Practical DV Filmmaking
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Written for the beginner, Practical DV Filmmaking guides you thorough the process of making a film with low-cost digital equipment: from development through to production, post-production and distribution. While the technical tools you need are fully explained, the book concentrates on filmmaking principles throughout, illustrating how these tools can be used to achieve stylistic approaches for innovative filmmaking.The book assumes no background knowledge in either technology or filmmaking and is divided into four key areas:*DEVELOPMENT: turn your idea into a workable script, storyboard and schedule.*PRODUCTION: develop skills to shoot original short films and turn a zero-to-low budget to your advantage.*POST-PRODUCTION: learn basic editing techniques to enhance your original idea using iMovie, Premiere and other popular tools.*DISTRIBUTION: set up a website and use the internet to promote your film. Includes numerous links to useful websites. Plus, top tips for how to enter a film festival and a new chapter on developing a career.Projects enable you to master each step of the process taking you through different aspects of filmmaking today. Gradually you will find out where your strengths lie and how to make the most of them. The book also encourages stylistic development by intruding theoretical approaches to filmmaking. A glossary of terms plus an appendix of resources make this guide a one-stop essential handbook to DV filmmaking practice for beginners and student filmmakers.

Paperback: 407 pages

Publisher: Focal Press; 2nd edition (December 21, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0240807383

ISBN-13: 978-0240807386

Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 1 x 9.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,023,697 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #178 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video > Cinematography #518 in Books > Arts & Photography > Photography & Video > Equipment, Techniques & Reference > Handbooks & Manuals #534 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Radio > General Broadcasting

This book should be the first on every aspiring filmmakers shelf, and should be the next addition for every filmmaker who is already hard at work. Evans presents the information in a practical, well thought out format and supplies plenty of examples, sources of further information, and a ton of helpful internet links. If this book doesn't have enough depth for you, it will certainly point you in the right direction. The examples used are familiar films, both current and clasic (and of every genre), as well as examples from low budget and student films. All of these elements form the best book I've read about filmmaking aimed at the industrious DV pioneer. This book was actually more helpful than 4 years of film school classes. Buy this book, read it, and go make some movies.

I forgot about this book and am surprised I hadn't reviewed it. With technology changing all the time this book offers up just what it says, practical knowledge of making films with video cameras. Because the information is practical a lot of it will always be useful. This the kind of book that everyone getting into filmmaking should have because it will be very helpful, especially to beginners.

This book is fantastic. Evans outlines everything from the direction that audio waves are received depending on which external mic is used, to the compression rate for web movies. The book is incredibly up to date, as it should be considering it just came out. The set up of the book is very much like the 'for dummies' series, considering that there are projects along the way for you to undertake to sharpen your skills, along with info and ww link boxes. Most other books out there just outline what you need to do but don't tell you how to do things. This book really tells you what is going on when your making a film, and just doesn't say, if you do this then the picture will look pretty. He gets technical, and that's what needs to be said to give people getting into this a better understanding of what they are doing . He starts off with a great intro, for those who are just getting into digital filmmaking it really outlines what needs to be done to succeed. He identifies each technical aspect that he is going to cover, and then goes on to explain how you need to get to know your camera. Its obvious that a ton of research has been put into this book, as it really tells you everything you could possibly need to know. If you buy this book first then there really is no need for any other book out there. I've read this book cover to cover 1 time so far, and plan on reading it 2 more times.

The book itself is excellent and answered most of my questions. The depth of the book is in the supporting material. So many internet links to great content can take you months to read if you wanted to spend the time. Very intelligent in the layout. It gives you exercises to complete before you go to the next step and the exercises are designed to get you to know yourself as film maker and to get to know your equipment and tools (ie limitations). This book goes a long way in helping you realize yourself as a DV film maker.

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