Maimonides & Metabolism: Unique Scientific Breakthroughs In Weight Loss
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Get the keys to sustainable weight loss—reduce hunger, speed up metabolism, and transform your body into a fat-burning machine, with a science based approach. Today there is a debate raging among nutritional authorities concerning the timing of breakfast. Some argue that in order to avoid sugar lows and uncontrollable hunger one should eat breakfast shortly after awakening. Others promote the extension of the nightly fast by delaying breakfast, and thereby attaining the metabolic advantages and improved insulin sensitivity of intermittent fasting. Maimonides & Metabolism explains in depth the physiological processes that are overlooked by many mainstream nutritional authorities, such as the fact that it’s better to hold off on breakfast until at least three hours after waking. A person habituated to such a late breakfast won’t suffer sugar lows because the hormone cortisol is at its daily peak half an hour after waking up in the morning, and cortisol boosts blood sugar levels. In fact, since cortisol raises blood sugar (the opposite of insulin which lowers it) eating a breakfast that includes carbohydrates too early will spike blood sugar levels too much, as the high levels of cortisol won’t allow the insulin to lower the blood sugar to balanced levels. High blood sugar then leads to hyperinsulinemia (too much insulin). And simultaneous high levels of cortisol and insulin cause the body to increase the number of fat cells. Hyperinsulinemia also directs the body to store fat, and blocks the body from using stored fat for energy. Maimonides & Metabolism delves into the timing of meals and exercise, habituating ourselves to the most effective strategies of daily intermittent fasting that alleviates hunger and puts us into the natural fat burning mode. Several chapters go into great detail on macronutrients to arm dieters and dietitians with the understanding needed for sustainable fat-loss. It includes hundreds of cutting edge studies backing up the recommendations of Maimonides and the Talmud, as well as the best proven short-term and long-term dieting methods for fat-loss and improved health. It also includes 16 charts, 14 graphs/diagrams/pictures, 358 footnote references, a glossary and bibliography. Health professionals are hailing it THE Health Bible, recommending this book to their colleagues and patients for its amazing array of insights and solutions. Click on tab "Add to Cart" and begin your journey to freedom from hunger, faster fat-burning metabolism, and get into great shape. GREAT VALUE!!!  Chapter 15 gives you a summary of the most popular diet books: Atkins, Eat to Live, Paleo, Venice Nutrition Program, Dukan, South Beach, Zone, the Fast Diet, and the American Heart Association's No-Fad Diet. You also receive a physiological analysis of the short and long term effects of each of these diets, and a summary of the pros and cons of each diet. Other chapters give you even greater value. You get a summary of the practical lessons of a BA in dietetics + summaries of studies on how certain hormones increase fat cell number, and studies describing how certain nutrients can help reduce fat cell number + an advanced endocrinology course describing the effects of hormones on metabolism + the greatest pearls of wisdom of the Talmud and Maimonides' diet recommendations, analyzed in the light of the science of physiology. Be the first to reveal to your friends the amazing benefits learned from Maimonides & Metabolism. Click on tab "Add to Cart", and BUY NOW!

Paperback: 346 pages

Publisher: Rabbi Yonason Herschlag (February 27, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0692651683

ISBN-13: 978-0692651681

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (52 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #578,208 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #29 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Reference #66 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Diet Therapy #444 in Books > Reference > Encyclopedias & Subject Guides > Medical

