Genetics Essentials: Concepts And Connections
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Genetics Essentials: Concepts and Connections is the ideal brief text for helping students uncover the major concepts of genetics. Developed from Benjamin Pierce’s acclaimed Genetics: A Conceptual Approach, this “essentials” text covers basic transmission, molecular, and population genetics in 18 streamlined, clearly illustrated chapters that emphasize the connections among key genetics ideas and the importance of developing solid problem-solving skills.

Paperback: 512 pages

Publisher: W. H. Freeman; 2 edition (August 27, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1429295163

ISBN-13: 978-1429295161

Product Dimensions: 9 x 1 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (30 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #208,667 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #51 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Genetics #273 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Genetics #1043 in Books > Science & Math > Evolution

I got this as the text for my class. After we got through a couple chapters it became apparent that whoever edited this book down from the full hardcover version was incompetent. I know that sounds like hyperbole but I am being completely serious. The section on viral and bacterial genomes doesn't actually give you the information to solve the problems. That is only the most serious problem. The questions that do not show answers in the back were not proofread well and it was common for them to contain errors that make answering them impossible. Whoever edited the book apparently only checked the answers for the questions that have solutions included in the book. It got so bad that my professor complained to the publisher and they sent down a representative and the full hardcover versions of the book for the whole class to use for the rest of the semester. They will probably fix the problems with this addition but I will be wary of this book and any others by this publisher as a result of this incident.

This would be a GREAT textbook for a high school biology class, but I found it not detailed enough for a college Genetics class. I was stupid and rented it before the first day of class so that I would be ready to study before anyone else but ended up reading less than 10 pages of it the entire semester. The topics that I did try to read in the book either didn't cover everything on the topic or just weren't detailed enough for my class. That being said, I got a great deal on it by renting through rather than buying it from my book store. I'm still not sure why my professor chose this book for the class, we really didn't need it or use it at all.

Love the loose-leaf...just pop them into a binder. Often I would just pull out the chapter I was studying without handling the entire book. Worked much better if you wanted to carry to class to follow along with the professor.

The text book rental is a great experience so far. I would surely recommend this system to anyone. The book arrived quickly and is exactly what I needed. I'm confident the simple return of the rental ( made very easy for me) will be just as smooth.

I rented this book from for my Genetics course and I certainly was not expecting a brand new book. I am very pleased with this textbook. While it's never fun or easy to take care of a paperback textbook that technically isn't yours, I still am happy with the great service provided by . It came quickly and in perfect condition.

I didn't want to have to pay so much for a textbook that was for an elective, so I decided to get the loose-leaf version. Incredibly great price and I was able to sell it to someone else after I was done with the class. I will definitely be purchasing more textbooks in this format.

Many diagrams that depict mechanisms of molecular genetics extremely well. It is well written with no mistakes found yet to my knowledge. Concept overviews after each section are very succinct an helpful and the concept checks (questions) are very useful as well. The homework/questions at the end of each chapter cover the subject from an easy conceptual style to an in-depth application-oriented manner; therefore, as an instructor you can pick and choose the difficulty levels easily.

This book has a good layout and natural progression of chapters which makes learning the key concepts easier. The ancillary sections are very interesting and help to break up this difficult topic into manageable segments.

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