Health In The Later Years
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Health in the Later Years is designed for college students, both undergraduate and graduate, in diverse fields of study, particularly those planning a career in health and human services. The text provides a comprehensive, scientific approach to health related topics affecting elders and those who care for them. Included are chapters that address the major influences on the health of older persons: demography, chronic and acute illnesses, mental health and disorders, medication use, physical activity and nutrition, sexuality, health promotion, medical and long term care, and death and dying, among others. The text takes a "whole person" approach to health including ample attention to cultural differences, psycho-social, economic, and cohort differences.

Paperback: 544 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 5 edition (February 23, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0078028493

ISBN-13: 978-0078028496

Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 0.8 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (15 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #66,926 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #19 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Geriatrics #23 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Geriatrics

I am thoroughly enjoying this class, as so much of it is relevant either to my aging parents, both in a nursing home, or my disabled husband, who has MS. Learning many things, and the book is well-written and not a long boring tedious text. Divided into fairly short pieces that I am easily able to understand (not a bunch of long words that I have to look up). Great book, great class, great format!

Am I the only one who's noticing a lot of typos and information that contradicts other information that was presented previously? I'm not sure I know what "homocide" is, or which population is the least educated because it's either Hispanic Americans or Native Americans according to the book. Some sentences are even missing subjects or verbs.It's an easy read, sure, and it gives you a general overview of the aging population. I'm just bummed I have to decipher some of the more specific facts through bad editing.Bought this for a university course. Not sure this is one I would keep to cite later.

This text was required for my TWU summer class. The one at the bookstore was eighty dollars! Renting wasn't an option. Went to on a whim, and got super lucky!! Can't be the price and it downloaded same day so I didn't get behind in my work.

I rented Health in the Later Years back in September 2013. The book was due back December 2013 and I returned it before the due date. It said I would receive an email saying when the book was received. Here it is Jan 2014 I noticed an email on my phone from and it read "Thank you for returning your rental of Health in the Later Years. We were not able to accept your return for the following reasons: Pages Damaged You have been charged $$$$$$ for the textbook. We will return the textbook to you within 30 days and it is yours to keep." Wow!!! that was an expensive book, I could have lived off the money they charged me for a month. Still waiting to here the outcome. I will never again rent a textbook from again. Whoever inspected the textbook before it left the warehouse must have had cataracts or was blind. Never again will you screw me over .Update!!!! I called the next day to check the status on my refund and they said it may take 2 or 3 business days. I woke up the next morning and check my email. It was refunded back to me, Thanks.

Lots of information provided, and very helpful in my study of gerontology. Information also up-to-date, with good medical background information provided, where appropriate, for the topics covered. Only criticism is book is very heavy on content, almost too much so.

I rented this book for my Healthy Aging class, it came on time and the rental process was super easy!

Happy with the book, worked great for my class. Renting it was definitely the better option here as opposed to purchasing since purchasing was so expensive. Came quickly and in good condition

The book was really new. No mark inside the book or anything. And it ships fast. I will recommend buying from this vendor

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