This book reads like a text book, and takes a lot of stamina to get through. It is not for the faint of heart. However, it includes extensive amount of research and some ideas I hadn’t heard of to lose fat (not weight). Many of the recommendations originate from Maimonides, a doctor who lived 900 years ago (hence the title) which seems a bit hokey, but the author shows that Maimonides’ recommendations are in line with current scientific research.He includes a review of the most common diets; the pros and cons and criticism of each. If you have experienced weight loss on certain diets, and then gained back the weight and more, you will understand why from this book. The author explains how your hormones work to defeat you. Instead of prescribing a specific diet, he recommends “diet and exercise policies,” including a way of intermittent fasting, and a temporary fat loss plan. It demands more initiative from the reader to decide how to implement his policies and to what extent, but he recommends gradual changes to sustain fat loss.Some of his “diet and exercise policies” are useful and you can apply right away. For example, the author talks about the advantage of eating a “late breakfast,” at least 3 hours after you get up. I used to eat breakfast even though I wasn’t hungry because it was the “right thing to do.” Then I’d be famished 2 hours later. Now I know why; apparently my cortisol level is high in the morning, and it is better not to eat right away. I can eat 3 hours later, without harming my body. Now I don’t force my daughter to eat breakfast when she is not hungry, I let her eat when it is morning snack time at school. It makes sense to eat when you are hungry, and I realize now it isn’t skipping breakfast to eat a “late breakfast.” This book encourages you to think for yourself and you are free to pick and choose the ideas you want for your lifestyle. I like that the author tells you to change your lifestyle gradually. There is a lot of information in the book about physiology. Some of it is a bit dry, not very entertaining, but you can skip the very scientific stuff because it is in appendices, and you will not miss the flow of ideas. I thought the tables were very helpful, such as one on which foods make you most full.

There are a few different approaches to weight loss, but whatever the approach is, it can usually be boiled down to a few paragraphs, or a couple pages at most. So what’s inside the typical best-selling diet books that makes up the rest of the three hundred or so pages?Looked at it from a perspective of someone interested in diet information, the rest is filler. However, successful publishers know well what makes best sellers. The bulk of the best-selling diet-books is marketing hype. That includes success stories of people who followed the diet. It includes a couple chapters explaining why all the other diets you tried didn’t work. It includes long lists of your health problems, and lists of how you would love to envision yourself slim, strong, energetic, happy, and confident. It includes promises of how following this new unique diet will solve all your problems and enable you to reach your dreams. And it’s all packaged well; put together by a talented marketer/writer that knows how to egg you on.Not so Maimonides & Metabolism. Absolutely no filler. No marketing gimmicks. So what fills up the three hundred and forty pages of the book, if virtually all diet approaches can be boiled down to just a few paragraphs?One of the most interesting chapters in the book gives a summary of nine of the most popular diets. It boils each of these diet books down to their essence, explains the pros and cons of the diet, and goes a little in depth into the physiology of how these diets work. The basic recommendations of Maimonides & Metabolism can also be boiled down to a few paragraphs, but the Maimonides diet is a little more complicated than the standard, as it entails permanent diet policies as well as short-term weight loss policies, and both sets of policies have many fine details.Maimonides & Metabolism has no filler. The entire book is educational, every word of it. Part III goes in depth into what to eat, explaining in detail macronutrients – fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. You will learn how much fiber you need and why, and you will learn which foods are highest in fiber. Which fats are healthy, and which are harmful. Part II delves into the physiology of the metabolic syndrome. There is much to learn about how foods and how the timing of meals effect our hormones. Merely following the recommendations of the diet isn’t the best way to live. By understanding how our bodies work, we can better adjust to the myriad of complex situations that we encounter in choosing what and when we eat, and incorporating exercise most effectively into our schedules.The bottom line is that by the time you finish the book, you will be better informed than most professional dietitians. The book is so densely packed with info that it’s worth reviewing more than once.

Here are my problems with this book:1. Maimonides recommends an early dinner, exercise before breakfast, and a late breakfast. These basic recommendations are derived from Maimonides, however, 99% of the info, physiological explanations, and obviously all the studies are recent = not from Maimonides. Some chapters have little to nothing to do with Maimonides recommendations. So why call the book Maimonides & Metabolism?!2. Although the author does bring some sound scientific evidence to support his theories and the recommendations of Maimonides, it will be a long time before those theories are fully proven, as there are not yet long-term clinical trials that adequately test the impact of an early dinner and late breakfast.3. The book is also not very entertaining. You have to be really serious about learning how to lose weight to get through from cover to cover.Nevertheless, I give the book three stars as it has loads of information on a wide variety of dieting techniques, it goes into depth explaining the physiology behind different dieting methods and their short and long term effects, and it’s backed up with loads of studies. The idea of delaying breakfast early in the morning when the hormone cortisol is high is interesting and logical.

This book is chock full of information, not for the casual reader, but for the serious dieter who wants to learnhow the body works and the best approaches for healthful dieting. All the information is well documented.

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