The Wedge
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The Wedge offers a powerful, proven technique to distinguish you from the incumbent agent and help you win new business. You will dramatically increase your "win ratio" and add satisfied clients to your book of business by researching a potential client, building rapport, and discovering the client's inner dissatisfaction in the current relationship. Learn Why Traditional Selling Doesn t Work Learn What You Need To Know To Win Rapport, Discovery, Differentiation The Six Steps of The Wedge Wedge Scripting Aids and More!

File Size: 503 KB

Print Length: 116 pages

Publisher: The National Underwriter Company; Updated 2008 ed. edition (January 2, 2012)

Publication Date: January 2, 2012

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #382,232 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #26 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Home-Based > Sales & Selling #32 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Insurance > Business #107 in Books > Business & Money > Insurance > Business

After reading The Wedge, and applying its principles to my sales presentations, I landed a rather large account that I know a competitor was also avidly pursuing. That alone makes the investment in this book worthwhile.The Wedge focuses on taking business from your competition, by positioning yourself in a manner that distinguishes your business from your competitior. It is one of the first sales books that I ever read that focuses almost exclusively on the concept of taking business away from your competitors, as opposed to developing sales from independent leads. Given that almost every marketplace is static, with only so many entities available to buy your (or your competition's) product, thinking about and successfully executing methods that get your product before buyers who work with, or may be tempted by a competing product, not only makes sense, but is very wise sales strategy. And I can say - IT WORKS!

I first read How To Get Your Competition Fired and loved it. I recently bought (and returned) The Wedge. It is almost an exact duplicate of How To Get Your Competition Fired. There are a few areas where he says things a bit differently but it's basically the same.I have a feeling The Wedge for Financial Advisors is the same as well. He has one good idea and seems to be rehasing it with different titles, but it's all the same concept. I'd say to get How To Get Your Competition Fired and the Red Hot Introductions book and you'd be set.

I'm not a seasoned sales guy, but I am a business owner that found the material repetitive and pretty basic. I thought the book could have been condensed in about half the space. It seems the going rate is $30 for this book (not much less for used) - so I had pretty high expectations, which fell a little short.Perhaps I'm just a simple guy or not smart enough to glean all I should have from this book. I'll probably keep it in my library to re-read another time - but don't expect to get too much more out of it.This is just my opinion... so it's worth just that :-)

The background context is clearly the insurance industry, with the ever present incumbent, but regardless of the product or service the competition is always close by, and the lessons in this book are applicable to all sales. Organized into eleven chapters in three sections, along with an appendix, the author explains the limitations and drawbacks of traditional approaches, how the Wedge approach is much more positive and successful, and the why. It reinforces the requirement that the sales professionals have to do their homework, know and understand the prospect's viewpoint, and ties in very well with consultative selling. With examples and method maps as training aids, easy to read, the lessons in this book are well worth studying and practicing.

If you're reading reviews of this book, it's probably safe to say that you've read most everything by the...."usuals"......Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Stephen Covey, Tom Hopkins, etc. This book takes you well beyond the basic concepts of selling and "obvious" things that "breakthrough" books have brought us in the salesforce in the past. Premise of book: expose the incumbent agent's weaknesses from every angle, but get the client to do it for you by asking pointed questions at the right time in the sales interview. I truly use the system laid out in this book as my "framework" for my presentations (scripts, rehearsals, trial closes and takeaways are all concepts we are familiar with, but not in the strategic vision presented by Mr. Schwantz). The cost is on the steep side and yes, this book is targeted to the insurance industry. Keep that in mind when purchasing. My company provided me with a copy, but I would not have been disappointed for spending my own money on it.

I have read The Wedge m, this book and also attended the 3 day live training Randy puts on in Dallas, TX. His thought process is spot on. Most sales people don't realize that the prospect has to fire their current provider in order for you to get hired. Sounds easy? The concepts Randy uses and are very unique. The books and training have helped me close more deals but you have to adapt this to your style. In his classroom training you basically take a cold call to a sale in 45 min. That just doesn't happen in the real world. I live in the South (TN) so people move slower around here. If I sold in New York might work better?? Would definitely recommend this book to any salesperson from someone starting out to a veteran in the business. Use the techniques, adjusted to your style but stay close to script, and you will fail at first. As with anything new, it takes practice. Don't read the book try it for a day and see it doesn't work and give in to your old ways. This will change your selling results if you give it the time and effort.

For anyone who wants to close more sales, this is the book to read. I use this book in sales training classes with excellent feedback from students. Randy Schwantz opens up a whole new way of closing sales by helping you do a better job of analyzing your prospect and your existing competition, and by giving you a method to help the prospect ask you for help.

The Wedge: How to Stop Selling and Start Winning The Wedge