Why Does It Happen: Tornadoes, Hurricanes And Typhoons: Natural Disaster Books For Kids
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Tornadoes, typhoons and hurricanes are weather disturbances that your child may be familiar with based on experience. But does your child know the science behind these events? With this picture book, he/she will! Picture books are informative materials that are shouting to be picked up and read. The illustrations are attention-grabbing and the carefully written quick facts break complex concepts into simpler forms. Buy a copy today!

File Size: 4815 KB

Print Length: 32 pages

Publisher: Baby Professor (December 20, 2015)

Publication Date: December 20, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B01A2YJ108

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Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #287,042 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Education & Reference > Science & Technology > Science & Nature > Earth Sciences #5 in Books > Teens > Education & Reference > Science & Technology > Disasters #7 in Books > Teens > Education & Reference > Science & Technology > Earth Science > Weather

This is the third installment of science-related e-books I've reviewed for Baby Professor. I was given a sample to review for free, and sadly I found that a lot of the content in the e-books are plagiarized. This book is no exception. While not all of the content is copied from elsewhere, entire pages are copied from kid related websites such as sciencekids.co.nz and weatherwizkids. It is sad that a book with such beautiful imagery is using content copied directly from other sources and saying it is their own. Plus, they are making money off of it.I expected more from a company that offers these nice e-books. I didn't want to find the copied content, but I did when I was checking some of the facts in the book. This gets two stars because the images are beautiful and I think they really would grab the attention of young kids, but the plagiarism is completely unacceptable.

Best book I have seen so far to describe the differences between tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons. Having grown up in the "tornado alley" of the United States, I think I have know how tornadoes form since I was really young. However that being said, I never knew the difference between a Hurricane and a Typhoon. Now I do. The pictures in this book are awesome but because they are about weather with the power to destroy things they are vivid also. This is a great book for kids and adults alike who want to know where these powerful wind storms come from, how they form and where they form. I absolutely think this book is great for home schooled kids as well as other children just wanting to know about weather patterns and how these awesome powerhouses of nature come about.My grandson is in 2nd grade being an avid reader and loving vivid bright photographs, I am considering buying him the printed edition of this book so that he can add it to his collection of beautiful books with simple yet impressive information.I am grateful to have received this e-book for free for my honest, unbiased and non-compensated review.

This book is fairly short and that works well for younger children with a short attention span. I would say this book is best for the 6-8 year old range. As with all the Baby Professor series the pictures are stunning. Adults and children alike will enjoy learning new facts. Even as an adult I enjoyed the book and wish it was longer.It is a great little book that is delivered in bite size pieces for young children to understand and enjoy. Each page features a fact and a pertinent picture. These are a great starting point for a deeper conversation that you can tailor to their age and curiosity. I recommend reading the Kindle version on a computer or color tablet to get the full effect of the color pictures.I received the opportunity to review many of the Baby Professor books and I highly recommend them. I love the idea of electronic books. You can download a whole bunch of different books for the kids to read. Kids will love to read them over and over again and enjoy the pictures. I love that they are learning based and not just silly little stories with no meaning. I have no problem letting them sit down with the tablet and look through books, plus it is portable!Disclosure: I received this product when it was free to download for all buyers. I did not guarantee a positive review and was not compensated for reviewing the product.If you found this review helpful please click the "Yes" button below, thank you!

I just finished reading this ebook Why does it Happen: Tornados, Hurricanes and Typhoons. This book is full of large beautiful photos that are very clear and crisp and easy to see. You have a page that has a big photo along with a spot that holds information about the storm that is in the photo. Each page has that little bit of fun information to read and learn about the different types of storms. My kids love learning new things and they really enjoyed sitting down and looking through this book with me. My girls can not read yet but they loved just looking at the photos and my son loved reading the bits of information that the book included. It seemed to be just the right amount of information for him. I gave this book a five out of five stars due to the following reasons. BIG, beautiful photos! There is not a ton of information but I feel like for a kids book that it is not to bad. Overall, the pictures are beautiful and it is a very nice book to look through. I would say that this book would be good for kids aged one through nine. Children to young to read will enjoy looking a the big beautiful photos and kids that are old enough to read will enjoy learning a couple bits of information about the different storms. Even though I received this book for free in exchange for my opinion, this is truly my honest and unbiased opinion of the book, after reading it for myself.

This book “Why Does It Happen? Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Typhoons ” belongs to a Children’s book series published by Speedy Publishing. On this kind of children’s books one usually finds excellent photos and basic references that are quite suitable for the underage, for those small family members at home, for those parents who love to teach their children at home and this type of books serve well for teaching purposes at school too.This book refers about how it happens, how it develops and the reasons why in reference to Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and Typhoons.Beautiful photographs with several important facts showing different weather conditions on which hurricanes, tornadoes and typhoons are in effect. Some photos are kind of dramatic based on the destruction that any of those weather phenomenons can affect. Anyway, this is one excellent publication good for teaching purposes at home and school.Please note that I did receive this book in discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. These comments are exclusively mine and my sole intention is to help sellers and consumers to meet offer and demand as a satisfactory two-way event on which both parties will reach an understanding with a happy ending.If this review is helpful for you, then please click the “yes” button below. Thanks for taking the time to read my review.

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