Thompson & Thompson Genetics In Medicine: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 7e (Thompson And Thompson Genetics In Medicine)
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Through six editions, Thompson & Thompson's Genetics in Medicine has been a well-established favorite textbook on this fascinating and rapidly evolving field, integrating the classic principles of human genetics with modern molecular genetics to help you understand a wide range of genetic disorders. The 7th edition incorporates the latest advances in molecular diagnostics, the Human Genome Project, and much more. More than 240 dynamic illustrations and high-quality photos help you grasp complex concepts more easily. In addition to the book, you will also receive STUDENT CONSULT, enabling you to access the complete contents of the book online, anywhere you go!Acquire the state-of-the-art knowledge you need on the latest advances in molecular diagnostics, the Human Genome Project, pharmacogenetics, and bio-informatics. Better understand the relationship between basic genetics and clinical medicine with a variety of clinical case studies. Recognize a wide range of genetic disorders with visual guidance from more than 240 dynamic illustrations and high-quality photos. Access the complete contents of the book online, fully searchable with STUDENT CONSULT. You'll find "Integration Links" to bonus content in other STUDENT CONSULT titles · content clipping for handheld devices · an interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources · quarterly updates on the material · USMLE questions · and much more!

Series: Thompson and Thompson Genetics in Medicine

Paperback: 600 pages

Publisher: Saunders; 7 edition (June 22, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1416030808

ISBN-13: 978-1416030805

Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.9 x 1 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (36 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #221,127 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #55 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Genetics #138 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Clinical > Diseases #291 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Genetics

This is a quite comprehensive and general overview of medical genetics, with perhaps more focus on scientific research than clinical practice, although both are well represented.However, this is a rapidly changing field of research, and some of the newest techniques (such as whole genome association studies) and most informative websites (such as SNPedia) that are insufficiently addressed in this edition will presumably get caught only in the (hopefully frequent) future editions.

This is a great study guide for the American Board of Medical Genetics exam. It covers cytogenetics and molecular genetics in depth, and also discusses other important concepts such as Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, Population Genetics, Genomics, and single gene and complex inheritance.I have not used the on-line access feature yet, but I have noticed a lot of improvements from the previous printed edition, including reorganized chapters, new/updated end-of-chapter questions, new statistics based on a more updated human gene count/information, and new sections on array comparative genomic hybridization. Overall, it would be essential to own this book if you're studying for the ABMG board exam, although I would also recommend supplementing your studies with other resouces to be more comprehensively prepared.

This is one of those comprehensive texts that can be difficult to wade through at times, but at least the writing is decent even if there is a glut of information. The focus is on the genetic mechanisms of disease and technologies used to detect and augment genetic information. For me, the book serves as a good review and extension of first-year biology, as well as an introduction to where DNA technology came, where it is, and where it might be going.Contents:IntroductionThe Human Genome and the Chromosomal Basis of HeredityThe Human Genome: Gene Structure and FunctionTools of Human Molecular GeneticsPrinciples of Clinical CytogeneticsClinical Cytogenetics: Disorders of the Autosomes and the Sex ChromosomesPatterns of Single-Gene InheritanceGenetics of Common Disorders with Complex InheritanceGenetic Variation in Individuals and Populations: Mutation and PolymorphismHuman Gene Mapping and Disease Gene IdentificationClinical Case Studies Illustrating Genetic PrinciplesPrinciples of Molecular Disease: Lessons from the HemoglobinopathiesThe Molecular, Biochemical, and Cellular Basis of Genetic DiseaseThe Treatment of Genetic DiseaseDevelopmental Genetics and Birth DefectsPrenatal DiagnosisCancer Genetics and GenomicsPersonalized Genetic MedicinePharmacogenetics and PharmacogenomicsEthical Issues in Medical Genetics

I love this book. I needed it for a class but am keeping it just because it explains things so well and it's quite fun to read just on its own, especially just about different diseases. Would highly recommend it!

I know this is bad, but I usually don't buy med school text books unless they're cheap and look interesting (aside from Gray's Anatomy). Hah, hah we go through these things so quickly and everything is so lecture based anyway. This text book is like 2 weeks of med school and a semester of college. I don't think I took anyone seriously enough when they told me how hard med school was.Skimming through it, it is clinically oriented (more than I will hopefully need), but I think it will be very helpful. Genetics is complicated, and the clinical correlates always help me remember the seemingly pointless details we get tested on.Also, I got my book used, but it still had the online code unscratched, which means it came with the electronic version, too. :) That made my Saturday.

This is a comprehensive text for medical genetics, recommended to me numerous times as required reading for the genetics general board exam.

I love this text book. It's actually fun to read and it has a lot of very academically important information conveyed in very well layed out ways. The charts/diagrams are very helpful. This book made genetics a breeze for me.

This book was great and easy to understand. As a first year med student, this book was a great adjunct to my lectures. It was better than the lecture notes as it went into just enough detail to explain the concepts, but was not overly detail and example heavy. An easy read and a must have for med students!

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