliar with how attachment issues play out in the therapeutic context.More information on screeening out couples who may not benefit from this approach would have been invaluable - rather than just referring to couples who are breaking up. Many couples have not learned the language of emotion. Some express it somatically or by numbing it with substances or food. These couples would need far more than 12 sessions and a great deal of training and practice to be able to learn about their attachment dances and break the cycles that lead to distancing.Insight is not the primary aim of EFCT, yet couples are encouraged to notice and become increasingly aware of their automatic processes that lead to misattuned connections. I think that is precisely what gaining insight is about,which in turn allows for new actions to be attempted in the future.Johnson suggests that most couples therapists use problem solving approaches over emotionally focused strategies. Those of us who bring in Object Relations and Intersubjective ideas into our work facilitate couples in attending to and sharing their emotional experiences with their partners. This is the norm rather than the exception. Johnson's book makes the process more systematic and contained. It doesn't help with couples where one or both partners get secondary gains from making the other 'bad.'Overall a useful adjunct for psychotherapists already doing emotionally focused work with couples.[...]

Good overview of the relationship between attachment and emotional functioning in marriage. The manualized treatment approach has been empirically supported so deserves more than just a glance. An excellent addition to the libraries of anyone interested in and encountering the challenges of couples counseling.

Susan Johnson's work through Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a great asset to the world of relationship therapies. Her work is in the new direction in therapy - calculated integration versus muddle-headed eclecticism.Johnson's work carefully integrate structural family therapy (Minuchin) with attachment theory (Bowlby) and the experiential therapies. While mainly citing Rogers, this a misnomer. EFT is more Satir and Whitaker than Rogers as the therapist is active and directive as well as short-term to brief in her or his interventions. Rogers is a long-term personality-altering insight therapy, which offers little for today's reality of shorter time constraints whether through managed-care or government stipulations.Better yet, EFT is an EBT (evidence-based treatment)! I believe it has a 70-73% efficacy rate for couple improvement and therefore is more ameniable to third-party reimbursement. EFT is also a great approach for PTSD (see Johnson, 2002) as in 33-38 sessions a full-blown PTSD sufferer can have significant improvement. This is because the partner, not the therapist, becomes the soother for the traumatized person and is much more available in the long-term for the PTSD sufferer. I believe the Department of Veteran's Affairs needs to "perk-up" and "pony-up" for EFT as the treatment of choice for our soon-to-be onslaught of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans come home.We are so not prepared for this avalanche of need!

This is an excellent presention of EFT for couple therapy. The theoretical underpinnings are presented in a way that does not detract from the aim of the book to help one learn how this work is done. There are lots of clear examples and explanations that give one the feeling they are ready to apply what they have learned in their next session. Written in a clear style free of jargon.

Although I appreciate Sue Johnson's attachment approach to couples therapy, I was a little disappointed with this book. I wish that it was more straight forward and concise. Many of the concepts could have been condensed... For example, there were sentences that were equivalent to a paragraph in length. Consequently, reading this book felt tedious at times.

One of my new favorites.I am a qualified family and couple therapist, but have never been trained specifically in EFT model. The book provides a very clear and thorough insight both into theory and practice of the model. This book serves as a theoretical enrichment, but also as a very practical clinical guide. Both the experienced practitioners and the students can benefit from it and add new set of skills to their practice.

Beautifully written. As EFT is a major influence of Gottman Couple's Therapy, I found this book incredibly helpful. It explains the relevent tenets of attachment theory, Experiential and Systems theory and how all come together in the practice of couple therapy. Sue Johnson writes with brilliance, explaining the depths of the aforementioned theories with clarity and the practice of EFT with intimacy. At one moment you feel like you are witnessing a great lecture, the next observing a deep and transforming therapy session. It certainly fulfilled my high expectations for a detailed account of how EFT works in therapy and for expanding on the Gottman manuals.

By and far the best theory for coupe therapy. Based on the most current research in attachment, this approach offers more success in helping my clients recover from relational distress and build new bonds than anything other approach. Additionally, Johnson describes the process in a such a pragmatic and experiential way, any therapist can improve their work with both couples and individuals as they begin to understand how foundational attachment theory is in therapy.

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