Zero To Hero: How I Went From Being A Losing Trader To A Consistently Profitable One -- A True Story!
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**Important: This book is NOT for the get-rich-quick crowd and traders who are still on the Holy Grail chase! If this is you, this book will be of little use to you! However, if  are you prepared for real change, then you will find in it inspiration but also practical pieces of advice on how to gradually change your behavior, and in essence, change your results.**   I don't have anything extraordinary. I am the typical guy that no one pays attention to because he's so discreet. I wasn't blessed with an amazing physique, nor am I endowed with an above average intelligence. I am just a regular guy, admittedly with a painful past, but a regular guy nonetheless. I don't possess any special talents; yet, I am able to return consistent profits, year after year, in an endeavor where most people fail.  My name is Yvan Byeajee, I am a trader. Not the kind you see in the movies - those who partake in lavish lifestyles; snort lines of coke off of some hooker's behind; or threaten the very health of our economy - no, I am more modest than that. And I have my reasons. Durable success in the markets is the only logical outcome of the kind of consistency you cultivate in your day-to-day life. Furthermore, it is a function of your ability to tame that voice in your head that is constantly nagging at you and forcing you to make poor decisions, whether in the markets or in your personal life. After having lost everything in the markets because of my inability to calm that inner voice, I knew I had to make some changes. Eventually, I stumbled upon an effective way to calm the zoo that is my mind, something I always assumed to be either impossible or useless. For the price of a cocktail, in this short book, you will learn the secret to my success in the markets! I will show you the one exercise that I think all traders should be doing on a daily basis. This exercise has not only changed my trading, but it has also changed my life - and I am confident it can change yours as well!

File Size: 652 KB

Print Length: 84 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: September 10, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #92,129 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #30 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > International > Foreign Exchange #45 in Books > Business & Money > International > Foreign Exchange #210 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Business & Money

One of the things encourages me on my journey to consistent profitability is hearing other people's stories of struggle and success in the market. Yvan Byeajee's 'Zero to Hero: How I Went from Being a Losing Trader to a Consistently Profitable One' is both inspiring and instructive. Staring with inspiring on p. 47, Yvan wrote:"I find my purpose by writing and helping other traders not merely survive, but make real changes in their trading because I know success in trading is possible for anyone. I am a living proof that anyone can do this. I don‘t have anything extraordinary - I don‘t possess any special talent. I am just a regular guy who didn‘t give up."The instructive part came by hearing how he gained success in the market. Yvan's method of overcoming his shortcomings in the market was through meditation. His endorsement about meditation certainly made me consider the its benefits in trading. Overall, it was a quick read but packed with inspiration and encouragement.

If you're serious about trading you need to read this book. I've been trading for many years and this advice is priceless. Trading is a mind game. Technical analysis alone will not make you a successful trader.

I am known as the Simon Cowell of Book Reviews, so when I give a positive review people sit up and take notice. And this is going to be a positive review. To sum it up, this book was... stunning. It is extremely well written, intelligent, and insightful. I was amazed at how well the author presented the material. For a while I thought this can't be an individual author that wrote this because it is so impressive.This is not a book about a trading strategy. It is a book about finding yourself, your true self through all of the clutter in your mind. It's that clutter, which encompasses and brackets many forms within you, and that is what is preventing you from success not only in trading, but in life.It might appear this book is just about meditation and one might think you can just read about meditation anywhere else. That is not true. The author is so great at presenting the material in this book that it is absolutely unique.Get this book. Read it. Think about it. Practice it. And then read it again. I am planning on reading this over and over - probably for the rest of my life. It is that good. To Mr. Byeajee - well done, very well done.

This is not the kind of book that is read once then put on a shelf. It must be reread on an periodic basis. There is a psychological and Trading Mindset connection made by the author that most traders have experienced. Though I'm not in total agreement with the authors idea as meditation as the "end all be all solution" for all traders, he does make some very provocative points of interest as to why some form of "inner communication" is absolutely necessary. Well worth the time spent reading.Thanks

Great book by Yvan Byeajee. It is a book filled with insight on how to mentally prepare yourself for the trading day and life in general. He has brought the art of meditation to a very stressful and difficult business of trading. He helps you understand yourself and outlines his own transformation using these techniques.Another very good book by Yvan

Inspiring book for someone who is new to trading or feel like throwing away trading. I loved reading it and it gives me the hope to continue and get better skills in it. Being very new trader with zero knowledge, I really feel that this book gives me hope. I thought there should be some extra skills to be a trader. However it seems experience itself is the best skill. Try try try until you succeed... That is something this book taught me.. Also, meditation is something I wanted to start, but always though too difficult for someone like me with a more materialistic mind than spiritual. Yet, I am starting it from today. Thank you so much Yvan for sharing your experience.

Sorry, but an author must honor the contract of the title and stated intent of their work. Sadly, this author did not. It has absolutely nothing to do with trading, or becoming a good trader. It is, however, an outstanding book on the importance of the meditative process and its integration with real world action and success. I state this as a 48 year martial arts practitioner and over 30 year student of price action analysis over many markets using the skills I have as a senior business application developer with a B.S. in physics. That's what the book is about. If you're a trader, you should probably consider reading it for those purposes, but not what you are led to believe through the title or how the author starts his discussion, even though he admits right off it's not about the 'stuff' of trading. 2 stars for false advertising; 5 for an excellent book.

I bought all 3 of Yvans books out of desperation. I have a incredible edge/ system that i use that is probably as close to the holy grail as their is. The problem was me as to why it wouldnt get executed flawlessly. I was about at the end of my rope so pissed at myself for being so stupid taking trades that were not in line with my rules. I got all 3 and devoured them in bout 3 days. I took his advice on how to silence the chatter in my head and it changed my life and tradingThat was 3 weeks ago i finished his books. Out of the last 14 trading days, 13 have been profitable winning days.If you are still looking for a system/edge these books wont help u with that. If u have a system but YOU are getting in the way and you dont know why you are doing what you doing making stupid decisions in the market, these books will turn things around.Yvan if you see this review, i want to say thank you, these have made all the difference not just in trading but in every area of my life.

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