Nutrition For Health, Fitness & Sport
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This textbook provides the reader with thorough coverage of the role nutrition plays in enhancing one's health, fitness, and sport performance. Current research and practical activities are incorporated throughout.

Paperback: 648 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 9 edition (February 11, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0073375551

ISBN-13: 978-0073375557

Product Dimensions: 9 x 0.9 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (42 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #447,022 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #53 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Alternative Medicine > Diet Therapy #191 in Books > Medical Books > Allied Health Professions > Diet Therapy #215 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Nutrition

This book might serve the purpose of an athlete, but may not be good for a typical student or non-student.It has cited too many references, as if it is for a student pursuing a research program. An average undergraduate student has no time to scan through piles of references cited in this book.It has little by way of visual aids.Its contents do not present a straightforward methodology for an average person to deduce pros and cons of a food menu.It has some biased opinions. For example, Figure 1.4 does not list Smoking as a possible cause for Lung Cancer.It does not give any information about the author, apart from the author's being at the Old Dominion University.The web link [...] stated on the back page of this book is not valid. This becomes a frustrating experience.The book is in Paperback format, is used mainly by community-college students with limited budgets for books, and is not a monopoly book. Many better and cheaper textbooks on this subject are available from other publishers. Thus, this book's price tag of $95 is super high. Even the 7th edition's price tag of $75 seems to be high.

I rented this book for my Exercise Nutrition course. This book helped me go through the class like it was nothing. The book is fairly simple to read and understand. It has really good information about everything nutrition, of course there are more advanced books out there, but this one helped me develop a decent diet change plan and supplements to use and not use. This book and this class has really helped me turn my life around. I would recommend this book to anyone who is taking a class with it required or to anyone who wants to learn about nutrition for your health, fitness or sport

I used this book for a class but ended up buying it. It is very easy to read and is wonderfully organized. I usually rent my textbooks but I bought this one. I reference it while planning my workouts and diet routine. It references many of the current diet and fitness supplements and techniques and explains how and why they work, or not.

I bought this book for a health course but I still have it and refer to it for personal use. Has great information for people who would rather do home remedies for treating common colds and gives great advice and improving immune system and really helps people understand good nutrition and weight loss and learn weight loss skills that really do work.

This textbook was used for my Sports Nutrition class. It is set up pretty well and had lots of info. I rented it from , the condition was not perfect and and highlights in it, but that was ok, and the book was still in a good condition. This would be a perfect book for students taking sports nutrition or for anyone who wants good sound information regarding the topic.

I rented a copy of this book for a masters level course on sports physiology that I was taking recently. The book was fairly comprehensive, was laid out in a logical format, and was easy to understand. Although human biology is a complicated process, and the physicist in me is not a big fan of the less definitive nature of the biological sciences, I'll say that this book does take care not to draw many spurious conclusions, sticks mostly to well researched conclusions and admits uncertainty when it exists. There are very few questions that I had about nutrition or the way our body interacts with nutrients that were left unanswered or unaddressed. The kindle method of delivery I chose is probably the best I can imagine for a text book, since it allows you to easily search for that particular phrase you wanted to cite. Whether this is for a course that you are taking, or if you simply want to learn about human physiology and nutrition, this is a great resource!If you're getting it as textbook resource for a course, and you are allowed digital devices in class, do yourself a favor and get the kindle version. It makes life so much easier!

I have used this textbook since its 1st Edition and it just gets better and better. Covers meat-based diets and plant-based diets, and provides plenty of excellent research studies.

The information in this book is very well organized, updated and explains complex concepts in an easy way. Great illustration. Every person interested in sport nutrition should have it.

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